Start with an Archangel

Chapter 917 Manor

Da Liang looked at the magic symbols filling his field of vision and couldn't help but sigh at the complexity of this magic circle. I'm afraid only an alchemist of Nicole's level can combine it and restore it. Anyway, after just watching for a while, Da Liang felt dizzy and couldn't get any clue.

"Master Nicole, how long will it take to restore this magic circle?"

Nicole had already flown into the air and was trying to arrange a small section of the magic array, and then said: "I need to distinguish the main structure and secondary structure of this magic array first, and also understand the magic circuit... This is a It's a big project. I can't give you an exact time. It may take a few months, or it may be longer.

Well, now that Black Pearl is helping me, this time can be shortened. "

Black Pearl stood aside and was equally fascinated by the complex magic runes. After receiving Nicole's trust, she said in a panic: "Yes, mentor Nicole, I will definitely work hard to complete my work."

Da Liang looked at Black Pearl who looked unconfident.

Although this little ship girl has been passed down by Nicole, she is only an intermediate alchemist after all. Facing such a complex magic circle, she is really of little use. To really play a supporting role in this work, at least one more senior alchemist is needed.

Senior alchemists are very valuable scientific researchers for any city. Not only do they receive very high salaries, they are also closely protected.

But Da Liang really has a more suitable candidate on hand.

Miniya is a senior alchemist and now presides over the alchemy laboratory set up by Daliang in Destiny Manor. Moreover, Minia is also a senior high-level wizard, a survivor of the original Wizards Guild City of Sighs branch, and a participant in opening the crystal wall passage on the plane of God. If she could come to assist Nicole, she would be able to greatly shorten the time it takes to restore the magic circle.

It's just that Miniya is a member of the Wizards Guild. Although she works indirectly for Daliang, Daliang's trust in her is far less than that of Nicole.

It's time to meet Minya.

Da Liang, who had no role in the alchemy work, left Nicole's alchemy laboratory and flew back to his destiny manor in the foggy area.

As more and more players settle in the Mist Zone, the reputation of the three inaccessible areas in the Mist Zone has become more and more famous.

Mist District Church, Destiny Manor and Snowfield Manor.

The Church in the Mist District serves as the administrative center of the entire city. If players want to get a higher status here, they can only contact the high-level tasks in the church. But at present, only Tokugawa Nobunaga of the Rising Sun Guild has opened up high-level relationships with the church in the Mist District. The benefits are naturally obvious. The Rising Sun Guild has gained a lot of convenience in the Mist District, and even directly controlled an important block, becoming the most influential player. The group, then with the support of Death's Shadow, became the helmsman of the player interest group in the Mist Zone.

For those player groups with ambitions in the Fog Zone, completing high-level tasks in the Fog Zone Church is undoubtedly the most convenient way to improve their status. However, it seems that no other player except Tokugawa Nobunaga can knock on the door of the church in the foggy area. All players can do is accept public tasks posted outside the church door.

So... after the road to the church in the foggy area was closed, the guild leaders targeted Destiny Manor and Snowfield Manor.

Based on contacts with residents in the Mist Zone, players know that both manors belong to a human NPC named Eviscerate, and Eviscerate controls most of the gray industries in the Mist Zone. Most of the original residents of the Mist Zone are not good people. They were quite honest when they were poor in the past. Now that the Mist Zone is getting richer and richer, these villains have become more active.

They formed a tight organization, based in taverns all over the foggy area, and ran all the businesses that made quick money. Players who are new to the foggy area always have to suffer big losses from them several times before they know how to survive in the foggy area.

Snowfield Manor is a place where Eviscerate troops are stationed. The security is extremely tight and no moving things are allowed to come within a hundred meters.

In comparison, Destiny Manor is much more relaxed. Players will not be attacked as long as they do not break into the manor.

Destiny Manor is where Ebony lives. It has been transformed into an environment suitable for non-undead creatures to live in. Through the low walls, you can enjoy green grass, fountains and various leisurely animals.

Although Destiny Manor does not have as many guards as Snowfield Manor, the heroes here are very powerful. There was once a player guild that organized thousands of people to test Destiny Manor. As a result, Destiny Manor only sent one elf butler, and the group of thousands of people was wiped out. Then the residents of the foggy area immediately retaliated against the players' guild and would not stop until the guild was beaten out of the foggy area.

Don't piss off Eviscerate, this is a consensus among players in the Mist Zone.

But unfortunately, no one has seen Evisceration, so there is no way to rely on Evisceration's task chain to improve his status in the foggy area.

Da Liang maintains absolute control over the foggy area through another method.

The players thought they had divided control over the interests of the Mist Zone, but they didn't know that all of them were working for another player.

Da Liang returned to his room, enjoying the lunch specially made for him by the tauren chef and the dining service of his exclusive maid Minya, and listened to the butler Mike's report on the management of the manor.

Daliang still admired Mike's ability to manage the manor. He could only use one word to describe his feeling at the manor, which was "comfortable".

Just like this time when I suddenly returned to the manor, there was no panic or mistake in the entire welcoming process. From the time they entered the manor to the time they sat here, the servants and employees were doing their jobs where they should be. They saluted and greeted Da Liang when he passed by, which not only made their master feel their respect, but also did not cause them to be disrespected by the master. Come back and make the whole manor go crazy.

During the meal, Mike directed the servants and the kitchen throughout the meal.

The dessert was placed in front of Daliang first, then the side dishes, main dishes, soup, and all the food were placed on silver tableware. Finally, Mike personally opened a bottle of red wine and handed it to Minia.

This is the enjoyment of nobles.

The smell that comes out of it can only be exuded like this by the accumulation of generations of ancient families, but Mike did it in less than a year.

Perhaps this has something to do with the self-consistency of the game, but it is undeniable that Mike is indeed very good at the job of housekeeper. His talents were fully utilized here, and Daliang even felt that... Destiny Manor was really too small for Mike.

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