Start with an Archangel

Chapter 920 City of Despair

After the battle in Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death, the plane's attention was focused on hell, preparing to watch the battle between the fallen angels and the lords and kings of hell.

Satan's strategy is very simple and clear, which is to gather the old troops they gathered to directly attack Hell's Furnace City. Then while fighting, he showed his power to the hell lords from all sides of hell, urging them to return under his banner.

When Satan commanded his army to march towards Hell's Furnace City, the fallen angels also gathered their own strength, preparing to completely destroy Satan's remaining influence in Hell in this decisive battle in Hell's Furnace City. As long as they defeat Satan openly and honestly on the frontal battlefield, then the fallen angels can truly own hell and carry the banner of the evil camp.

Both sides are using their influence to raise the armies of hell.

On Satan's side, there are three hell lords: Satan, the arrogant demon, Ergos, the fear demon, and Angela, the jealous demon.

On the fallen angel side, there are three fallen angel kings, as well as the sin demon king Morgan and the pain demon buck.

After the disappearance of the Demon King of Deception, Beelzebub, and the Demon King of Greed, Misuka, Satan's side lost its original advantage. It was supposed to be a devastating expulsion battle against the Fallen Angels, but ended up having to fight a confrontation with an unknown outcome.

Facing the ferocious Satan who vowed to take back the Crucible City, the Fallen Angels actively prepared for war. Not only did they gather their direct troops, they also recruited two other Hell Lords, Morgan and Buck.

Both Morgan and Buck participated in the trapping and sealing of the five hell lord kings. They were afraid of Satan's revenge and fully supported the fallen angels. The two Hell Lord Kings not only personally supported Hell Furnace City, but also brought their own elites to prepare for a big battle here.

As a result, no one expected that a demon army would dare to attack the main city of the Demon King of Pain at this time, when the City of Despair was at its weakest.

Who occupied the City of Despair?

Nobody knows.

The occupying party also did not identify itself to the outside world. After they occupied the city, they activated the space disruptor, cutting off all space transmission capabilities between the city and the outside world, and prohibiting any living being from approaching the City of Despair.

At the same time, many baits were placed around the city and ambushes were set up. After the troops teleported from Hell's Furnace City suffered several ambushes and suffered heavy losses, they no longer rashly sent troops to infiltrate and investigate Despair City.

Whether it is the space teleportation in Hell Furnace City or the space teleportation in Cloud City, it requires a lot of energy. They will not waste energy or troops at will.

Under the pressure of the Hell Lord King, they could only temporarily abandon the City of Despair by default.

Now the party that controls Despair City has begun to expand its occupation area and seize the resource deposits around Despair City.

And all parties still know nothing about this hellish army.

The task Shu Xiao received from Yunzhong City was to investigate the City of Despair. However, facing the tightly defended city, not even hell creatures could enter, let alone that she was a human.

"The army that occupied Despair City is definitely not from Hell's Furnace City. It may be a partial force of the Hell Lord King. But since Satan is preparing to fight the fallen angels in Hell's Furnace City, why would he waste such an army and take risks? Attack the City of Despair. You must know that if they fail this attack, they will probably die in vain.

It doesn't seem to make much sense to abandon an important military force on the main battlefield and beat the drum here.

If you win the Hell's Furnace Battlefield, you win the whole game; if you lose the Hell's Furnace Battlefield, it will be useless no matter how many side chess you occupy. "

After commanding the Judgment Legion for so long, Shu Xiao still has some strategic vision. At a glance, it can be seen that Despair City has little significance for the current strategy implemented by the Hell Lord Kings. It seems to be a very dazzling victory, but it is actually a strategic mistake.

A powerful army was trapped in the City of Despair. Faced with the counterattack of the Hell Lords subordinate to the Demon King of Pain, it was impossible for this army to participate in the battle of Hell's Furnace City.

Daliang knew that from a strategic point of view, Shu Xiao's analysis was correct.

However, taking into account personal subjective factors, the occupation of Despair City by the Hell Lord Kings this time may not be a clever move.

The jealous demon Angela often used the teleportation array of the Judgment Leader and often met with Daliang. Naturally, she talked about the two hell lord kings who betrayed them.

Among them, Buck, the Demon of Pain, likes to torture people and watch them suffer.

Now that his Despair City has been taken over by others, it is definitely a very painful torture for the Demon King of Pain.

What will he do?

Will he desperately counterattack the City of Despair?

If the Pain Demon King insists on leaving Hell Furnace City regardless of the entire war situation and returns to support his own city, it will be a major weakening of Hell Furnace City for the Hell Lord Kings.

As long as the defenders of Despair City can contain the Demon King of Pain, the power of Hell's Furnace City will be reduced by one-fifth.

Contain this seventh hell lord king...

Satan, Ergos, and Angela cannot leave the main battlefield. Perhaps Howard is the only one with this ability among them.

In addition to Howard's personal strength, which has reached the peak of level 15, what is truly terrifying is his ability to command troops. He was in Shangjiang, and Joshua, who controlled five cities, did not dare to resist. What Howard has now is not the Shangjiang human army that treats angels as treasures, but the hell army that high-level demons use casually.

The hell lords in the territory of the Pain Demon King cannot be Howard's opponents in an army confrontation. Even if the Pain Demon King comes in person, they may not be able to easily break through the city defended by Howard.

Joyce said that Howard has never lost a battle. This is not flattery, it is real hard power.

If it was Howard who was in Despair City, there should be no problem for Da Liang to take Shu Xiao for a walk inside.

But all this was Daliang's guess. If it wasn't Howard who occupied Despair City, and he took Shu Xiao to break in, wouldn't he risk his death and be embarrassed?

Da Liang used his brain and quickly thought of a countermeasure, and then said to Shu Xiao: "I may have an acquaintance in Despair City, and now I'm going to find someone more familiar. As long as the two of them can get online, it's absolutely safe for us to enter Despair City. no problem.

You wait for me. "

"I understand. I'll wait for you. I can't get in anyway. Go and kill monsters nearby. Call me when you get there."

After receiving Da Liang's reply, Shu Xiao flapped his angel wings and led a group of players and subordinates to fly towards a monster spawn point.

Behind them is a hell city with a radius of ten kilometers. The red lava river protects the city in the middle, and the tall city walls are burned red in the high temperature.

In the city that had just experienced the war, thick smoke was rising from everywhere. The army of hell occupied the city wall, the magic girls showed off their seductive figures, and the magic towers all over the city shot out defensive shields to protect the city inside.

Outside the city, nightmare beasts were galloping in droves, and demons filled the sky.

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