Start with an Archangel

Chapter 911 Blocking

The supply convoy from the City of Sighs had long since left the surveillance range of the magic guards released by the wizards. Based on their speed estimates, they should have entered the cemetery.

There were originally Vatican knights stationed in the tomb hall on the first floor of the cemetery, but now there were only three ordinary undead disguised by wizards. As soon as the supply team enters the first floor, they will find that no Holy See knights go up to inquire and greet them.

Next, it depends on how the convoy commander will handle it. If he had doubts and took people further inside, he might be able to delay it for a while; if they raised the alarm immediately, then...

When Da Liang and the wizards entered the tomb, a scream suddenly sounded throughout the underground cemetery.

was discovered.

"Strike!" Lucas reacted extremely quickly. After giving the order, he quickly pressed his hands on the ground. This time he was not hiding his magic release. Brown light emerged from his hand, and then disappeared into the ground instantly, and a circular magic pattern flashed away.

Before the desertification of the ground had completely begun, Lucas had already jumped into the already sunken circle.

At the same time, Da Liang also issued an order to Ye Xie: "Stop Will with all your strength!"

The third floor of the Soul-Eating Tomb is the command center for the City of Sighs' invasion of the Evernight area. It is here that Will directs the City of Sighs' army to fight against the cyan coalition forces in the Evernight. Will knew that he was very weak compared to the cyan coalition. Knowing that the opponent had three level 16 heroes, Will was very careful about his own safety.

Not only did he set up layers of surveillance posts in the Soul-Eating Tomb, he also arranged a teleportation magic circle in the tomb where he dealt with war matters.

This teleportation magic circle does not use any magic energy materials. Two senior lichs take turns keeping the teleportation magic circle open. When Will enters the teleportation magic circle, the lich immediately cuts off the magic power and closes the magic circle. Since the entire magic array is not powered by magic energy materials, no one can repair the teleportation array and pursue Will.

Today, Will is preparing to receive a supply convoy from the City of Sighs, which contains newly recruited undead heroes, which can open up at least five battlefields against the cyan coalition.

The banner of the Monarch of Lament is really very useful in the Evernight area. As long as Lament City sends a small number of troops there, it will immediately receive a response from the local death lords. Therefore, although the teams raised by Sighing City were being wiped out one by one by the cyan coalition, Sighing City successfully gained a foothold in the Yongye area and blocked the expansion of the cyan coalition.

The war develops and changes in Sigh City's plan. As long as this difficult period is overcome, when the Cyan Alliance's military expenditure is exhausted, it will be Sigh City's time to counterattack.

Will even thought about the scene when he regained Eternal Night City, which was truly the pinnacle moment of his life as an undead.

But the piercing sirens put an end to his vision of the future.

An enemy has invaded...

Will didn't think much about the invasion. Where is the enemy? His entire defense plan was to prioritize his own safety, so the moment the alarm sounded, he immediately turned around and rushed towards the teleportation array.

"The battle command here is left to Goethe. Fight if you can, and retreat if you can't..."

Will, who was charging, was still giving orders just as he was about to rush into the teleportation array. A black figure appeared out of thin air in the tomb and crashed into him at high speed.


A huge sound echoed in the tomb, and Will's charging route deviated and he rushed through the portal from one side.

At this time, fine sand began to roll down from the top of the tomb.

The enemy is right above your head.

Will didn't expect the intruder to be so close to him, but he could feel that the other party was not only powerful, but also determined to win against him.

At this time, he also saw clearly what was attacking him.

A creature covered in pitch black and as sharp as a sword.

Level 15.

This was Will's instant judgment, but in the confrontation just now, he could feel that the opponent's strength was far inferior to his own. If it was a one-on-one duel, Will would be sure to defeat the opponent in a short time, but the sand fell faster.

Everything happened in a flash, and Will stopped his momentum without any pause. He spread his wings and rushed towards the portal again. At the same time, he swung the prophet sword with all his strength, and a crescent sword light hit the enemy who tried to block him again.

The enemy was knocked backwards by the sword, and then embedded heavily into the tomb wall.

There is no obstacle ahead...

The fine sand above sloped downwards like the water flowing from the pipe, and a figure fell down following the pouring fine sand.

The pressure instantly spread.

It's Lucas, he's actually here.

Will finally knew who the intruder was, the president of the Wizards Guild, the commander of the Blue Alliance Army, and the number one enemy of the Death Monarchs.

But... your sneak attack is destined to fail.

There was nothing blocking him in front of him, Will burst into speed and crashed into the portal. The lich responsible for providing magic energy to the portal immediately cuts off the supply of magic energy, and the portal disappears.

Then just after everyone thought Will had escaped, a portal suddenly opened in a corner of the tomb, and Will rushed out from inside.

Will stopped suddenly and landed on the ground. Looking at the familiar tomb, Will didn't know what happened?

Shouldn't I teleport away? Why are you back?

The lich responsible for maintaining the portal discovered the truth of the matter. He said: "Lord Will, someone has covered a layer of gates of different dimensions in front of our portal..."

The door to another dimension was released silently by the other party, leaving Will who was eager to escape without any notice. Now that Will is back in the tomb, the portal he used to escape has been closed, and it will take time to open it again.

Lucas was already standing in the middle of the tomb. The wizards fell down from the passage above one by one, and then used magic to block all the supporting knights from the tomb.

Lucas raised his hand and knocked down the two lichs next to Will, and then said to Will: "I have no intention of killing you, I just want to invite you to Eternal Night City as a guest, and I will release you if I have the opportunity in the future. .”

Will, who was still planning to fight, stopped the skill he was about to launch, and said: "Lucas, your words make me very confused. As the mortal enemy of the Wizards Guild, shouldn't the wizards really want me to die?"

Lucas said in a calm tone: "I wanted you to die before, and I want you to die now. But I want to end the war with the death monarchs. When faith no longer becomes an obstacle between us, the resolution of hatred will become It’s possible…”

Hearing Lucas talk about faith, Will thought that he was now a believer in the ultimate faith, and that he and the Wizards Guild had the same goal of becoming a god.

Sure enough, the conflict of faith between the New Unsullied Doctrine and the Wizards Guild is no longer so sharp, and it can even be said that they have the same goal...

Will suddenly had a feeling that this civil war in the Kingdom of Death was meaningless.

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