Start with an Archangel

Chapter 940 Ascension to the throne and canonization

When Holy Bella heard that Da Liang was coming, she smiled and said to Joyce: "The ceremony is about to start. This kid really comes on time. Okay, if you have anything to say, just talk alone. I'll go out and wait." you."

After saying that, Holy Bella walked out of the room.

After paying ceremonial greetings to Holy Bella, Daliang walked into Joyce's palace.

A gust of wind closed the door...

Then Da Liang saw Joyce walking towards him quickly.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Joyce's appearance made Daliang a little panicked, but Joyce did not stop and said at the same time: "Call me Sir!"


What else did Daliang want to say, but Joyce had already kissed him on the mouth... Daliang took a step back, and Joyce stepped forward, pressing him against the wall step by step.

The difference in strength is a bit big, I can't resist!

After an unknown length of kiss, Joyce let go of Da Liang, then put her forehead against his forehead and said: "From now on... I am your king. You are my sword, and I am your shield. No matter what you face in the future... What, destruction or prosperity, my city and I will never leave you.

Now...I ask you to repeat your vow to me: that you will fight to the end for me, Joyce. "

Daliang replied: "I...will fight for you to the end."

Joyce took a step back, his somewhat excited expression returned to solemnity, and then said: "Open the door for me, my knight..."

The enthronement ceremony of the new king of Shangjiang City begins.

Joyce rode a carriage and circled the city under the protection of the Royal Knights, receiving blessings and cheers from his subjects. All the magic towers in Shangjiang City released magic fireworks together, which not only showed the magic strength of Shangjiang City, but also added a festive atmosphere to the ceremony. .

In the eastern sky, the Oath has taken off, and rounds of salutes echo on the sea.

A few hours after the celebration began, Joyce returned to the palace after completing the parade around the city and read out his oath of accession to the throne on the top platform of the palace castle...

The whole Shangjiang was quiet.

The nobles stood in awe, and the angels hovered in the air around the castle, their wings flapping slightly.

Daliang walked up to Joyce holding the crown in his hand.

Joyce is gorgeous now, and her confidence brings out all her temperament. The majesty of royal power radiates from her body, and the softness of woman makes her authority not so sharp that it cannot be approached.

Seeing the crown in front of him, Joyce, who had thousands of thoughts in his mind, took off the crown prince's crown and handed it to the maid beside him. Then he lowered his head and asked Daliang to put the crown on herself.

From now on, Joyce officially became the master of Shangjiang - the King of East China Sea.

Next, King Joyce announced her first appointment as queen.

"Consecrate Count Feichen as Duke Feichen, appoint Duke Daliang as the Prime Minister of Shangjiang City, and be fully responsible for Shangjiang's military and political affairs."

Joyce's appointment was announced to the entire Shangjiang City through loudspeaker magic. As soon as the canonization and appointment came out, the whole city was in an uproar.

The earl directly skipped the marquis and was promoted to the duke. This is already the top title. It is really inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. However, if being canonized as a duke is an improvement in status, then being appointed as the Prime Minister is a real power.

Combining the two, Daliang became the most powerful person in Shangjiang City-State besides King Joyce.

However, although the aristocracy in Shangjiang were a little surprised by Joyce's appointment, they were not overly surprised. Because the relationship between Daliang and Joyce is well known in the aristocratic circle, Daliang has been the staunchest and most important member of Joyce’s faction from the beginning. Joyce can reach this day almost because Daliang has smoothed the way for her. Push up.

Although it was against the rules to enthrone a grand duke beyond one's rank, it was against the rules for Joyce to become king, so it was not too much for Da Liang to go from earl to duke.

And the Prime Minister...

Is there any difference between having a formal appointment and the current situation?

It's nothing more than taking off the microphone of Marquis Stanley.

Moreover, Marquis Stanley looked very happy after being dismissed from his post. What else could anyone else say?

But the players in Shangjiang were also watching the celebration of Joyce's coronation. Just as they were happily eating melons, Joyce's appointment immediately set off an earthquake among the players, and then turned into a tsunami at extremely high speed. Spread.

Daliang was made a Duke!

Daliang has been appointed as the Prime Minister!

The main city, this is a main city, one of the strongest among the main cities.

All players are choked at this moment.

This guy Daliang hasn't shown up for a long time, so why does he make a big fuss when he shows up?

In a systematic city-state, the ruler of the main city at level 14 is a king and can be canonized as a duke; the city lord at level 13 is a duke himself, so he does not have the authority to confer a duke. There is no such thing as a duke in the aristocratic system of cities below level 13.

Therefore, players who want to obtain the title of Duke can only obtain it from the level 14 main city.

There are so many high-level heroes in the level 14 main city. Players start from the bottom and can get unexpected conveniences by being awarded the lowest title. They are already very happy. I don’t know how many players were envious of the great earldom in the past...

Now...he becomes a duke in a blink of an eye.

How does the Marquis feel? No one knows.'s so annoying to compare people to each other!

Also... the Prime Minister is another position that is only available in level 14 main cities. In ancient times, this was the Prime Minister.

Now that Daliang has been appointed as the imperial prime minister of Shangjiang, what is the difference between this city and his own. When he was an earl, he opened so many backdoors for his rulings. Now that he is the Prime Minister, that's not a big deal... Wouldn't he take advantage of his position to benefit his own interests and open up various privileges for his rulings?

Joyce is the king, this time Daliang really hugs his thick thighs and flies all the way!

As soon as the message came out, the bright chat box flashed.

Boss Jin: "Brother Daliang, I think it's more cordial to call me brother. Shu Xiao and I are not related by blood. Let's discuss this with this girl individually. Good brother, if you have any good investment projects in Shangjiang City in the future, you must inform us first I……"

"Uncle Jin, you can call me whatever you want. I'll still call you uncle. I will never forget you, Uncle Jin, in the future business in Shangjiang."

Xu Man: "Da Liang, Grand Duke Liang..."

"Sister Man, Grand Duke Liang is not as good as Eunuch Liang... I know everything you want to say. Our Judgment Territory and Yunxiao Territory are both in Shangjiang. They are two grasshoppers on the same rope. In the future, Shangjiang and Chongming City will Once the bridge is built, our two territories will definitely become closer."

Shu Xiao: "Your Excellency, I want to hug you..."

"The enthronement ceremony is being held here. Hug for a while... hug for a while..."

"Mr. Liang..."



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