Start with an Archangel

Chapter 933 Family Banquet

The major shareholder meeting of Yingshi Virtual Bank ended hastily. The Jiuding Chamber of Commerce, the Judgment Leader, and the University Alliance jointly purchased the company's stock, strongly supporting Boss Jin's decision-making position in the company.

In the eyes of the directors, Boss Jin is just preparing for another big gamble. He is betting that the entire game world will have a devastating impact on players. At that time, Yingshi Virtual Bank can naturally wield the butcher knife of gold coins to harvest everywhere.

However, if this impact does not occur, or the impact is not strong enough to break the bones of the entire player group. Yingshi Virtual Bank will rapidly lose resources and customers as it continues to lose market share, and will eventually face bankruptcy.

Boss Jin, Daliang, and Xu Man are willing to acquire Yingshi Virtual Bank's shares in large quantities, giving shareholders the right to choose: bet together, succeed... and become the absolute giants of virtual finance in the future, fail... all investment will be lost. Return. Of course, another option is to withdraw your principal in time and invest them in the capital feast in the game.

Everyone has different ideas.

Everyone wants to know from Boss Jin, Daliang, and Xu Man where their confidence comes from?

However, the three men remained tight-lipped about anything related to the decision.

Shareholders can only make this decision based on their own ideas.

In the game, it is not only the foresighted Shi Fei and the bright-eyed Daliang who can see the crisis in the future main world. In the face of a huge player base, there are always lucky players.

Throughout the game world, greedy diners are grinding their knives and forks, preparing to start a blood feast.

At the end of the meeting, Daliang refused the dinner invitation from some shareholders and returned to his home.

In the following days, he did not spend most of his time in the game, but instead allocated his own funds to actively cooperate with Boss Jin to acquire the shares of Yingshi Virtual Bank. On the contrary, Shu Xiao has been busy building her own camp to fight the team due to the initial establishment of "Myth". This time she is the boss, and she is really motivated.

Daliang also enjoys taking care of Shu Xiao's daily life, and from time to time, he uses the shadow of death as a template to help Shu Xiao with the construction of "myth".

The acquisition of Yingshi Virtual Bank went very smoothly. Boss Jin and Daliang successfully obtained 51% of the total equity and firmly controlled the decision-making power of the company.

To celebrate, Boss Jin invited Daliang and Shu Xiao out to have dinner together.

We also booked a revolving restaurant on the top floor of a seaside hotel, where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea while dining quietly without being disturbed.

"Brother Da Liang..." The success of the stock acquisition put Boss Jin in a very good mood today. He said with a smile: "This is the last time I call this brother... We will be a family from now on. You and Shu Xiao will be called My Uncle Jin, I call you Daliang, so kind."

Daliang quickly poured wine for Boss Jin and said, "Uncle Jin, you know what happened between Shu Xiao and me. Just don't worry, I promise that I won't let her suffer any injustice in the future."

Boss Jin nodded with satisfaction: "Daliang, I can trust your character and your ability. I have always been very optimistic about you, and now that you can come together on your own, of course I am very happy.

Especially if you have common hobbies and common goals. Shu Xiao can play games with you safely, which is the most reassuring thing for me. This girl really broke my heart all those years..."

"Uncle Jin..." Shu Xiao said coquettishly: "Don't always talk about the past, okay... I am also very motivated now. A person with a career can earn thousands of dollars just by shouting when I go out to fight. People, if you call again, more people will come than in your entire company..."

"Okay, okay... no more, no more..." Boss Jin laughed and said: "Let's still talk about the things in the game. Da Liang... the world of heroes has now become a real second world. Players have no control over the entire game. The discovery of the world is still only a very small part. I think its status will be unshakable in the next ten years or even decades.

Therefore, the virtual industry has long-term development potential, especially after the plane war breaks out and the main world is invaded, we will truly become an oligarch in the game.

At that time, gold coins were really just a number to us.

In the general environment of plane war, this money will also become a burden for us. In what direction do you think we should invest? I won’t be crushed by this burden…”

During this period, Boss Jin has been keeping an eye on the Southern Lords Financial Cooperative. Just as Daliang had judged, they were also secretly hoarding gold coins through downstream gold merchants.

Daliang and Feisha Zuoshi are both people who have played the game very deeply. Their unanimous judgment is also the basis for Boss Jin to insist on the current financial policy of Yingshi Virtual Bank.

Moreover, Boss Jin had already planned all the reactions of Yingshi Bank after the main plane was invaded, and he also saw what kind of wealth he and Daliang would have together at that time.

Now Boss Jin is making plans on how to keep this wealth.

Investment must be carried out, and the direction of investment requires Da Liang's opinion.

Daliang really didn't think so far. He really didn't know much about finance. He only knew that he could make money by using this plane war, but to what extent he could make money, he didn't have much idea.

According to Boss Jin, it seems that there will be a lot of money.

investment trends?

Daliang knows that Boss Jin is referring to which one will win, the good camp or the evil camp. Only by following the winning side can we go further.

Daliang thought for a while and said: "Based on the current plane situation, the good camp must have a great advantage. Yunzhong City has already won a victory in the Kingdom of Death, and the cyan coalition has made the Death Lord unable to move.

A civil war is about to break out in hell, and the armies of fallen angels and Satan are already ready in Hell's Furnace City.

I dare to say... As long as a war breaks out in Hell's Furnace City, the good camp will launch a full-scale attack on the evil camp, and a plane war will break out.

Without the Kingdom of Death and Hell, the evil camp is likely to suffer a one-sided defeat in the early stages of the war.

However, various base camp planes have more or less internal conflicts during these ten thousand years of peace.

There are two factions in the Kingdom of Death: the Unsullied Holy See and the Wizards Guild; the underground city masters of the Endless Labyrinth are facing the rise of the black elves; the academic faction has academic differences between white-robed warlocks and red-robed warlocks; and the dwarves within the elves have always wanted independence.

Therefore, in a plane war, once the good camp gains the upper hand, internal conflicts will expand and the war will become complicated.

Who will win the final victory..."

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