Start with an Archangel

Chapter 929 Heading to Songjiang

Using Howard to join the war in exchange for the Sulfur Cave is far less operable than exchanging the Cathedral of Evernight for the crystal veins.

There are too many uncertainties about Howard's campaign in hell.

Whether or not the Pain Demon can be captured determines whether he can let go of Howard's hands and feet. If he fails to capture Buck the first time, it will be difficult to capture him again. But with Buck watching the City of Despair, Howard didn't dare to attack at will.

Moreover, Hell can fight against Yunzhong City, and there are so many famous heroes. Although Howard has very high commanding and military abilities, can he really maintain victory in hell?

Whether they can switch to the Brimstone Cave in the end depends on whether the fallen angels and Satan are in a stalemate, neither one can do anything to the other, and at the same time they are just a hair away from failure.

All kinds of conditions converged, and it was possible to exchange Howard for the Sulfur Cave on the condition of participating in the war.

Regarding his allies, Daliang told Amber the truth about all the possibilities, and then said: "This is my plan. Supporting the Allied Forces of Hell can improve the military strength of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. However, there is only a certain possibility of changing to the Sulfur Cave. , so Chief Amber doesn’t have to have high hopes, we can just try our best together.”

Amber is very grateful to Da Liang. A glimmer of hope is better than no hope, and as long as the Five Color Flag Alliance increases its support for the hell allies, the chance of the plan's success will definitely increase.

"Thank you very much for everything you have done for the Poison Dragon Clan. Regardless of whether I can return to the Sulfur Cave this time, I will always remember your kindness to the Poison Dragon Clan.

In this actual combat exercise, I guarantee that the Dragon Robbery Team will go all out. "

Amber agreed to help with the mission, and Daliang immediately mobilized the fleet to set off.

There are four prisons where archangels are held, namely in the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, South Pacific and Indian Ocean. Taking the ocean current route and transiting through Brady, the entire voyage will take about ten days.

Daliang asked Sidney to command the four fleets to sail and formulate the entire attack and retreat plan.

"This rescue mission must be completed before Joyce's coronation ceremony begins."

Four fleets set off carrying the dragon robbery team.

After everything came to an end, Shangjiang was still preparing for the celebration of the new king's enthronement.

At this time, Daliang took Archangel Julian to Songjiang Underground City to find the prophet to prepare for the separation of Julian and Juliet.

Julian's current situation is very bad. Not letting Juliet come out has accelerated the evil's erosion of Julian. The Hell's Angel status has increased to three hours a day, and Juliet has reached the edge of forced appearance.

According to Juliet's character, once she comes out, she will definitely go to purgatory to collect extremely evil power to speed up her control of the body.

Therefore, during this period of time, Daliang has been allowing Julian to practice peacefully and avoid too many battles that would make her lose control. When he first investigated Feichen Island, Julian was almost killed because he lost control.

Fortunately, Da Liang has completed most of the preparatory work of separating Julian and Juliet.

Thinking about the whole process, Daliang couldn't help but sigh. Once a person is forced into a hurry, he can do anything.

The prophet said of separation Julian and Juliet:

Julian needs to be promoted to the 15th level Holy Angel to balance the biological level with the 15th level Hell Angel. Julian's current hero level has reached level 41, and he has mastered advanced offensive techniques, advanced defensive techniques, advanced air magic, master-level sacred energy... Master-level sacred energy extends the secondary skill Holy Judgment Blade.

Sure enough, he is a highly talented archangel who was born in the middle of the birth pool. After reaching a certain level, his skills will be improved on his own, and everything will fall into place.

Da Liang once again felt Metatron's deep resentment after Julian was recruited by him. The result was that Yunzhong City's favorability towards him was -1. Daliang really admired Metatron's self-cultivation.

Now Julian has comprehended the master-level sacred energy (which improves the effect of angel's exclusive combat skills) and has the qualifications to advance to become a holy angel. After completing Metatron's mission this time, Daliang was going to find him to advance Julian... He hoped that Metatron would agree, and Daliang was mentally prepared for Metatron's harsh conditions.

Then there is the search for an extremely good divine power to balance Juliet’s extremely evil divine power. The extremely good divine power needs to be found somewhere close to the plane of God. The passage leading to the crystal wall of the divine plane is about to be opened. If the extremely good divine power cannot be found there, we can only give up Juliet and give priority to keeping Julian.

If all goes well and the separation of Julian and Juliet can be completed, an artifact will be needed to balance the power of the two of them.

Divine weapon... Daliang dared to bet a hundred packs of spicy strips that when six pieces of angel equipment were put together, it would definitely be a magical weapon.

The artifact is finally available, and the fountain of life that restores Julian and Juliet's lives damaged by separation is in the hands of the prophet.

The important moment is finally approaching.

Now Songjiang City has closed all communication with Shangjiang. It is very difficult for non-Songjiang City players to enter the city, not to mention that Daliang is now an extremely unpopular figure in Songjiang.

It is impossible to enter Songjiang through the teleportation array. You can only use the underground passage, and Da Liang is not allowed to pass through the main passage.

Therefore, Da Liang could only use Songjiang's local Rampage Niutou Guild to take him on a path that was not under the control of the black elves.

Only one person is allowed to pass through the narrow passage, and the underground monsters that appear at any time are a great test of a person's strength and reflexes. The army is basically unable to pass through, so such a small road is not taken seriously by the black elves.

Daliang and Julian wore smocks that concealed their identities and crossed the path to officially enter Songjiang.

This is Daliang's third visit to Songjiang, three times with three identities and three different treatments.

Mistress Abigail completely gave up the idea of ​​integrating into mainstream society and abandoned all Daliang's policies in Songjiang, leaving the city completely under the high-pressure rule of the black elves.

Killing all disobedient people with a butcher's knife seems to be more effective.

However, businessmen and players also gradually left Songjiang under this high pressure. Economic pressure caused Songjiang's black elves to return to the route of plunder. The weak Abigail did not dare to rob on the surface, so she targeted the weaker underground tribes.

These have nothing to do with Daliang for the time being. He took Julian to avoid the black elf patrols and came to the prophet's cabin.

The players who used to queue up to receive the mission have long since disappeared. The black elves’ constant harassment caused the Prophet to permanently close the place. He and his resurrected lover lived in the underground Garden of Truth, enjoying a life of planting flowers and grass.

After Daliang and Julian entered the prophet's cabin, a portal opened in front of them.

The prophets already knew they were coming.

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