Start with an Archangel

Chapter 947: Hold tight and don’t let go

Before Daliang pushed Joyce to the throne, Joshua had always regarded Abigail as the biggest stumbling block for him to reach the peak of power, so he naturally spared no effort in collecting intelligence about Songjiang City.

In addition, there is no obvious difference in appearance between elves and black elves, so Joshua really deployed a lot of spies in Songjiang City.

Now that Joshua has admitted his defeat and carried out disarmament, his efforts are naturally directed in the direction of Shangjiang's strength. Therefore, when Daliang proposed intelligence support, Joshua readily agreed.

After deciding on the strategy of Songjiang City, Daliang left Chongming City.

In the battle with Abigail, Daliang had to face many difficulties: the first was how to mobilize the army underground. Songjiang cut off all large channels with the surface, and small channels were not conducive to large-scale mobilization of the army. The undead's sea of ​​skeletons pushed tactics Not easy to cast.

At the same time, because the underground environment is generally very narrow, underground combat involves a small number of elite duels. The black elves are just good at rapid underground raiding tactics, so which troops to deploy underground need to be carefully discussed with Monica and Kuka.

What kind of strength does Abigail have now? have no idea……

What is the size of the Songjiang underground city army? do not know either……

When a guest army fights, the whole army may be wiped out if you are not careful.

Of course, Daliang also has its own advantages: Monica is a legitimate contender for the mistress, which will not inspire the determination of the black elves to fight to the death; the Judgment Territory can provide supplies to Monica's army nearby; and Monica has a higher level of war command. to Abigail.

Another thing is...Songjiang City is still a level 10 city due to its own economy. The black elves don't have many armies above level 11, and there are very few red dragons and black dragons as the ultimate troops. But Da Liang can provide Monica with a 12th-level magic mage, a vampire sword guard hero tribe and more than a dozen frost dragons.

This battle can still be fought.

After a few days of busy work, news came from Nicole's alchemy laboratory that the magic circle built into the angel's equipment had been reorganized. Princess Ziling also arrived at Shangjiang with ten Zilongs with alchemy expertise.

According to the previous agreement, Daliang signed employment agreements with these eleven Zilong alchemists.

After the agreement comes into effect, Zi Ling will lead these ten alchemists to join Nicole's alchemy laboratory and participate in the research on the divine plane.

Daliang signed his name on the agreement, and then said to Princess Zi Ling: "Your Royal Highness, you came very timely. Master Nicole has completed the preparations for opening the crystal wall passage on the divine plane, you can follow me now Let’s go to the Boneyard Tomb to watch the moment when the passage is opened.”

After hearing the news, the purple dragons were very happy. Princess Ziling thanked Daliang: "Thank you again to Duke Daliang for letting us participate in this research. We can't wait to witness this miraculous moment."

"Me too...let's leave now..."

After going up the river to the teleportation array of the Black Fire Territory, and then through plane teleportation, we arrived at the Boneyard Tomb.

The purple dragons were shocked by the construction they saw in front of them.

One hundred thousand skeleton laborers continued to dig out earth from the ground and pile up the upper layers of grave bags. In this ten-kilometer-wide mound, there are criss-crossing trenches and dense traps. Each magic circle was drawn and then buried. Looking at the entire huge above-ground project, I really can’t imagine what kind of open space and grand layout there will be underground.

Is this going to dig out an underground city?

At this time, all the purple dragons were in the state of magic mages. Daliang did not explain too much about his graveyard. He said to Zi Ling: "Let's go to Master Nicole's laboratory together. This military The base is enough to protect the security and secrets here from being leaked."

Daliang led the purple dragons into the sulfur mine. After meeting the frost dragon guarding here, they walked into Nicole's alchemy laboratory together.

"Lord..." Miniya connected Da Liang and his party into the alchemy laboratory and said: "Master Nicole wants to activate the magic circle equipped by the angel, but I still think it is appropriate for an adult to activate it personally. Please hurry up, sir. , Master Nicole is already losing her temper..."

It must be faster...

In the alchemy laboratory, the work of restoring the magic array of the angel's equipment was carried out in a large sealed room. The four walls of the room are round, and the upper level is a hemispherical dome. The walls are all made flat with alchemical magic.

At this time, all six pieces of angel equipment were floating in the air, and white light shot out from the equipment and combined into a six-pointed star pattern.

The six-pointed star is the symbol of the Wizards Guild and also forms the core of the entire magic circle.

On the dome of the room, the originally scattered magic symbols have been rearranged and assembled into a completed magic circle. The light-attributed magic energy flows along the magic circuits on the magic circle, and the runes flicker like stars in the night sky. .

Experts can see the doorway inside. The moment the purple dragons entered the laboratory, they were stunned by the magic circle above. The combination of symbols and the structure of the magic circle made them understand a lot of things in an instant, and they not only admired the idea and talent of the designer of the entire magic circle.

"This is indeed a miracle..."

Zi Ling was already intoxicated by the illumination of this magic circle. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand as if to touch the magic circle above.

Daliang also thinks this magic circle is very beautiful, but what he has to do now is to seize the right to activate the magic circle from Nicole. Black Pearl is trying his best to stop Nicole.

The two of them stood under the six-pointed star. Nicole wanted to fly to the six-pointed star, while Black Pearl held Nicole's legs and used the weight pendant, and adjusted her weight to the full value.

"Black Pearl, let me go. The magic circle I restored must be opened by me at this moment."

Black Pearl hugged Nicole's legs and refused to let go: "But... Sister Minya and I both believe that the captain should open it. Mentor... these six pieces of angel equipment are all provided by the captain."

"Black Pearl, hold me tight and don't let go! If you do this well, I'll give you a few more carts of gems for you to eat as you like." After seeing this, Da Liang sped up and ran under the six-pointed star, not forgetting to treat Mi Nia asked: "How to activate the magic circle?"

Miniya ran with Da Liang and handed over a note: "Sir, please do not use magic energy to disrupt the entire magic circle. You use the wings of the fallen angel to fly to the center of the hexagram. Then follow this order and go to the six items respectively. Just inject magic into the angel equipment."

Da Liang took the note, on which were drawn the locations of the six pieces of angel equipment, as well as the order of activation.

Sword of the Prophet - Shield of the Lion - Holy Boots - Crown of the Oracle - Magic Armor - Angel Necklace

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