Start with an Archangel

Chapter 926 The Good Guy Shows Up

Howard smiled and asked Bartlett: "Is Shangjiang so rich now?"

Bartlett nodded and said, "That's how rich you are."

Howard, who has been leading troops all year round, knows the importance of money to an army. Satan can quickly pull out an army that can attack Hell's Furnace City. In addition to his influence in hell, it is also because he has obtained sufficient money from unknown sources. military spending.

If Howard wants to be independent from Satan's army, he must become financially independent. The City of Despair can support him to maintain the current size of his army, but it does not have the ability to support his expansion and conquest.

If Buck, the Demon King of Pain, can be captured, Howard's hands and feet can be freed, and if sufficient military expenditures can be provided, Howard can use all his commanding abilities on the battlefield of hell. As long as there are no level 16 heroes to directly stop him, he can make his army snowball bigger and bigger.

Are there any level 16 heroes in hell who can stop him?

As long as there is no winner in Hell's Furnace City, no level 16 hero will dare to leave there.

Therefore, the restriction on the size of Howard's army depends on how much money Shangjiang City can spend.

Seeing Bartlett's answer so casually, Howard suddenly had the idea to go home and have a look...but it wasn't the time yet.

Anyway, as long as the military expenditure can keep up, Howard can build an army in hell that can affect the ownership of hell.

"It feels so good to be able to spend military funds at will during the war." Howard was happy when Shangjiang was prosperous; Howard was also happy to be able to fight. He said to Daliang: "Implement this plan according to it. Next, I will send the army to take the initiative. Attack the other cities of the Pain Demon and force him to come to the City of Despair.

As long as he dares to come, we will make it impossible for him to return. "

Howard gained Bartlett as a powerful force, and the two well-coordinated heroes joined forces again, destined to leave their names in this plane war.

And Daliang also intervened in the struggle in hell at the right time.

He holds Howard's military funds, allowing himself to stand in an offensive and defensive position on the battlefield of hell.

After the plan to capture the Demon King of Pain was finalized, Daliang said casually: "Your Majesty, when I came to Despair City, I found many adventurers gathering outside the city with evil intentions. In this extraordinary period, Despair City needs to strengthen its control over the surrounding areas. and prevention.”

Howard originally planned to hold on to the city, so he did not exercise too much control over the surrounding areas of Despair City.

Now that the strategy has changed, Despair City will be his main base in the future, and he needs to beware of hostile demon lords using adventurers to cause damage. Large-scale gatherings of adventurers are absolutely not allowed and must be eradicated.

Howard said to Bartlett: "I'll leave this matter to you, and by the way, get familiar with the combat methods of the hell army."

Bartlett took the order and walked out.

Daliang immediately shouted on the territorial channel:

"Fly away, fly away, leave no one behind! Fly away all of them!"

The players in the Chinese game area were still on the free Despair City regional channel, greeting the players invited by the temple. As a result, a big boss suddenly appeared on the higher-level territory regional channel.

Daliang, the legendary player. Aren’t everyone here just for Daliang’s sake?

Suddenly the regional channel started to flood the screen.

"It's good, Mr. Liang."

"Mr. Liang, come out for tea when you have time..."

"Mr. Liang, do you have any business to make a fortune?"

Can’t these players understand human language?

Bartlett had begun to mobilize troops to prepare to leave the city. Players in the Chinese game area could understand that Daliang had tipped off, and very few people flew away. The more people scolded him even more because of Daliang's appearance.

Notifying everyone via private message is definitely too late.

The helpless Daliang had no choice but to say on the territorial channel: "Thank you for your help this time. Now my mission in Despair City has been completed. To thank my friends, I have a great thing to tell you.

Let’s talk about it when we go back to China. Let’s talk about it all when we go back to China. "

If Daliang said it was a good thing, it must be a good thing.

This time, the players in the Chinese game area did not hesitate. After a flash of light, they all disappeared, and then the monsters finally appeared.

The players on the other side of the temple are still confused.

What Daliang said was also translated into a language they could understand. What did "Fly away, fly away..." mean and to whom he said it.

Something good is going on in the Chinese gaming area. The opponents who have been scolding each other have returned to China. What should we do?

After being scolded for so long, isn’t it time for the Holy Church to pay some lip service?

The Fool had an ominous premonition: Daliang said that his mission in Despair City was completed. Could it be referring to the camp confrontation selection task? How did they get into the city?

At this time, the king who was near Despair City called over: "It's not good, the army of Despair City left the city in large numbers, and we were involved in the battlefield."


The Fool finally knew why Daliang asked the players in the Chinese Game Zone to leave the City of Despair.

All players stranded around the City of Despair have been involved in the war, and return to the city and some convenient teleportation methods are unavailable. The demon army of Despair City has swept over, and the originally quiet volcano began to erupt, the ground cracked, and magma spread.

The originally relaxed scolding battle turned into a disaster in an instant. Facing the tide of nightmare beasts and the scythes wielded by the demons, the unorganized and weak players became the ones being harvested and even escaped. Neither can be done.

Players in the Chinese game area who had returned to China and were waiting for Daliang to tell him the good news were told to log in to the official website of the Judgment Leader, and then witnessed with their own eyes the massacre that took place in the City of Despair.

How miserable!

If they came back a little later, they would be among the people who were tortured and killed.

At such an urgent moment, Mr. Da Liang did not run away first, but called us...

What a nice guy!

After bidding farewell to Howard, Daliang and Shu Xiao took a video of the Despair City army annihilating foreign players, and then both left Hell and returned to Shangjiang City.

Shu Xiao was very happy when the task was completed. This meant that she had completed all the selection tasks and was qualified to form a camp confrontation team belonging to the world of heroic spirits.

"I always follow you when playing games, and you often scare me. Now I want to be the boss too!

‘Myth’, this is the name I gave to my camp confrontation team, not bad.

And you must be lucky enough to be the first member of my team. I have personally chosen the code name for you. Let’s call it ‘Jade Rabbit’. It sounds nice.

no need to thank me! "

Daliang was very dissatisfied with his code name: "What should I thank you for? 'Jade Rabbit'... What a stupid name. Those who don't know think I'm a woman, those who know think I'm Mr. Rabbit. No, change it, I want to be 'The Jade Emperor'."

Shu Xiao's attitude was very firm: "It's called Yutu."

"I want to be the Jade Emperor."

"Jade Rabbit."

"Why are you competing with Rabbit? Don't you think Jade Emperor is very suitable for my current status and temperament?"

"Because my codename is 'Chang'e', I want to hold you in my arms every day."

"Oh well……"

……………………Dog food……………………

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