Start with an Archangel

Chapter 945 All passed

The research competition to become a god can now be said to be the real cause of this plane war.

Comparing the various base camp planes, the Five Color Flag Alliance's progress in research on becoming a god is really lagging behind.

The progress of the Purple Dragon Clan's research on gods is still stuck on where the "God Plane" is. Finding the God Plane itself is a matter that requires a huge investment and a high level of character.

Now Daliang revealed that he had not only found the divine plane, but also stood at the closest place to the divine plane.

A crystal wall blocking the gap between the known plane and the divine plane.

Studying how to break through the crystal wall of the God's Plane is definitely easier than searching aimlessly for where the God's Plane is.

Moreover, Daliang also said that he has a team led by a 16th-level alchemy master who is presiding over the entire core research. This means that the progress of the Black Fire Leader's research into becoming a god is not much slower than that of Cloud City and Hell.

What the Blackfire Territory lacks now is the scale of research.

The Purple Dragon Clan is a race that can pull out hundreds of level 15 full-time mages at will, as well as a veteran level 16 spellcasting hero. What they lack is a clear research goal.

Being able to participate in the research on becoming a god in the Black Fire Territory means that in terms of the progress of the research on becoming a god, the Purple Dragon Clan can overtake other planes in corners, from the tail car to the first echelon of the entire research, and compete with Yunzhong City and Hell on par.

The temptation was absolutely unimaginable. Even if Daliang put forward many conditions, the leader of the Yishu tribe thought that he had earned it.

"No problem, I can agree to all Duke Daliang's conditions." The leader of the Zishan tribe immediately expressed his attitude. He was even afraid that Daliang would change his mind, so he turned to Zi Ling and said, "You immediately select the best alchemists in the magic forest to form a team. Assist Duke Daliang’s research team, and you will lead the team yourself..."

After Zi Ling accepted the task, the leader of the Yew Tree said to Daliang: "I plan to establish a magic academy in the magic forest with Duke Daliang to provide magic guidance to all the magic mages appointed by the Duke, and to arrange a full-time team to lead these magicians. The mage is practicing in the magical forest.

I guarantee that I can help half of the magic mages successfully advance to the hero unit, and then professionally train these magic mage heroes through the magic academy, so that they will have the strength of level 13 heroes and level 14 heroes after graduation. "

Magic mages can be obtained by training academic mages and human monks. Academic mages belong to level 7 arms. Compared with level 9 monks of the human race, mages are also considered high-level soldiers in the hands of players, but in the player arms trading market A small number of mages can already be seen for sale.

After Daliang trained his own monks and acquired mages, his magic mages have reached a scale of 2,000. In the future, as the quota of monks that can be recruited increases every day, the growth rate of his magic mages will further accelerate.

Although the magic mages in Daliang can now get guidance from Zilong in the Magic Forest, they all do so in a free-range way. After all, dragons are relatively loose-minded. If you want to be taught, you can teach them. If you don’t want to be taught, there is nothing you can do with them.

This time, the Yew Patriarch proposed to jointly establish a magic academy with Daliang, in order to standardize the training of magic mages. He even made a commitment on how many magic mages could be promoted to heroic units and came up with an implementation plan.

The Magic Forest is now an extremely dangerous plane and has begun to spawn a large number of high-level monsters. With the purple dragon escorting the Magic Mage's experience, it will definitely speed up the training of Magic Mage.

In this way, there will be a steady stream of spell-casting heroes in the future to enhance the magic offensive and defensive capabilities of the Black Fire Army, and even form a strategic-level magic army.

Therefore, Daliang was in favor of establishing a magic academy in the Magic Forest.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance will conduct research on becoming a god under the leadership of the Black Fire Leader. This news also greatly stimulated the Five-Color Flag Alliance's interest in actively participating in the plane war.

In the past, because of his lagging behind in the research of becoming a god, the leader of the Yew Tree thought of not being offended and remaining neutral in the war.

Now that the research progress of becoming a god has come up, if the research progress of Yunzhong City and Hell can... be pulled back, then...

Will the Five Color Flag Alliance become the first camp to obtain a god-level hero?

The ambition of the leader of the Yishu tribe was aroused, and he decisively recognized Daliang's strategy in hell.

"The Purple Dragon Clan will fully support the Lord of Despair City in his war in hell and do their best to help the Poison Dragon Clan regain the Sulfur Cave."

Joyce, Red Baker, and Amber all agreed.

The issue of support for Howard received the approval vote of all five main members of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

The new camp hit the ground running immediately after the meeting.

Shangjiang City began to raise funds and materials to support Despair City, and Daliang went to Despair City with a resolution to discuss formal cooperation with Howard.

The leader of the Yew family is responsible for organizing a powerful elite team, ready to capture everything belonging to the pain demon Buck.

Red Baker will participate in the operation to capture Buck, and Holy Bella also expressed her willingness to participate...

After Princess Purple Spirit returned to the Magic Forest, she built a magic academy in the Fairy Garden while selecting purple dragons to go to Nicole's alchemy laboratory.

City of Despair.

Daliang met Howard again and brought him this exciting news.

The Five-Colored Flag Alliance decided to fully support Despair City's war in hell. At the same time, in order to successfully capture the Pain Demon King Buck, the Five-Colored Flag Alliance will send a capture team headed by three level 16 heroes.

"Clan Yew and Clan Red Baker are both very long-standing 16th-level heroes. Although Holy Bella has only recently understood the law, she has very rich experience in fighting demons.

The three of them are responsible for the ambush. As long as Buck dares to come, we will prevent him from leaving. "

Capturing Buck, the Pain Demon King, is the key to the Five Color Flags Alliance's entire hell strategy, and it is also what Howard is most concerned about. After hearing about the lineup sent by the Five Color Flag Alliance this time, Howard was completely relieved and ready to give it a try.

"Angela has sent news from Hell's Furnace City that the Pain Demon Buck and his elite demon army have disappeared from Hell's Furnace City. They must be coming here.

Satan is already preparing to attack Hell's Furnace City. As long as we contain Buck here, the war will begin immediately. "

The outbreak of the war in Hell's Furnace City means that the plane war has broken out in an all-round way.

The War in Despair City became the fuse of the entire war. Now Da Liang is standing next to this fuse, quietly watching it being ignited.

Facing the impending war, Daliang couldn't help but feel a little sad. He also knew that once he stepped in, he would be unable to look back.

"When a war breaks out in Hell's Furnace City, the good camp will attack the evil camp. All planes and all strong men will not pay attention to this place in a short time. What plans does your Majesty have for capturing Buck, the Demon King of Pain?"

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