Start with an Archangel

Chapter 946 Two Dukes

Howard has completed a Despair City defensive scheme with Bartlett during this time.

Buck still has an important war in Hell's Furnace City, so he leads his army to Despair City. He will definitely not implement siege tactics against Despair City. Instead, he will use his superior force to launch a strong attack on Despair City and solve it as soon as possible so that he can return to Hell's Furnace. The city joins the war.

Howard's countermeasure was to rely on the city's complete defense facilities to hold on.

"Bartlett is arranging the defense system of Despair City. We will rely on magic towers to form a vertical spine-shaped defense system. If Buck wants to attack from one point, he will be attacked from three sides.

In addition, we will dig underground passages to support the retreat of our senior mages, and we can also recapture the city occupied by Buck at any time.

The city of Despair will become a meat grinder. The constant consumption of troops and the slowly advancing front will wear out Buck's patience, and he will join the battle himself. We will appropriately relax our defense at that time, attract Buck to make a straight-line breakthrough, and then cut off the connection between Buck and his army at the appropriate time.

At this time, I took the opportunity to arrest Buck.

You only have one chance, so you have to follow my orders when to act. "

Daliang didn't care how the defensive battle of Despair City was fought. Anyway, he knew that ten of them tied up would not be Howard's opponent on the battlefield. As long as Howard has confidence in this plan, he will only be responsible for the liaison between Despair City and the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Daliang read the battle plan given by Howard, and then said: "This battle in Despair City is completely under His Majesty's command. After the Yew Clan leader is ready to capture Buck's team, he will come to Despair City and you can discuss the details of the ambush.

I am now returning to Shangjiang to supervise the preparation of supplies.

After catching Buck, we asked the Purple Dragon Clan to build a large portal between Shangjiang and Despair City. By then...all the things needed for the war would be continuously transported. "

Howard smiled and said: "Now that Joyce is the king of Shangjiang, you should no longer call me your majesty."

Daliang saluted Howard and said, "You will always be the real king of Shangjiang in the hearts of Joyce and I."

After bidding farewell to Howard, Daliang returned to Shangjiang after completing the docking work between Despair City and the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Now Daliang is the Duke of Shangjiang City and the former Prime Minister. The new king ascended the throne. In order to help Joyce take full control of the entire city-state, Daliang's affairs were not easy.

It is necessary to expand Shangjiang City's army and build more city defense offensives.

It is necessary to integrate the resources under Shangjiang's jurisdiction and expand material reserves.

In addition, we need to support the construction of defense facilities in the Magic Forest and Crystal Mines, and we need to prepare funds and materials for the next stage of the hell strategy.

I have some time to go to other sub-cities to coordinate the functions of various cities in Shangjiang.

By the way, they accepted the elf army that Joshua had dismantled from Chongming City.

One hundred thousand elven troops took a boat from Chongming City to the Judgment Territory. The reduced army instantly eased the relationship between Chongming City and Shangjiang City.

Joshua gave up the idea of ​​​​confronting Shangjiang, and the entire island returned to the peaceful atmosphere of the elves.

Daliang and Joshua, the two Dukes of Shangjiang, were in the castle of Chongming City, drinking the wine brewed by the elves while admiring the spiritual dance of the elves.

The two of them have met here many times, but now their identities, relationships and moods are completely different from before.

While the two were chatting about the future development direction of Chongming City, Joshua suddenly said to Daliang: "There has been no news coming out of Songjiang City recently. This is not in line with the character of the black elves. They will never do it without breaking their heads and bleeding." Taking a little loss, Abigail must be planning something.

I think we should not wait for Abigail to attack us before reacting, but proactively send troops to Songjiang to drive the black elves out. "

The last time Da Liang went to see the prophet, he noticed that the atmosphere in Songjiang was abnormal. He also knew that Joshua's suggestion was correct. Abigail was the last remaining cancer in Shangjiang. The sooner it was removed, the sooner he would feel at ease.

It's just that the teacher came from nowhere... Abigail even killed the child in her belly. If there is no suitable reason to attack Songjiang, will it give other city lords the feeling that Joyce is going to counterattack? There are also residents within the Shangjiang area. It is very unpopular to rashly start a war on subordinate cities. The human city has very high demands on the people's hearts and minds. Joyce has just ascended the throne, so everything should focus on harmony and stability.

Moreover, the underground city is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the terrain is complex. Once a war breaks out, it will definitely be a protracted battle that wastes people and money. There are many locations in Shangjiang City that need support now, and it is not suitable to regenerate the war at this moment.

Daliang told Joshua the difficulties of going up the river and wanted to hear the old duke's advice.

Joshua said: "Abigail said she married her daughter to you, is this true?"


Da Liang told the story of how he asked Abigail for help, Abigail held a wedding for him, and asked the Dragon of Darkness for divination.

"It was just a stopgap measure at the time, but later I broke off my engagement with Monica. She is now an important hero in my army."

Joshua said at this time: "According to the system of the black elves, Monica is qualified to compete for the position of Mistress Abigail. Duke Daliang, you once served as the consul of Songjiang, and implemented the New Deal in Songjiang for Abigail." Gale attracted many black elf tribes wandering underground.

You have a certain prestige among the Songjiang black elves.

Now that Abigail has violated the original agreement and annexed these tribes, she has fallen from the evil order of the Faceless Men to the evil and chaotic Snake Faction.

The black elves of the Faceless Men must reject Abigail, but Abigail's current strength prevents them from resisting. They need a leader with weight.

Do you think Monica has what it takes to be a leader? "

The Faceless Faction and the Snake Faction are two factions of the black elves: the Faceless Men follow order. A tribe has a matron and multiple dark matriarchs and dark witch leaders. The matron has the power of life and death over any tribe member. The black elves of the Snake Sect are extremely chaotic. Many of them were expelled from the faceless black elves tribe and are cruel killers hiding in the darkness.

Abigail violated the agreement between her mistresses and annexed other black elf tribes. In the eyes of some faceless black elves, this was what the snake sect did.

Raising Monica to overthrow Abigail.

This is a very bold and dangerous idea...

However, Kuka's army is about to complete its occupation of the Snowfield City's river basin. After winter arrives, the climate is no longer suitable for the undead army to fight in the snowfield. The direction of Palm Tree City in the Magic Realm is also very honest, with no intention of crossing the border, and the dwarves are fighting for independence. The lord of Palm Tree City is a centaur, and the elves have no energy to take care of a remote non-lineage city during this time.

Take this opportunity to mobilize the Snowfield City army and the Forward Fortress army to attack Songjiang City?

Daliang smiled and said to Joshua: "The Duke knows a lot about Songjiang. He must have many spies underground. I hope Chongming City can provide intelligence support for my army."

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