Start with an Archangel

Chapter 931 Attend the meeting

In the Pacific Ocean in the game, the conflict between the American Game Zone and the Chinese Game Zone is becoming increasingly fierce. Both sides want to obtain as many benefits as possible in the Pacific Ocean.

When negotiations fail to resolve disputes, fighting inevitably begins.

Regardless of the outcome of the battle, a large amount of supplies will be lost, especially in an encounter at sea. The sinking of a ship means that everything in the ship will be destroyed at the bottom of the sea.

However, the huge untapped benefits in the ocean have caused players from the two game areas to still pour into the ocean one after another.

It doesn't matter if the ship sinks, just build new ships and continue to go to sea.

However, shipbuilding blueprints, building bare ships, equipping peripheral weapons, purchasing supplies and spare parts, and recruiting sailors all cost money. Especially when large guilds compete for a certain resource area, more than ten battleships will be needed after a battle.

After there is not enough reserve funds, the first thing everyone thinks of is to get a loan from a player's financial institution, first replenish the armament, and then use the money obtained from fleet development to repay the loan.

Due to the current high returns from ocean development, the credit business of player financial institutions is booming. As long as the player bank has a certain scale and credibility, and is officially recognized by the game, the speed at which it makes money can be described as making money every day.

But while this player financial system is making money, Yingshi Virtual Bank, the largest player bank in China's gaming area, is rapidly losing market share and its transaction volume continues to decline because of the conservative financial policies insisted on by Boss Jin. However, Boss Jin not only raised the door frame for lending, he also raised the deposit interest rate to attract more players to store their spare gold coins in Yingshi Virtual Bank.

Boss Jin even activated an emergency mechanism for collecting gold coins, and through downstream gold merchants, he quietly collected gold coins from places with low gold prices in the game world for storage.

If money is collected but not released, it is dead money. Instead, interest will be paid to depositors.

When the profits of Yingshi Virtual Bank reached the bottom and entered negative growth and began to lose money, those shareholders who had long been dissatisfied with Boss Jin finally couldn't hold it any longer.

The board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank launched the accountability mechanism, and a meeting of major shareholders was held to require Boss Jin to give shareholders a reasonable answer.

If shareholders are dissatisfied, they will vote to remove Boss Jin from his position as chairman and CEO.

As the major shareholder of Yingshi Virtual Bank, Daliang can usually not appear on the board of directors, but this time he must attend the meeting to support Boss Jin and carry out the strategy of collecting funds.

Before going to the Yingshi Virtual Bank Building, Daliang met Xu Man first.

Boss Jin owns 11% of Yingshi Virtual Bank, Daliang owns 6%, and the University Alliance owns 5%. Together, they own 22% of the virtual equity of Yingshi, and they are a small group with a very powerful voice.

As soon as Xu Man got in the car, he asked Daliang: "Why has Yingshi Virtual Bank's loan review become stricter recently? We haven't had much trouble with loans from the University Alliance, but the members of the Northern Lords Alliance actually started from Yingshi on many projects. You can't lend money in the virtual bank. The economic situation is so good now. They are just short of money and eager to expand their territory. It's not like they won't repay the money they borrowed. Why are they so strict in censorship?

Are you and Boss Jin planning something again? "

Daliang came to pick up Xu Man just to establish a united front on this issue. Therefore, Daliang told Xu Man truthfully about the inference of the plane war.

"Sister Man has also experienced the Battle of Evernight City and should know the strength of these high-level planes. Faced with the invasion and plunder of the base camp plane, players who are optimistic about progress and development will definitely be hit hard.

Yingshi Virtual Bank has increased the loan review threshold to prevent money from being given to high-risk investments, which will eventually lead to situations where the money will not be returned.

Return gold coins and purchase gold coins. It was to cope with the hunger of the gold coin market after the war broke out. At that time, we could use one gold coin to do what ten gold coins cannot do now. "

Xu Man did not expect that Daliang would have such a judgment about future plane wars. Like most players, she believed that the main world did not belong to the good and neutral camp and would not be affected too much by camp wars. The main world is for players to accumulate strength. If you have the strength, go to the plane war to gain benefits. If you don't have the strength, just play your own game in the main world.

The main world is too big and too chaotic for the base camp plane. If we have the troops to fight in the main world, we might as well fight more hostile camps.

However, Xu Man also knew that Daliang played this game very deeply and knew many secrets that most players did not know. He said that the plane war would affect the main world and even asked Boss Jin to make such a major change in financial strategy. Then He must have solid information.

If a war on the scale of Eternal Night City took place in the main world, then this place would definitely be destroyed.

Xu Man thought about the recent development plan of the University Alliance and asked with some worry: "The matter of Yingshi Virtual Bank is easy to handle, just hold on to the money bag. But the stall of our University Alliance has been fully rolled out. If it is blocked by the plane If the war spreads, there will definitely be heavy losses.”

Daliang said: "The main body of the University Alliance is in Shangjiang, so there is no need to worry too much. There will definitely be no war here in the early stage, and the alliance only needs to control the surrounding risks.

In addition... follow the areas controlled by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, especially at sea..."

Xu Man could tell that Daliang was revealing an important message to him. Shangjiang Society had certain self-protection capabilities in plane wars.

Look at the changes in the entire Shangjiang. Roads are being connected and divisions are moving towards unification. And Xu Man feels that when the new king ascends the throne, there will be major changes here.

Thinking of the new king in Shangjiang, Xu Man said: "When Joyce becomes king, will you also be promoted to a higher rank? You are an earl now, and you will be a marquis in the future."

"Probably..." According to Daliang's current status in Shangjiang, the promotion to the title is just the icing on the cake. What Daliang needs to do now is to stop his upward steps so as not to affect Joyce's authority. Daliang didn't say anything to Xu Man about the Shangjiang City matter, and turned the topic to this major shareholder meeting. He said: "If there are really too many shareholders to impeach Boss Jin, Boss Jin and I will work together to deal with it." Acquisition of equity interests in Yingshi Virtual Bank.

Sister Man, are you interested in buying some? The stock price of Yingshi Virtual Bank is now very low, and when the plane war breaks out, it will not be a problem to double it several times. "

Xu Man smiled and said: "Okay...Boss Jin and you are both experts at making money. You eat meat in front, and I will follow you and drink soup."

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