Shu Xiao's heartwarming emotions instantly made Daliang surrender.

Jade Rabbit is just Jade Rabbit, it sounds much better than Bajie.

At this time, Da Liang remembered that he was still the number zero of the Shadow of Death. With the confrontation teams of the two camps in hand, he could naturally cooperate with each other to complete tasks in the future, but he must also be careful to prevent the Myth and the Shadow of Death from getting involved in the same camp confrontation.

Fortunately, the myth belongs to the world of heroic spirits, and the main mission area is in hell; the shadow of death is in the main mission area of ​​the kingdom of death... The hostile plane is a magical realm, but because the death monarchs have no energy to trouble the elves, the activities of the shadow of death at this stage are The scope is also limited to the realm of death.

Therefore, Myth and Death's Shadow do not have much conflict in their respective tasks.

However, Shu Xiao still needs to be reminded.

"Ahem..." Daliang said to Shu Xiao: "I have always had a secret, now is it time to tell you?"

"No way?" Shu Xiao said in surprise: "Do you have any quirks that I didn't notice? Don't worry, just tell me, I will never discriminate against you."

Da Liang adjusted his emotions, retracted his thoughts from Shu Xiao's jumping brain circuits, and then said: "I am telling you about things in the game, what are you talking about with me? My psychology is very normal. ...No, talk about games, talk about games.

The secret I want to tell you next is... I am the Zero of the Shadow of Death. "

After hearing this, Shu Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Are you kidding... Everyone knows that the real ID of Death Shadow's No. 0 is Mie Shi. He is recognized as the number one in combat power. He defeated hundreds of thousands of soldiers and killed the No. 1 person in the entire temple in a single fight.

If you want to pretend to destroy the world, at least your body can be on fire... Wow! You can really get angry. "

Shu Xiao's laughter stopped suddenly because Daliang had transformed into the form of the leader of the flames in front of her. The tall and burning body stood in front of Shu Xiao like a wall of fire.

Looking up at Lieyan Commander, who was two heads taller than himself, Shu Xiao said blankly: "Can this game be played like this?"

Taking advantage of the fact that Lieyan's leader form was not discovered by other players, Daliang returned to his human appearance and whispered to Shu Xiao, who was still in a daze: "Do you see clearly?"

Shu Xiao nodded: "See clearly."

"From now on, Death's Shadow and Myth belong to our family. Be careful when accepting camp missions and don't start fighting by yourself... Do you understand?"

Shu Xiao nodded: "I understand."

"Be careful when doing camp missions in hell in the future. If you encounter difficulties, just come to me. I have many acquaintances. Do you understand?"

Shu Xiao nodded: "I understand."

"Okay, that's all. Go to Cloud City to hand in the mission. It's best to join Metatron. He doesn't have much enthusiasm for plane wars and won't issue too radical camp missions. Hell's Furnace Try not to accept quests around the city.

The team should first seek stability in the early stage, and the number of personnel should be high rather than high. First, let’s build a framework based on players in the Chinese game area. It’s easy to use if you know the basics. Other members are recruited in densely populated places on all continents, and it will be convenient to obtain intelligence in the future.

Go quickly.

I believe that Sui Yue’s name will be as loud as Daliang’s in the future. "

Shu Xiao encouraged herself: "Yes, Master, I will work hard!"

The high-spirited Shu Xiao was taken away by Da Liang...

Then, Daliang said on the internal channel of Death Shadow: "The World of Heroes is about to establish a new camp confrontation team called 'Myth'.

I have had in-depth exchanges with Chang'e, the boss of Shinhwa, and we all agree that there is no obvious conflict between 'Myth' and 'Shadow of Death' in the camp confrontation, and cooperation will make our mission smoother.

Therefore, 'Myth' and 'Shadow of Death' will form a strategic partnership...

Be careful when doing tasks in the future to avoid accidental injuries. "

The disbandment of the Holy Temple is a big event for all camp opponents. There is a gap in the important position of the good camp. Who can re-organize the camp confrontation team for the world of heroes is everyone's attention.

The original Holy Church naturally has an absolute advantage in this competition.

They were disbanded by Yunzhong City not because of lack of strength. Among the eight opposing teams, the strength of the Holy Temple was almost the same as that of Orion. Orion was able to overpower the Holy Temple and ranked second because the flying sand and stone added a lot of pressure to Orion. point.

The Temple was disbanded because they were so unlucky.

An NPC that was extremely important to Yunzhong City was killed under their care, and during a crisis of trust, he was destroyed by the group in Yongye City, making it impossible to proceed with camp missions.

In the end, the Holy Church angered Yunzhong City and was disbanded.

But the strength of the Holy Temple is still there, and another person can still get the right to form a camp confrontation team.

What surprised the Shadow of Death Apostles was that when the World of Heroes team was still blank in the camp confrontation team, their number zero actually said that the camp confrontation team representing the World of Heroes was an organization called "Myth", commanded by Guan Chang'e is also not a member of the original Holy Church.

The temple was overrun at the most critical moment!

The important thing is that Zero has also formed an alliance with this camp opposition team that represents the world of heroic spirits. From now on, the good camp has its own people, and it will definitely have a great advantage in intelligence, and it will be very easy to complete tasks.

But can "Myth" and "Shadow of Death" really work together? What is the relationship between Number Zero and Chang'e?

When the envoys had various questions but could not find answers, the news of the formation of the camp confrontation team representing the world of heroic spirits was announced.

Zero is right,

It's a "myth"!

At this time, Daliang came to Qingye Island.

This island has been built into an important naval base under the jurisdiction of the Blackfire Fleet. It is close to the upper river, making it convenient for supplies and ship maintenance and repairs. At this time, Admiral Sidney of the Black Fire Fleet was leading the main force of the Black Fire Fleet to make repairs at the Aoba Island Pier.

The patrol team under the banner of Pudong Fleet established a warning zone on the sea to prevent any players from approaching Aoba Island.

In the castle built on Qingye Island, Daliang met Sidney.

The Crusader hero who followed Joyce on an ocean raid has grown a lot. Not only has the hero level been raised to level 46, many navigation and naval combat skills have reached advanced levels, and Sidney has become an unqualified ocean fleet commander.

Then the task of forming the White Fang pirate fleet and leading the fleet to raid the sea belongs to Sidney.

After meeting Da Liang, Sidney immediately submitted an expansion plan for the Blackfire Fleet. He believes that as the intensity of maritime competition intensifies, if the Blackfire Kingdom wants to ensure the safety of its sea lanes, it must expand the existing Blackfire fleet to a large fleet with 30 three-masted warships and 200 two-masted warships as the main force. .

"If possible, I hope that you can order one to three battleships from Shangjiang City to improve the offensive and defensive capabilities of the entire fleet in large-scale maritime battles."

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