Start with an Archangel

Chapter 951 Holy Julian

Daliang holds an important position in the Five Color Flag Alliance. Although he opened the portal into Yunzhong City this time, at least there was no hostility.

Metatron did not pursue Daliang's mistake, but turned to look at Julian.

It is obvious that she is in her own spiritual world and cannot respond much to information from the outside world. At the same time, it also shows that Julian's situation is indeed very urgent. He takes the initiative to fight against the evil energy. If he fails, the evil will swallow her up instantly.

Metatron said to Daliang: "Come with me, we will advance Julian now."

The place where the archangel progresses to become a holy angel is in an advanced building called the "Holy Temple". The Holy Temple is a sealed palace that requires archangels who have reached advanced standards to enter alone and receive the comprehensive evolution of their bodies inside.

Metatron took Daliang and Julian outside the sacred church, and then said: "Duke Daliang, according to our agreement, you should terminate your contract with Julian now."

"...I will abide by the agreement."

Daliang glanced at Julian, who was still confused, brought up her status bar, and then selected... Cancel employment status in the contract options.

Julian's status bar disappeared instantly in front of Daliang. She was no longer Daliang's subordinate, and her ownership automatically returned to Yunzhong City.

Daliang can no longer access any of her data, and now Julian will not respond to Daliang's orders.

It seemed that the most important thing had been lost, which made Daliang feel melancholy.

Metatron showed a profound smile, and then said to Julian: "Child, enter the sacred temple, accept your destiny, and follow the path you should take."

Julian walked along the steps towards the sacred temple step by step. The door of the temple opened and golden light emanated from inside. After crossing the palace gate, Julian's figure gradually disappeared into the golden light...

The door is closed.

Metatron looked at Da Liang with a nervous expression and said: "Duke Da Liang... I am deeply surprised by your journey. I feel that your current status is definitely not just due to luck. The last time we talked, let I feel your wisdom, courage, and...kindness.

Do you think who wins this war will be beneficial to the world? "

Yunzhong City is preparing to win over the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Da Liang considered his words for a moment, and then said: "As a human race, of course I hope that the good camp can win, but the main body of the Five-Color Flag Alliance is the three dragon clans. Due to some actions of Yunzhong City, the Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon are facing each other. The angels didn't have much favorable impressions. Instead, it was the fallen angels of hell who came to help at the critical moment.

Therefore, the Five Color Flag Alliance prefers neutrality.

No matter who wins, we hope to maintain a separate identity.

Lord Metatron, there is nothing I can do to help Cloud City at this point. Compared with the good camp and the evil camp, the Five Color Flag Alliance is too weak, and we have no intention of taking sides in this war.

All future actions of the Five Color Flag Alliance are to survive this war. "

Metatron couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he didn't get much promise from Da Liang. However... if the Five Color Flags Alliance adheres to neutrality, then the good camp, which has an advantage in the plane war, does not need to urgently win over this new camp.

"I still hope that Duke Daliang can rely on your position in Shangjiang to promote a dialogue between the Five Color Flag Alliance and Yunzhong City. Even if we do not form a military alliance, we can also start economic cooperation.

You know... wars are really expensive. "

"Yes... war is really expensive!" Daliang couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time promised Metatron: "I will convey the goodwill of Yunzhong City to King Joyce, and I think she will also be very happy. I am happy to cooperate with Yunzhongcheng in business..."

What is the scale of Shangjiang's economic power? As long as you pay some attention to the main world, you can know what a huge business empire it is.

Both the good camp and the evil camp are very coveted for Shang Jiang's wealth. As long as they can control Shang Jiang, they can continuously obtain immeasurable war expenses.

However, on the eve of the outbreak of the plane war, Shangjiang actually joined the Five-Color Flag Alliance, allowing all the forces who were preparing to take advantage of the big players to take advantage of the empty space.

The most disappointing one is definitely Yunzhong City.

Because Shangjiang belongs to the human city-state, it is very easy for Yunzhong City to control Shangjiang and can give priority to the wealth.

And now... If you don't want to go to war with the Five Color Flag Alliance, you have to use formal methods to make money from Shangjiang. If you can successfully enter the large market of Shangjiang, you can accumulate a very considerable amount of gold coins.

Therefore, when Metatron was unable to win the support of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, he took the next step and first brought the two parties closer through economic cooperation to buffer the relationship between Cloud City and the Crystal Dragon Clan.

When Daliang and Metatron were discussing the economic cooperation between Yunzhong City and Shangjiang City, the door to the sacred temple opened.

Dazzling golden light shot out from the hall, causing Da Liang to cover his eyes.

Soon the door of the sacred temple was closed, all the brilliance converged, and then a holy angel stood outside the door of the temple.

Julian has completed the advancement and she has now become a Holy Angel.

The full-body heavy armor with the archangel symbol has been replaced by light armor suitable for Julian's speed. On the basis of ensuring a certain defense, it tries not to affect her physical flexibility in battle. Moreover, the close-fitting light armor also perfectly showed off Julian's figure that was previously blocked by heavy armor. The bulging breastplate, waist-cinching leather guard, hip-covering skirt and knee-high metal boots all stood out. Explicit body curves.

The brilliance emitted by the unfolded angel wings has changed from pure white to a faint golden color, and Julian's wingspan is longer than that of ordinary angels, showing her outstanding talent for speed.

Julian, who has completed the advancement of the Holy Angel, has regained her consciousness. She has discovered that her employment contract with Daliang has changed. Now she has nothing to do with Daliang and the Black Fire Leader. She is a Holy Angel affiliated with Yunzhong City.

The name was also changed to: Holy Julian.

Julian flew in front of Metatron and knelt on one knee in front of him.

Metatron put his hand on Julian's head: "My child, congratulations on your growth into a holy angel. This means that your strength has increased, and it also means that your responsibilities have become heavier.

Now... the world has become chaotic. Even I can't see the future and don't know how to choose.

However, I knew my next choice was the right one.

You have guarded the prison in Yunzhong City for ten thousand years, and you have fulfilled your obligations. Duke Daliang gave you hope of living when you were most helpless, and was your closest comrade-in-arms.

I know that even if I don't make this decision, you will leave Yunzhong City. After all, we have failed you. But I also hope you can realize that there is still warmth and good memories here.

Holy Julian…

In the name of the supreme angel of Yunzhong City, I grant you a free identity! "

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