Start with an Archangel

Chapter 941 Angel Arrives

Da Liang quickly replied to his friend's message, and then had the opportunity to see what privileges he had received after being canonized as a duke.

The rise in status is certain, and then there will be a series of benefits and privileges, but Daliang is more concerned about his right to recruit troops in Shangjiang.

Duke Feichen: A noble directly subordinate to the King of East China Sea. The attitude of all those loyal to the King of East China Sea changes to "reverence" for you. You gain priority in recruiting troops from Shangjiang City, and can recruit first-level spearmen (daily upper limit of 100), third-level archers (daily upper limit of 80), fifth-level griffins (daily upper limit of 60), and seventh-level crusaders (daily limit of 60). The upper limit is 40), the ninth-level monk (the daily upper limit is 20), the 11th-level cavalry (the daily upper limit is 5), and the 13th-level angel (the weekly upper limit is 2). You can use second-level, fourth-level, sixth-level, eighth-level, tenth-level, twelfth-level, fourteenth-level, high-level military buildings to upgrade the soldiers...


You can directly recruit level 13 angels!

Although there are only 2 recruitment quotas per week, and although each angel has to pay a unit of gems and a weekly salary of 1,000 gold coins every week, this is the ultimate unit that can be obtained every week without completing tasks, and after training, it can also deal with The angel was promoted to the 14th level Archangel.

Perhaps the qualifications of these advanced archangels are far inferior to those of natural archangels, but an angel legion requires not only highly qualified archangels to act alone, but also a large number of ordinary qualified archangels and angels to form a basic combat unit.


Now there are elites such as Archangels Julian, Stark, Thor, Banner and Natasha under Daliang, and the Judgment Legion has three archangels and six angels including Archangel Walsh.

After obtaining the right to recruit angels on a regular basis, Daliang has the ability to form his own angel army.

Daliang was making his own plans at the coronation ceremony of the new king of Shangjiang. The whole city had not yet woken up from the shock of Joyce's first appointment, and Joyce then announced the second appointment.

"Archangel Bartlett has resigned as the commander of the Shangjiang Angel Legion. We need a new commander to lead our Angel Legion. I hereby appoint..."

All the nobles present looked at Archangel Nelson behind Joyce.

Nelson has always been the deputy who assisted Joyce in commanding the Pudong fleet. He is conscientious, capable of commanding, and very powerful.

After Bartlett left the position of commander of the Upper River Angels, Nelson has been everyone's default choice.

But Joyce's words once again detonated the audience.

"I hereby appoint the Supreme Angel Holy Bella as the commander of the Shangjiang Angel Legion. I believe that under the command of the Supreme Angel Holy Bella, our Angel Legion will be able to protect our city."

When the "Supreme Angel" emerged from Joyce's appointment, everyone thought they had heard wrong. When the "Supreme Angel" emerged for the second time from Joyce's appointment, everyone still couldn't believe it.

The Supreme Angel is the highest rank of angels, a 16th-level hero, and the guardian of Yunzhong City...

How could he come to work in a city in the main world?

But... when Holy Bella descended from the sky, landed in front of Joyce, and took over the commanding scepter of the Shangjiang Angel Legion; when all the angels in Shangjiang folded their wings and saluted Holy Bella; when Shangjiang Over the city, portals were opened frequently, and a large number of angels were teleported from Cloud City; when the supreme angel Metatron appeared in the sky and landed at the ceremony.

No one doubted that they had heard correctly.

Shangjiang indeed has a supreme angel as his guardian.

The whole city boiled into excitement after a moment of silence, and even the nobles cheered without caring about etiquette. Magic fireworks enveloped the entire city, and salutes boomed.

Ordinary citizens may not know how close the plane war is to them, but they know the glory of being guarded by a supreme angel.

The celebration was pushed to a climax at this moment.

Metatron glanced at Daliang, who was standing next to Joyce. He already knew that the four imprisoned archangels had been rescued, and he also knew that Daliang must have done this.

But Metatron did not come to Shangjiang this time for the great light. As an elder, he said to Holy Bella: "The angels in Cloud City are all looking forward to the return of the eighth supreme angel. Now the world is undergoing Turmoil, you should face the future with us instead of...

Protect an ordinary human city. "

Holy Bella saluted respectfully to Metatron, and then said: "Lord Metatron, although war has made me what I am now, I don't like war like you.

I have seen too much death and helplessness in my career as a warrior, but in order to protect Yunzhong City, I have no regrets.

This time I just want to protect myself.

I'm sorry Lord Metatron, please forgive my selfishness. "

When Holy Bella advanced to the supreme angel, she had already made her position clear. Now that Metatron saw that Holy Bella still insisted on his own ideas, he could only sigh in response.

"Bella, my child. You should know that Yunzhong City will never allow a supreme angel to leave Yunzhong City. If you want to protect Shangjiang City, you will only harm these innocent people."

Without waiting for Holy Bella to answer, Joyce stepped forward and saluted Metatron: "Dear Lord Metatron, you are welcome to attend my enthronement ceremony.

Since Lord Holy Bella is willing to protect Shangjiang City, Shangjiang City is also willing to protect Lord Holy Bella.

Next, I have something else to announce..."

Joyce said loudly: "From today onwards, I... the king of Shangjiang... Joyce, will represent my city to conclude an alliance with the Purple Dragon, the Crystal Dragon, the Poison Dragon and our most trusted partners to jointly establish the Five Colors Flag Alliance..."

The shock brought by Shangjiang today is really one after another.

People here are still admiring the angels in the sky, and then the teleportation magic circle is opened again over the palace and castle.

Accompanied by roars of dragons, hundreds of giant purple dragons rushed out of the teleportation array. After they came out, they pulled up rainbows of five colors in the sky...






The crystal dragon also rushed out of the teleportation array, and then fell to the ground from a height of several hundred meters. The ground shook again and again, and the unharmed crystal dragon looked up to the sky and roared.

The roar of dragons throughout the city even overwhelmed the salute of cannons.

The poisonous dragon also flew out of the teleportation array.

During this period of time, the Poison Dragon Clan added three members, and the refresh compensation for the genocide made the Poison Dragon's birth speed faster than that of the Crystal Dragon.

As soon as all the 15th-level dragons appeared on the scene, they overwhelmed the angels in Yunzhong City. They celebrated the establishment of the alliance in their own way.

Soon, the Purple Dragon Clan Chief Zishan, the Purple Dragon Princess Zi Ling, the Crystal Dragon Clan Chief Red Baker, and the Poison Dragon Clan Chief Amber all landed at the ceremony venue.

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