Start with an Archangel

Chapter 934 Rescue Battle

Daliang thought for a moment and did not tell anyone about the research on the gods.

Whoever gets the god-level hero first will naturally win first. But whether he can become a god is still unknown. He said based on the information he knew: "It's too early to say who will win...

If Uncle Jin wants to be safe, invest in the good camp. After all, their advantages are really huge. Even if we lose in the end, it won't be too ugly.

If Uncle Jin wants to invest in venture capital, he can use his small skills to make a big difference..."

Boss Jin said: "Then invest in the evil camp?"

Daliang smiled and said: "In a few days, Shangjiang City will hold a coronation ceremony for the new king. At that time, a new camp - the Five Color Flag Alliance will be established. Shangjiang will become a member of this camp and assume the responsibility of the treasury. .

At the beginning of the establishment of the new alliance, a lot of funds were needed, and Shangjiang's own economy alone might not be able to cope with it for a while. If a large sum of money is invested in Shangjiang at this time, the alliance will definitely develop rapidly.

The reward for providing help in times of need is definitely much higher than adding icing on the cake to the good camp.

But the risks are definitely high. After all, the new camp will face more crises if it wants to survive in the cracks between the good camp and the evil camp. "

For Yingshi Virtual Bank, Shangjiang is the headquarters and an important financial transaction area.

Yingshi Bank faces the entire Chinese gaming area and then radiates outward.

If Yingshi Virtual Bank focuses its future investment on Shangjiang, it has to be said that there are extremely huge risks...

As a main ally in the Five Color Flag Alliance, Daliang certainly hopes that Yingshi Virtual Bank will invest such a large amount of gold in the comprehensive development of Shangjiang. But as an important shareholder of Yingshi Virtual Bank, he also has to consider the risks.

After all, the Five Color Flag Alliance is not qualified to say that I will stand firm in future wars.

They just stick together for survival.

The establishment of a new camp is indeed somewhat beyond Boss Jin's expectation, but according to Daliang's status in Shangjiang, this is definitely solid news.

But Boss Jin did not make an immediate decision. Such a large investment project cannot be decided in just a few words.

The initial establishment of a new camp must be very weak and is definitely not an ideal investment object. Further understanding is needed for decision-making.

"Okay... when the new king's enthronement ceremony is held in Shangjiang, I will definitely go there to take a look and conduct a comprehensive inspection of this new camp."

Next, the three people talked about some interesting things in the game, and then the family dinner ended in a pleasant atmosphere.

This is considered meeting the parents...

After returning home, the two of them accepted Uncle Jin's approval and fell in love for a while. After a lot of ups and downs, the exhausted Daliang and Shu Xiao hugged each other and entered the game together.'s time to save those four archangels who were contaminated by evil.

Through the ultra-distance positioning portal located in the main plane of the Judgment Territory, Da Liang quickly confirmed the location of the four fleets.

All four fleets stayed about two kilometers outside the target sea area. This was the periphery of the Naga patrol circle and would not easily trigger Naga attacks.

Amber led 100 dragons hidden in the warships of four fleets.

After patrolling the four fleets, Da Liang finally stopped at the fleet in the South Pacific. He will personally direct the rescue of the Archangel here.

The commanders of the other three sea areas are: Amber, Ye Shi and Crystal Dragon Qianli who was transferred from Snowfield City by Da Liang.

The four fleets have 20 purple dragons and 5 crystal dragons respectively. At the same time, Daliang has equipped each attack team with 100 vampire sword guard heroes. The lineup can be said to be extremely powerful.

Everything is ready, then...


The four fleets are located at four longitudes, some in the early morning, some in the evening, and some in the sunny noon.

It was daytime in the South Pacific at this time, and the sun was hanging in the northern sky.

Each battleship in the fleet retracted its anchors and raised its sails at the same time, and then sailed in a charging formation toward the sea directly above the target.

The vampire sword guards jumped from the ship into the water one by one, and then transformed into bats and followed the fleet to swim, providing underwater protection for the fleet.

The invasion quickly alerted the underwater patrol Nagas, who alerted the tribe and then took the lead in attacking ships on the surface.

However, these not-so-strong Naga patrols were quickly intercepted by the vampire sword guards.

The war in the snowy plains provided an excellent training environment for Daliang's vampire sword guards. Without too powerful enemies, ordinary vampire sword guards could easily complete blood sacrifices. Then the vampire sword guards who failed the blood sacrifice were reorganized into ordinary flying troops, and the vampire sword guards who succeeded in the blood sacrifice and became heroes will be specially trained according to their specialties.

This time, the blood-sucking sword guards that Daliang transferred from Snowfield City are a already formed hero-level force.

As the final assault force of the Dragon Robbery Team, Da Liang did not let them enter the battle prematurely. He wanted to use the blade on the most critical attack to catch Naga by surprise. Therefore, the escort mission when the fleet broke out was completely handed over to the vampire sword guards.

Facing the attacking Naga, the vampire sword guards returned to their adult forms.

There was a wave of magical weakness before engaging in combat.

Then they attack in coordination with each other...

Beat the few with more, and suck the blood with the knife. The Nagas, who seemed to have an underwater advantage, were weakened and controlled by magic. Faced with the blood-sucking sword guards who were well-disciplined and advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, they were beaten without the ability to fight back.

One Naga patrol team came to support one after another. However, the imbecile monster race prevented the Nagas from seeing the situation clearly. Facing the superior strength of the invaders, they did not know how to assemble and wait for reinforcements first, but just like this Wave after wave rushed into the sword net of the vampire sword guards.

In this way, the fleet rushed forward quickly, leaving behind piles of corpses of killed Nagas. It was not until a large group of Nagas came to support that the fleet slowed down slightly.

"The Vampire Sword Guard retracted and left the water to conduct low-altitude personal defense against the fleet. The Purple Dragon carried out thunder and lightning magic bombardments against the Naga group..."

Under Da Liang's order, all the purple dragons that came with the ship took off. They formed a net-like formation in the air, and then dropped electric balls condensed with lightning energy towards the sea below where the Naga group was going to pass.

The electric ball exploded immediately after falling into the water, and the entire sea water became boiling. Thick electric chains whipped on the water, like countless giant octopuses wreaking havoc in the water.

The passing Naga group suffered an immediate disaster. The underwater electrical damage was all-round and without blind spots. Even though the water weakened the electrical energy of the magic, the thunder and lightning magic released by the 15th-level purple dragon was full of electrical energy and also had a paralysis effect.

Naga kept twitching under the water in the lightning strike area, while Zilong continued to throw thunder balls into the water one after another.

Soon the corpses of Nagas floated up one after another.

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