Start with an Archangel

Chapter 921 Competition

The former leader of the Holy Temple, the Fool, was also in Despair City at this time.

The investigation of Despair City is the last task for the selection of the Yunzhong City camp against the team builders. The player who is the first to confirm who has occupied Despair City will have the authority to form a team to fight against the World of Heroes camp.

The Fool's team was disbanded by Yunzhong City due to major mistakes and inaction in the battle of Eternal Night City. The Fool was excluded from the competition. Therefore, the Fool chose to support the king, the second commander of the original temple, as the main force for this competition authorization. player.

After going all the way, the king finally reached the last level, and the difficulty of the last level was not ordinary.

The occupiers of Despair City do not have any communication with the outside world. Once they get close, they will attack resolutely. There is no way to enter the city through the mission flow. However, the City of Despair is still well defended. The Temple has lost more than ten players with the Thief specialty, and they still have not found a way to enter the core area of ​​the City of Despair, let alone the demonic castle in the center of the city.

Now, the best way for the Holy Church is to let those competitors withdraw from this mission. As long as the king himself is the only one left in the mission process, Yunzhong City has no choice whether to complete the mission or not.

The Fool and Foreign Countries stood on a volcanic peak outside the City of Despair. While the forces of the Holy Church were actively looking for a route into the city, they also coerced and lured all other competitors into giving up the mission.

Working as a player is relatively smooth. After all, the Templars are very powerful, and they can always find ways to threaten their competitors, whether inside or outside the game.

Soon four of the five contenders gave up on the mission under pressure from the Temple. In the progress bar of the King's Mission, there is only one player codenamed "Chang'e" left.

The king said to the Fool: "We contacted 'Chang'e', but she did not respond to our request. According to the origin of this code name, 'Chang'e' should be a player in the Chinese game area, and it does not rule out that she is seriously radiated by Chinese culture. Korean game area and Japanese game area. Our people found a group of players who were leveling up in a monster spawning area northwest of Despair City. They are probably the 'Chang'e' mission team."

The Fool said: "In the face of our threat, the other party still dares to stay in the mission. It should be because she has confidence in her own strength and power. But... she is facing our Holy Church this time.

I will talk to Chang'e on the regional channel. You ask our people to pay attention to the reactions of the wave of leveling players and confirm whether they are Chang'e's mission team. "


Despair City Regional Channel:

"Chang'e, I know you are here in the Despair City of Hell, and I am the Fool of the Holy Temple.

I believe my team has contacted you, and I once again hope that you can withdraw from this selection task. In return, we can agree to some less-than-excessive conditions. "

"Chang'e" is the code name Shu Xiao gave herself during this selection mission. During the mission, this code name was her other game identity. Of course, she had received a resignation letter from the church with many threatening keywords before, but she chose to ignore it.

This time the Fool actually made another threat on the regional channel. I can't bear it anymore. If I don't fight back, how will I lead the team in the future? Wouldn't it embarrass Master Daliang? Daliang has always been a critic of heaven and earth on the public channel, and has never been cowardly.

Shu Xiao asked the elite Judgment Legion team he brought to set up a cordon around the area. And changed the game identity information to Chang'e, and then said on the regional channel.

"Hey, since you made such an excessive request to let me withdraw from the mission, why don't you let me put forward excessive conditions? Besides... I just give it to you, what can you do? You were destroyed by the shadow of death group time and time again, and you were dismissed. Okay, if you don’t overestimate your capabilities and compete shamelessly, what use do we human players have from you?”

Swearing people does not expose the shortcomings, Shu Xiao directly opened the scars of the temple this time, making the fool so angry.

"Our temple has gathered the strongest players in the human race. In the confrontation between the camps in the Kingdom of Death, no one can do better than us. Even if you are lucky enough to win this competition, you will not be able to summon more powerful players than us. A strong team. If you represent the human race, you will only be beaten worse. The cruelty of the camp confrontation is beyond your imagination."

"Bah! Even Da Liang has not joined the temple, how can you still have the nerve to claim to be the strongest? If I can win, I won't want anyone from your temple. I just use players from our Chinese game area and camp teams. I've already thought of a name, it's called 'Myth'.

Don't be dissatisfied, the opponent in the world of heroes is hell, but sister, I have many acquaintances in hell, and they are all at the level of bosses.

From now on, just leave the battle against the hell camp to me, and you can all retire..."

What does it mean to have many acquaintances in hell, and they are all bosses?

I feel so good about myself that I can’t communicate at all!

what to do?

At this time, the king said to the Fool: "The group of players we are staring at should be Chang'e's team. Brave Heart has confirmed that the other party is from the Judgment Legion in the Chinese Game Zone. Chang'e should be Suiyue, the deputy commander of the Judgment Legion."

The Fool frowned and said, "Is it Da Liang's army?"

"Yes, since Daliang does not often stay in the Judgment Territory, the Judgment Legion is actually under the full command of Broken Moon. This time Broken Moon comes to compete for the right to form a planar confrontation team in the world of heroes, which should be benefited and supported by Daliang.

Daliang has great influence inside and outside the game, and we can't find a breakthrough to force him to withdraw from the competition for the time being. "

Shu Xiao's sharp tongue made the Fool no longer think of talking to her. He said to the king: "Since Chang'e insists on not withdrawing from the competition, we will let him know the strength of the Holy Temple. In the Kingdom of Death, we lost to the home team. Destruction, in hell everyone is an away team, I don’t believe we can still lose to Daliang.

Inform all the knights in the temple to bring their teams to gather in Hell's Despair City. It's time for us to show off our muscles. "

Under the Fool's command, the original Templar knights scattered around the world immediately teleported into hell with their men, and then teleported city by city towards the City of Despair.

After Shu Xiao let out a breath of anger, he said to Gu Tao, who had come with him to help with the task: "These guys from the Holy Church are intimidating others to leave because they don't have the ability to enter the City of Despair. Fortunately, our background is deep enough, so we don't have to be afraid of them." .But they didn’t scare me this time, they will definitely use other stupid tricks.

I think the Templar might attack us. "

Gu Tao looked at the red world around her and said worriedly: "Then what should we do? How about... let's call more people?"

"Yes, call more people. In a group fight, we in the China Game Zone are really not afraid of anyone. Don't tell Daliang in advance. I'll contact Uncle Jin, and you contact Xu Man."

It's time for us to flex our muscles. "

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