Start with an Archangel

Chapter 918 Recruitment

After listening to Mike's report, Daliang said: "I agree to expand the scope of the manor and allow all employees and servants' families to move into the manor. As for extending the opening hours of the manor to residents of the Mist Zone...

I think my life should not be disturbed too much, so let’s build another park.

Don't worry about the cost for me. Everything I do in the Mist Zone comes from the support of the residents of the Mist Zone. I am also willing to take everyone to enjoy life together. "

Mike praised Daliang: "Sir, you are really a generous ruler."

"Yes, I am very generous to people who sincerely serve me." At this time, Da Liang stopped eating and said to Mike: "I feel that a Destiny Manor cannot fully utilize your management talents. Now I am Build a bigger home, a private residence as big as the city.

If you are willing, I would like to entrust it to your management.

But the premise is... you must be loyal to me before I can hand over such an important industry to you.

Don't rush to answer me, think about it carefully. "

In the past, Daliang could only hire but not recruit Mike, which was related to his own strength. At that time, he was a speculator, dealing with various forces in the foggy area.

But now Daliang is no longer what it used to be.

Many forces in the foggy area were either killed by Daliang or attached to him. He is also the bishop of the church in the Mist District, and he controls both the black and white in this city.

Mike is one of the few people who knows Daliang's identity in the Unsullied Holy See.

The Unsullied Holy See is very exclusive. Although Eviscerate has great influence within the Unsullied Holy See in the City of Sighs, none of the non-undead residents in the Mist Area know that their boss, Eviscerate, has a very high position in the Unsullied Holy See. status. Not to mention those players who can only wander outside the Unsullied Holy See. Even Tokugawa Nobunaga, who has gone the furthest in the Unsullied Holy See mission in the City of Sighs, doesn’t know the name of the Bishop of the Mist District.

Perhaps players will know Eviscerate's dual identity in the foggy area in the future, but now... As the Zero of the Shadow of Death, Daliang used the intelligence resources in his hands to know that he hid himself very well.

As Daliang's steward, Mike is very clear about his status in the City of Sighs.

Bishop of the Mist District, deputy speaker of the Unsullied Holy See Council in the City of Sighs.

Compared with the upstarts who first came to the Mist Zone, Daliang's current influence in the City of Sighs is very terrifying.

Coupled with Daliang's expanded personal strength and military strength, it has far exceeded Mike's original understanding. Therefore, Daliang believed that the time was ripe to recruit Mike, and he very much hoped to recruit this powerful management hero.

His large tomb requires a professional manager to make overall arrangements for so many things and the army.

In Mike's eyes, Daliang's development speed in the City of Sighs was nothing short of legendary. They, the veteran forces in the foggy area, were all killed inexplicably. Then he killed the Bishop of the Mist District and obtained the management rights of the Mist District.

Next, Mike couldn't believe what he saw. Now, the human being he serves has reached the pinnacle of the City of Sighs almost in the blink of an eye, controlling the richest district in the city and influencing the direction of the Sad Lord's administration.

Moreover, Mike also investigated Daliang. He knew that Sigh City was cooperating with Shangjiang City in the main world, and he also knew Daliang’s identity in Shangjiang City. He also knew that the Mist District was only one of Daliang’s many industries, not too dazzling.

Now that Daliang has offered to recruit him, Mike is no longer as resistant as he was at first. He also feels that a destiny manor is too small for him.

Mike was not in a hurry to reply to Daliang: "I understand, sir. I will definitely consider it carefully."

After listening to Mike's report, Daliang met Polly again who came over after hearing the inquiry.

Polly manages the gray industry in the foggy area for Da Liang. As a former general under the Flea King, Polly is really at home in the foggy area. Surrounded by like-minded people who all have ambitions to do bad things, Polly has a bad streak. Combining the two items, Polly, with the support of Daliang, quickly organized the residents of the foggy area.

However, as the players in the foggy area became stronger and more organized, the gray business in the foggy area began to suffer competition from players.

After reporting to Daliang the major events that had occurred in the foggy area in recent days, Polly also talked about some of the difficulties he had encountered.

"To solve the current predicament is to enhance one's own strength. Now that Macaulay is in Sigh City, the power of Flea Street in Shangjiang City is of no use to him, and Joyce is about to become king, and she will not allow fleas The street continues to be uncontrolled like this. Before Shangjiang City takes action on Flea Street, go and attract all those villains to the foggy area.

Now the environment of the foggy area is not much different from the main world, and with my support, they will only do better if they follow you.

In addition... don't squeeze out adventurers too much. We must learn to use some small profits to let adventurers deal with adventurers. We don't need our people to do everything themselves.

These are my opinions...

Don't be in a hurry to go back. Let's have dinner together before leaving. "

Polly himself was a lowly thief who was looked down upon by others. Being invited by Da Liang to enjoy such a high-level lunch made him flattered to the point that he was embarrassed repeatedly.

However, with Mike's help, Polly still happily finished the meal with Daliang.

Lunch is over.

Polly left happily, and Mike directed the servants to take away all the tableware, and soon only Da Liang and Minia were left in the room.

Daliang signaled Miniya to pour him a glass of red wine, and then said: "Miniya, last time you told me that you wanted to meet the alchemist master who works for me?"

After Miniya poured the wine, she stood aside with the bottle. When she heard Daliang mention the alchemist master, her expression immediately became excited: "Yes, I really want to see that master." A master alchemist, I have many questions to ask her. Since the death of Elder Quentin, the problems that have troubled me have accumulated more and more.

Elder, can you arrange for me to meet with this master? "

Da Liang picked up the wine glass and swirled the red wine inside, allowing the wine inside to fully contact with the air, so as to bring out all the aroma of the wine.

Although Miniya was very anxious, she still waited patiently for Da Liang's answer.

Daliang stopped shaking the wine glass, and then said: "I feel that just one meeting cannot solve all your problems, and this master is busy with a very important work and does not have time to answer your questions alone.

Minya, I can arrange for you to work next to this master, so that you can study in the place closest to this master.

By the way...

I have obtained the six pieces of angel equipment that record the opening of the crystal wall passage on the God Plane. Now these equipments are in the hands of this master. We are about to reopen the passage opened by Elder Quentin and stand closest to the God Plane. .

Moreover, this master is a level 16 hero who understands the law, and she can promote deeper research on the divine plane.

I thought you'd be interested in joining in.

But first... you must pledge your allegiance to me. "

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