Start with an Archangel

Chapter 925 The choice of Wang Yushuai

Only a few parties involved knew about the Five Color Flag Alliance, and Joyce had not officially ascended the throne and could not sign any covenant on behalf of Shangjiang for the time being, so the fewer people who knew about it, the better.

Bartlett was unaware of this matter. He only knew that the dragon mission came to Shangjiang for business cooperation, but he did not expect that they had secretly reached a military alliance.

Form an alliance with the dragon clan whose basic level is level 15?

With Shangjiang’s power, it’s a bit impossible!

Moreover, Daliang actually joined the Five Color Flag Alliance as a single party and became one of the colors.

What does this mean?

Howard and Bartlett looked at each other. The Earl of Shangjiang's status in this world far exceeded his title. In the game of this camp, when they were still involuntary pawns, the person in front of them had become a new player in the game.

The one who thinks the least in the field is probably Shu Xiao. Although she doesn't understand many things, she can be sure that Daliang is very awesome now.

Regarding Daliang's last question, Howard also began to face and think about it.

Join the Five Color Flag Alliance and be protected by a level 16 hero. Even if the Hell Lord King regains Hell, he will not attack Shangjiang easily, so the agreement between himself and Angela will have no meaning.

Howard said with a smile: "If I talk about returning to Shangjiang, I'm afraid I will become unpopular with some people."

Daliang said: "Your Majesty also said that Joyce's ability to govern is not strong, and she does not have much ambition for power. If your Majesty returns to Shangjiang, she will definitely return the throne and will not consider the gains of those of us who follow her. Nobles.

At that time I would persuade Joyce to leave Shangjiang with me. "

Howard asked Bartlett again: "If Joyce and Earl Daliang leave Shangjiang and I become king again, what will Shangjiang look like? Please answer me truthfully."

Bartlett thought for a moment and said: "Marquis Stanley will alienate us, and Duke Joshua will stop the construction of the road and win over Jiading City. Marquis Stanley is not Joshua's opponent. Once the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is With Joshua's influence, he only needed to divert the trade route through Shangjiang City to destroy Shangjiang City's economy.

If we want to survive, we can only go to war against Jiading City.


Needless to say, Bartlett will reunite with Shangjiang, and the Five-Color Flag Alliance will not care about this kind of civil war.

Even at that time it was unknown whether Shangjiang was still in the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Howard was not depressed by the results of Bartlett's inference, he just smiled self-deprecatingly: "It seems that Joyce is more suitable for that throne than us living kings and dead kings.

Count Da Liang, I will not return to Shangjiang, at least not until Joyce's throne is consolidated.

And the agreement between me and Angela can no longer bind me. Now I have an army of hell in my hands and occupied a main city of hell. Angela has no energy to interfere with any of my actions until the war in Hell's Furnace City is over.

what should I do? What do you recommend? "

Howard didn't go back to Shangjiang to fight for the throne, so Daliang didn't have to worry about everything he did being wedding clothes for others. Otherwise, according to Joyce's character, it is estimated that as soon as Howard shows up in Shangjiang, she will throw away the crown and leave.

Joyce must be the king of Shangjiang City now, so that this city can become a boost to Daliang. And Howard is the king and will only find ways to reduce his power. Daliang only needs Shangjiang to fully support him until this crisis is over, and whoever becomes king in the future has nothing to do with him.

Howard's decision shows his strong personality and charm, and Daliang is willing to further cooperate with such a hero.


Daliang said to Howard: "First of all, I need to know your plan. Is occupying Despair City to lure Buck, the Demon King of Pain, over?"

Howard nodded and said, "That's part of the reason. The disappearance of Beelzebub and Misuka not only greatly reduced Satan's strength, but also left him with two less people to make suggestions.

Satan is stubborn and does not accept my command of his army, and even wants to take away my military power.

So I proposed this idea of ​​dividing the troops through Angela, attacking the City of Despair to induce the Pain Demon Buck to leave Hell Furnace City, so that Satan would have one less level 16 hero to deal with.

My suggestion was approved by Satan, and the defense of Despair City was worse than I imagined. "

Da Liang asked again: "If Buck, the Demon King of Pain, counterattacks the City of Despair, how will you resist it?"

"Because this attack went very smoothly, the city defense of Despair City has been well preserved. We can rely on the magic towers everywhere to cooperate and defend. As long as we don't leave the city casually, even if the 16th-level hero personally attacks the city, it will not be possible in a short time. To break through our defenses, I think there is no problem in holding on for a few months.

With Bartlett assisting me this time, I can hold on for a while longer.

I completed my mission to the best of my ability, and all that was left was to see if Satan could win in Hell's Furnace City. "

At this time, Daliang asked: "What if we catch Buck, the Demon of Pain?"

Capture Buck, the Lord of Pain?

Howard really didn't think about this outcome.

If you want to capture Buck, you must ask a 16th-level hero to take action. However, no matter whether Satan, Ergos, or Angela, any Hell Lord King leaves the front line of Hell Furnace City, the fallen angels will immediately launch a full-scale attack.

Originally, there were three versus four level 16 heroes, and no one had an absolute advantage. But once it becomes two against four, Lucifer will not give up this great opportunity.

Therefore, in Despair City, Howard can only deal with the Demon King of Pain alone.

Facing the attack of a level 16 hero, the defense had to rack its brains. How could Howard dare to catch the Pain Demon?

However, Daliang said that the Five Color Flag Alliance has several level 16 heroes, so catching the Pain Demon becomes a possibility.

Howard quickly thought about the feasibility of capturing the Demon King of Pain, and then said: "It is easy to defeat the 16th-level heroes who understand the law, but it is very difficult to capture them. If they want to escape, it is almost impossible. captured.

But if the Painful Magic Buck is exhausted from attacking the City of Despair, and several level 16 heroes take action at the same time, controlling and sealing him as quickly as possible, there is still a relatively high success rate in capturing Buck.

I want to know the abilities of the level 16 heroes in the Five-Colored Flag Alliance who can participate in the battle, and personally direct the capture of Buck, the Demon King of Pain.

There can be no mistakes in any link here, and only I know when is the best opportunity to take action. "

Daliang said: "This battle can be left to your command. Once we capture Buck, then no city in the entire territory of the Pain Demon King can block your attack. Even the entire hell except Hell Furnace City is at your disposal." gallop.

Shangjiang City can provide you with military expenses to expand and maintain the army.

When the Fallen Angels and the Hell Lord King are in a stalemate, your army can decide who will win the final victory. "

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