Start with an Archangel

Chapter 932 Shareholders Meeting

The car soon drove to the Hero World Virtual Currency Trading Center in Shangjiang City.

In the top-floor conference room of the building where the trading center is located, the major shareholders of Yingshi Virtual Bank are already sitting in their seats. They talked in low voices, talking about how promising the current economic situation in the game is. Yingshi Virtual Bank should actively improve its status in the financial world and increase investment during this period of great development so that it can provide shareholders and investors with bring benefits.

but now……

Not only can everyone not make money, they are also losing money because of the drop in stock prices.

As he was talking, someone said angrily: "Look at those people who are engaged in virtual finance in the world of heroes now. Which one is not making money? It's just a studio that is not officially recognized by the game and just gives out millions of gold coins. The value increases by 10% to 15% every month.

Let’s take a look at our Yingshi Virtual Bank... It has the name of the largest virtual bank in Asia’s gaming area, but its transaction volume is now not even among the top ten in the country.

Our stock price has been in the green for ten consecutive days!

If we let Lao Jin continue like this, all our money will be wasted. "

Then some shareholders echoed: "Yingshi Virtual Bank can no longer keep the God of Wealth out. Those big guilds and big lords have resources in their hands. We don't give them money, and some of them are Baba's people who give them money. Business What we do is make connections. If we offend all these big guys, how can we do business with them in the future?"

Of course, there are also some shareholders who support Boss Jin. They believe that Boss Jin is not a person who cannot see through the interests. The Jiuding Chamber of Commerce and the Sifang Chamber of Commerce are prosperous under his management, and his business acumen is admired by some shareholders, who believe that he must have his own reasons for insisting on the current financial policy.

However, given the general environment, it is true that banks are losing money and stocks are falling. These shareholders could only remain silent and wait for Boss Jin to give an explanation at the meeting.

"I think Lao Jin must have been deceived by Wang Daliang about this matter. Wang Daliang is very powerful in playing games and has a way of fighting. But fighting and finance are two different things. He, a young boy who can only play games, knows what finance is. Is it? He has no idea that a decision made by Lao Jin is related to hundreds of millions of expenditures and profits!"

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

A shareholder saw Daliang and Xu Man walking in and reminded Mr. Zhang who was denounced by Boss Jin and Daliang.

Mr. Zhang was one of the five financial merchants who presided over the establishment of Yingshi Virtual Bank, and he was also highly respected in the board of directors. Daliang didn't argue with him. He first pulled out a chair and asked Xu Man to sit down, and then sat next to Xu Man himself.

But Daliang chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, which did not mean that Mr. Zhang would let him go.

"Director Wang Daliang... I usually don't see you in meetings. Today you suddenly appeared to help Lao Jin. Do you have any explanation for the current operating conditions of Yingshi Virtual Bank?"

Daliang said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you just said that I don't come to regular meetings. It's you who manage the company. Any problems in operations have nothing to do with me. Besides... I don't understand finance either. A kid who knows how to play games."

"You..." Zhang Lao slapped the table angrily and said, "Wang Daliang, you should understand how your current status came about. If we hadn't chosen you in the original national war, you wouldn't be sitting here."

Daliang said tit for tat: "Mr. Zhang... If you hadn't chosen me in the national war, you wouldn't be sitting here. You can't solve any problems by condemning me here. If you have any disputes, please put them at the meeting and we can discuss them together. .”

Daliang didn't waste any time talking to Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang also sat back angrily under the persuasion of the people next to him.

Soon, all the major shareholders of Yingshi Virtual Bank arrived, and Boss Jin also walked in.

He has a rich body and a majestic look.

After seeing Daliang and Xu Man, Boss Jin said directly: "I already know the reason why the board of directors convened the major shareholder meeting. I also hope that all shareholders will think about my character, Jin. Since I am trusted by everyone, As the CEO of Yingshi Virtual Bank, he will never do anything that harms the interests of shareholders.

The company does have some problems now, but they are all within my plan.

Collecting funds is just to make better money in the future. "

Zhang Lao, who had just been criticized by Da Liang, pointed his finger at Boss Jin. He said: "Lao Jin, what is your basis for doing this? Such a comprehensive collection of funds is only needed before a large-scale financial crisis breaks out. The world of heroes is now in a period of great development and development, and the division of interests is far from saturated. Even though the Chinese game area and the American game area continue to conflict at sea, in the end everyone makes money.

My financial analysis team sees no signs of a financial crisis.

Please explain your reasons to all directors and shareholders at this meeting, and then everyone decides together what to do! "

Boss Jin said: "Mr. Zhang, you are also a senior in our financial world. You should know whether you can keep business secrets, which determines the success or failure of a company. Can the reasons for such strategic financial decisions be casually stated in such a meeting? ?

In short, at this meeting, I hope to gain the trust of the board of directors and let me continue to preside over the next phase of the work of Yingshi Virtual Bank. I assure you that all the decisions I am making now are correct, and the interests of shareholders will not be harmed in any way. "

"But you are currently hurting the interests of shareholders. The stocks in our hands have shrunk by 20%. If the company does not change its decision immediately, the stock will only continue to fall.

Lao Jin, what you have to do now is to change your decision or tell the reasons to stabilize the stock price.

Otherwise... investors will reduce their holdings across the board or even sell our stocks, which will cause the stock price to deteriorate further.

The bottom line is not far away from us. "

Boss Jin, who had already prepared sufficient funds with Daliang, was not affected by the shareholders in any way. He said: "About the stock matter, Director Wang Daliang and I have already discussed it. The Jiuding Chamber of Commerce and the Judgment Association jointly issued a joint request for the stock of Yingshi Virtual Bank. We will carry out a comprehensive acquisition. As long as someone sells the shares of Yingshi Virtual Bank, we will accept them all.

In fact, the acquisition of Yingshi Virtual Bank shares has already begun.

Now my shareholding in Yingshi Virtual Bank has reached 15%, Director Wang has increased it to 10%, and the stock price has been raised by 7 percentage points. The stock of Yingshi Virtual Bank will definitely close at the daily limit today.

The acquisition will continue tomorrow.

All major shareholders present...

If you are not optimistic about the future of Yingshi Virtual Bank, you can exchange your stocks for funds to invest in financial institutions that you are optimistic about.

When I, Daliang... and the University Alliance's holdings reach 51%, the financial policy of Yingshi Virtual Bank will be resolutely implemented.

Today's meeting to impeach me has no meaning..."

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