Start with an Archangel

Chapter 930 Painful Julian

There is a strong magical atmosphere in the Garden of Truth, and various precious herbs can be seen everywhere here under the irrigation of magic spring water.

Here Daliang met the prophet and his lover, Jenny. The last time I saw Jenny, she was still lying in the crystal coffin, and now it was completely impossible to tell that she had been resurrected from death.

The effect of the Fountain of Life is really too powerful.

The two of them planted flowers and grass together here, and their reunion made them cherish each other even more.

The prophet was very happy to see Daliang. He enthusiastically introduced Daliang and Julian to Jenny, and then personally used the magic spring to make a cup of tea for Daliang with the effect of permanently increasing magic power.

Magic +100

After drinking tea, Daliang told the prophet his purpose...

"Master Nicole can use law-level power in the state of Thunder Body. With her presiding over the combination of angel equipment, the crystal wall passage on the God Plane should be opened soon. Julian's situation is very bad now, and Juliet must be separated as soon as possible. .”

Julian stood beside Daliang. She maintained a straight posture, but her face was full of sadness.

From Shangjiang to Songjiang, Daliang did not allow her to use force. Daliang was protecting her all the way, which made Julian feel very uncomfortable, because she should do these things for her lord.

But suppressing the increasingly violent Juliet has exhausted Julian.

The prophet had long since seen that Julian's condition was dire and that the separation must be effected as soon as possible. The prophet told Jenny the names of several herbs, and then leaned on his cane and said to Daliang and Julian: "Come with me."

The reason why the Garden of Truth is full of magical energy and can cultivate precious herbs is because there is a magic spring here. The magical energy of the magic spring can even maintain the vitality of a dead body. Jenny's resurrection depends on the nourishment of her body by the magic spring.

The magic spring gathered into a pool next to a thatched hut. The full magic energy formed a magic rainbow over the pool, and several elves were shuttled in the rainbow.

The prophet took Da Liang and Nicole to the edge of the magic spring. He gently tapped the water with the tip of his stick, and then recited a spell.

The water surface that was originally as calm as a mirror slowly rippled, and colorful brilliance began to shine from the bottom of the spring.

Then the prophet said to Julian: "Take off all your clothes and walk to the middle of the magic spring. This period of time will be the most important moment in your life. As you fight against evil, your soul will be further purified."

The magic spring will replenish your mental depletion and use all your strength to fight Juliet. Even if she is a 15th-level Hell Angel and you are only a 14th-level Archangel, her rank does not mean that she is stronger than you.

Defeat her, my child...

Let her fear you, fear you, and approve of you. Let her know that you are in charge of this body! Always will be! "

Daliang took out his earl badge and put it in Julian's hand: "Julian, you are my first warrior and have always been my most trusted warrior. In all the battles we have experienced together, you have never given up. I have been disappointed, but you will not let me down this time. Juliet is not terrible. We used to make her obedient, but now we are so strong that we can make her obedient.

Holding my badge, I fight Juliet with you. "

Julian held Daliang's badge in her hand. She took off her blouse to reveal the silver full-body armor underneath. Then she knelt down on one knee and presented her angel sword in front of Daliang: "My lord, my sword should be for you. Fight, but now I can't wield it, please accept this sword. When I can draw the sword to fight for you again, please give it to me again..."

After Da Liang took the angel sword, Julian stood up and walked towards the magic spring.

The battle armor retreated one by one as she moved forward, and the inner linings were also removed one by one...

Julian walked naked into the magic spring, and the water submerged her little by little. Her long golden hair exuded a holy light.

Jenny on the side poured the prepared herbs into the magic spring.

The prophet said to Da Liang: "It's enough for Julian to be here. The energy of the magic spring, guided by the potion, will enhance her sacred energy, which is enough to slow down the evil's erosion of her.

You must prepare the conditions required to implement the separation technique as soon as possible, and I will also prepare the necessary medicines. "

Da Liang glanced at Julian in the spring again, and then said to the prophet: "Julian, please take care of the prophet. We will open the crystal wall passage to the plane of God as soon as possible to find the extremely good divine power."

After Daliang handed Julian over to the prophet, he was about to leave. At this time, the prophet said: "Abigail was greatly stimulated. In my divination, she seemed to be performing some extremely evil ritual, making her power increasingly powerful.

I can't see much more than that because of my connection to a higher power.

But I can be sure that Abigail is very dangerous now. "

For the prophet, the higher power must be the 16th level law power.

What's Abigail doing? Daliang knows nothing about Songjiang City now, but she doesn't have the energy to care about the black elves now. Even if Abigail passes that evil ritual and becomes a 16th-level hero, there will still be the Holy Bella who protects Shangjiang to deal with it, or even worse, the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Daliang didn't believe that Abigail could do anything when she was alone.

Daliang left the Garden of Truth and returned to the city and back to Shangjiang.

In the underground prison of the Lord's Mansion of Songjiang City, Abigail was in the middle of a large magic circle. The dark matriarchs stood on the magic energy nodes everywhere and chanted spells.

A circle of bloody witches stood around the magic circle.

Groups of captured cavemen, harpy witches, evil eyes and other dungeon creatures were driven into underground prisons while tied up with ropes.

The bloody witches quickly killed these underground creatures and threw them into the magic circle.

These corpses were devoured by the magic circle the moment they entered it.

A group of underground creatures were killed, and another group was brought in...

Abigail stood in the middle of the entire magic circle. She prayed devoutly to the Dark Dragon, asking the Dragon God to give her strength.

The Dragon of Darkness is not a real creature. He is a condensed body of dark divine power. He responds to prayers after accepting sacrifices. Generally, the more valuable the prayer is, the more sacrifices are required.

Abigail knew that if she wanted revenge, she needed stronger power, and what she prayed to the Dark Dragon was also strength.

Before being given the power she wanted, Abigail's request for her subordinates was... constant sacrifices.

The black elves in Songjiang have begun to go crazy, and the iron-blooded killings have made more black elves fall under Abigail's command.

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