Start with an Archangel

Chapter 919 Intelligence Officer

Within the structure of the Wizards Guild, branches have a relatively high level of independence. Now that Daliang has got all the angel equipment, he is not afraid that the people from the Wizards Guild will know about it. Moreover, the angel equipment is in Nicole's hands and cannot be taken away even if it is snatched.

Therefore, Daliang told Minya the truth, and even if the recruitment failed, it would not affect their relationship.

For Minia, the conditions proposed by Daliang this time were really too tempting for her.

The goal of a wizard is to become a god, but the City of Sighs branch threw away all their research results. Daliang used his own ability to regain the angel equipment and keep them as his own private property. Minia did not feel anything wrong. What she is concerned about is whether she can participate in the research on the divine plane when the crystal wall channel of the divine plane is opened again.

Moreover, the person leading the study of becoming a god this time is actually a 16th-level hero, a master of alchemy, whose ability is definitely stronger than that of the previous Elder Quentin.

After Elder Quentin opened the crystal wall passage on the God Plane, he never made any progress in research. All his abilities and talents stopped in front of that crystal wall. Now...the research data of the original City of Sighs branch has been re-obtained, and the crystal wall passage on the God Plane is about to be opened. If a 16th-level alchemist master can do deeper research based on Elder Quentin's research results...

Does this mean that the opening of the divine plane is not far away?

It was a moment that no wizard could refuse.

Loyal to Daliang... Miniya no longer has the heart to resist. During the long-term contact, Miniya has also experienced the expansion of Daliang's power, and even knows more than Mike.

Powerful lords are very attractive to every hero.

In fact, Miniya also knows that the things she has been doing are no longer much different from those of Daliang's subordinates. The only remaining relationship between her and Daliang is the employment contract.

Miniya knelt on one knee in front of Daliang: "Dear Lord, Miniya is willing to be loyal to you..."


Vampire (undead level 7 creature)

Attack: 10

Defense: 9

Kill: 50-80

HP: 300

Troop special skills: Bat transformation, flying, blood-sucking.

Hero Unit: Level 69

Attack: 123 (including equipment)

Defense: 121 (including equipment)

Knowledge: 125 (including equipment)

Intelligence: 139 (including equipment)

Specialty: Intelligence officer (Minia once served as the head of external liaison of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild. Her expertise was fully utilized and she was highly valued by Elder Quentin. She is good at the organization and establishment of intelligence points, intelligence analysis, and breakthroughs. event handling.)

Hero Special Skills: Master Water Magic, Master Eagle Eye (Have a chance to see through enemy spells and learn them, increasing detection and counter-detection capabilities), Advanced Alchemy, Advanced Earth Magic, Advanced Spiritualism...

Skills/Magic: Ice Magic Ring, Disguise Technique, Protective Aegis...

Miniya's attributes are simply incredible. She is a finished 15th-level hero with dual master-level skills. As soon as she joined the Black Fire Leader, she immediately became the number one in combat power among all of Daliang's subordinates.

However, Minia is not a combat hero. Her expertise in intelligence processing can help Daliang share a lot of information processing pressure.

With the continuous expansion of Daliang's power.

The main world, the kingdom of death, the world of heroic spirits, the crystal veins, the magical forest, and the dreamland, these planes have been more or less interfered with by Da Liang, and I feel that my energy is not enough. Now Daliang spends most of his game time dealing with trivial matters in the territory. Where is it attacked by wild monsters and needs repairs; where is the probability of war breaking out and it is necessary to replenish troops; what is the situation of the various forces, no matter how big or small it is? It needs to be dealt with by Da Liang.

There is no way, Daliang has no heroes who are good at dealing with these trivial things, and Daliang cannot let these trivial things expand, so he can only do them himself.

Also, as the Death Mentor of the Wugou Protestant Religion, Daliang no longer has a pure superior-subordinate relationship with the Sad Monarch. There are already signs of conflict, and as Protestantism expands in the Kingdom of Death, the conflict between him and the Melancholy Monarch will only become more and more obvious. After the Wizards Guild and the Lord of Death reached a reconciliation, the contradiction between the Protestant leader and the proposer of the ultimate belief became the main contradiction in the Kingdom of Death.

In order to prevent the sad monarch from counterattacking in the future, Daliang also needs to take precautions.

Winning over the Wizards Guild is one thing, and the other is to strengthen one's control over the Kingdom of Death. The intelligence network must be improved.

Minia's demonstrated expertise will undoubtedly allow Daliang to implement many of his ideas.

The most important thing is to take Minia to Nicole's alchemy laboratory first, and open the crystal wall passage on the plane of God as soon as possible. Moreover, in the past, Nicole's alchemy time chamber and the wizards' alchemy time chamber were conducted separately, resulting in a huge waste of research power. Now you can use Minia to clarify the division of labor between the two alchemy time chambers, thereby strengthening your research capabilities on the divine plane.

After thinking about it, Miniya's role can actually bring the operating efficiency of the entire Black Fire Territory to a higher level. Daliang does not need to do everything by himself. He can use his energy on important things and spend more time with Shu Xiao.

Thinking of Shu Xiao, Daliang's heart was filled with sweetness. He found Shu Xiao's name in the friends column and sent him a private message: "My dear disciple, what are you doing? Do you need help from me?"

Shu Xiao's message came back quickly: "Master, do you have many acquaintances in hell? Didn't you brag last time that you knew the King of Hell Lords and the King of Fallen Angels?"

Daliang was very puzzled. Wasn't Shu Xiao doing the mission of Yunzhong City in the world of heroes? Why did you complete the mission in hell and still ask yourself if you have many acquaintances in hell?

"What does bragging mean? I didn't bring you to meet a hell lord last time...

The King of Fallen Angels, I definitely know him if I say I know him. A few days ago, we were drinking tea in a room and discussing a big business deal.

Tell me, my teacher has a lot of people on the road to hell. If you have any difficulties, just come to me. "

With Daliang's guarantee, Shu Xiao had great confidence in her mission. She said to Daliang: "I am now outside the Despair City of Hell. This is the main city of Buck, the Seventh Lord of Hell, King of Pain. Right here Yesterday, it was captured by an infernal army of unknown forces.”

Daliang was really shocked when he heard the news.

Hell's Despair City is a main city no matter how you say it. It's been attacked no matter what! There were no signs at all before. Look at the Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death. The fight is really known to the world...

Daliang immediately asked: "What happened? How could Despair City be breached so easily?"

“Yunzhong City also feels very strange about this war.

After all, everyone's attention is now in the direction of Hell's Furnace. The Demon King of Pain is not in Despair City, but is preparing for a war with Satan in Hell's Furnace City.

As a result, a large number of hell troops surrounded the City of Despair from all sides the day before yesterday. After the attention of the defenders of Despair City was attracted to the periphery, an army composed entirely of advanced demons arrived at the central area of ​​Despair City through space teleportation and quickly occupied it. Important locations.

Then the war lasted only one day, and the city of Despair was captured by the unknown hell army. "

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