Start with an Archangel

Chapter 935 Evil Prison

Level crushing, rank crushing.

The dragon robbery team invited by Daliang was to control important trade routes on the ocean. How could a mere Naga group make waves in front of these 15th-level dragons?

The thunder and lightning began to extend its attack along the direction of the fleet's sailing. The severely damaged Naga group did not dare to attack the ships on the water again. The deadly lightning magic in the shallow water drove them towards the deep water, where... the electric energy diluted by the water would no longer cause harm to them, but they could only watch helplessly as Da Liang's fleet marched towards their lair, helpless Follow closely to the bottom of the sea.

The purple dragon covers the fleet as it moves towards the central area of ​​the Naga tribe.

Feeling the powerful strength of the invaders, the Naga leader, who knew he was outmatched, gathered the Naga warriors in his tribe and asked for help from Yunzhong City. He used the positioning teleportation scroll left by Yunzhong City and opened the teleportation gate connecting Yunzhong City.

However, no angel came out, and there was no response.

At this time, the invading fleet had stopped on the sea above their settlement...

Thump, thump...

Giant dragons crashed into the water one after another, and then rushed toward the seabed below. They were surrounded by falling sharp stone spears.

Da Liang followed the purple dragons and hid behind the crystal dragon.

The crystal body makes the crystal dragon sink quickly when entering the sea, but their huge power swings their tails and allows them to swim quickly underwater.

More than ten days of training at sea have allowed these giant dragons to learn basic coordination.

Five crystal dragons formed the vanguard of this attack. They did not rush to attack the Naga group below, but lined up in a pentagon, and then relied on changing positions to form a protective wall to protect the purple dragon who cast the spell. rear,

Purple Dragon hid on top of the crystal dragon, and at the same time used earth magic to build an isolation zone composed of stone spears around him to prevent enemies from attacking from both sides.

Then, some purple dragons apply buff magic to the crystal dragon, and some purple dragons release debuff magic to the Naga group below through the gaps between the crystal dragons.

Due to the abnormal magic resistance of the crystal dragon, after Zilong's many spells, it was finally possible to apply master-level water-bending magic (reduce water magic damage) and master-level body-protecting aegis to them.

The crystal dragon's defense has been strengthened again.

It is very easy for another group of purple dragons to apply debuff magic to Naga.

As the magic circles exploded in the Naga settlement area, the Nagas, who were already inferior in strength to the dragons, instantly became weaklings.

Master of weakness

Master of grief

Master Level Possession

Master Light of Destruction

Master Slowing Technique

The dragons crashed into the Naga settlement, and the slaughter began.

Purple Dragon used water magic to stir up various reverse currents, and then threw the Naga into ice mixed with sharp ice blades into the current. Naga was strangled without any resistance. Even if he wanted to fight back desperately, the magic that could break through the purple dragon could not escape the interception of the crystal dragon.

The crystal dragon, which carries water-bending magic and a body-protecting aegis, perfectly protects the purple dragon, allowing them to focus all their energy on casting spells without any scruples.

Yes, the magical state of the crystal dragon is to resist the purple dragon's magical damage. For them, the threat posed by Naga is far less than that of their fellow Purple Dragons who are releasing attack magic efficiently.

While the giant dragon was encircling Naga, Daliang swam towards the location of the prison.

There used to be the meeting hall of the cemetery, and the prison was buried deep underground along with the meeting hall.

After the assembly hall was demolished, a deep underwater cave was left in its place, and the Naga clan leader died next to the cave. Its huge body was nailed to a reef with a ten-meter-long stone spear. Most of its originally hard scales were scraped off, and its skin and flesh were turned out like a young cook showing off his first fish filleting skills.

Daliang thought that when he encountered this guy for the first time, his super strike team was chased by the Naga leader and had to flee for their lives in a hurry. It is not yet clear who killed him.

Next to the corpse of the Naga tribe was an open portal. Seeing the holy light coming from inside, Daliang knew that this was the portal connecting to Yunzhong City. Not a single angel came out, indicating that Metatron had not broken his promise and was using his own influence to prevent Cloud City from rescuing this place.

I don’t know if Metatron can do it if he says he can stop angels for a day.

Just in case, it's better to rescue the archangel and leave here as soon as possible.

Randomly picking up the good-looking materials and equipment exploded by the Naga patriarch, Da Liang released a magic light ball in his hand and swam toward the depths of the cave entrance.

It seemed like he had returned to the moment when he entered the Blackfire Leader's Council Hall on the first day of the game. At that time, Daliang met Julian, and now... what kind of archangel was waiting for him.

The long passage was dark and cold. After passing through a layer of barrier, the sea water was blocked from the outside. Da Liang stood in a dark hall.

At the other end of the hall is the evil prison where a certain Hell Lord King is imprisoned. The door of the sealed prison has been destroyed and opened, but there is no burning evil flame in the evil prison of the Black Fire Territory.

Da Liang walked to the door of the prison and saw an upright sarcophagus placed in the center. The archangel contaminated by evil should be inside.

Daliang tentatively put his hand into the prison door. After finding no response, Daliang walked into the prison.

The entire prison was built with some rare alchemical materials. In addition to the extremely hard material itself, the highly efficient magical conductivity also allows the entire sealing magic to operate with low loss. Then, the inner wall of the prison was carved with magic runes, and circles of magic circuits were poured into it, forming an extremely complex sealing array.

If you can seal the hell lord Wang Wannian, you will know what a peak alchemy work this prison is.

When he came to the sarcophagus, Daliang walked around the sarcophagus. While observing the sarcophagus, he also took out a magic crystal ball and recorded the magic array on the wall. Daliang knew that he knew nothing about alchemy and magic circles, but Nicole was an expert in this field.

Now he has Beelzebub and Misuka in his hands, and he is ready to capture Buck. You can't always trouble Angela to make sealing equipment, you also need to change them to a more solid prison.

Nicole has now been promoted to a level 16 hero, and has an alchemy laboratory to lead a team of alchemists. There is a magic circle for her to study, which can definitely improve the alchemy of the Black Fire Leader in sealing technology.

After the recording of the magic circle was completed, Daliang stood in front of the sarcophagus after making no other special discoveries.

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