Start with an Archangel

Chapter 952 Oath of Protection

Daliang on the side did not expect Metatron to give up Julian on his own initiative.

It seems that he never thought about leaving Julian in Yunzhong City from the beginning. Maybe this was a test for himself, or maybe he saw that Julian would not stay in Yunzhong City with peace of mind, so he might as well buy a favor.

In short, Daliang had to accept Metatron's favor.

Daliang stepped forward and said to Julian: "Julian, are you willing to accept my recruitment and become my warrior?"

"I reject……"

Daliang, who originally thought that he could recruit Julian again, did not expect that Julian actually refused his recruitment. The somewhat shocked Daliang asked: "Why..."

Julian stood up, and she said to Daliang: "As a lord, your unilateral termination of the contract without me making any mistakes has deeply hurt my self-esteem."

"But...I am here for..."

"No but... when the Black Fire Leader was very weak at the beginning, I had the ability to leave you, but I didn't do it because my belief did not allow me to do anything that broke my promise.

But you betrayed me..."

At this moment, Julian shed tears: "You don't know how I felt when I suddenly received the news that I was fired when I was fighting with Juliet? When I needed your support the most, you abandoned me...

The last time I felt like this was when I let Ergos go and realized the evil had affected me. That sword made me lose all faith.

And when I felt abandoned by the world, it was you who reached out and gave me the confidence to persevere.

But this time, no matter what your reasons really hurt me. "

Now, it seems that any explanation is pale.

Daliang could only accept the current changes, and he said to Julian: "Okay... this time I admit that it was my mistake to fire you without asking for your consent in advance.

Now that the Prophet has reached Master Nicole, we have everything ready to change your current predicament.

Let's get Juliet's stuff sorted out first, and then...

You can go anywhere you want, and you no longer need to bear the pain caused by the evil.

What if...well...

If you are willing to accept my employment again, I can assure you that you will never terminate your contract in the future. "

Julian asked: "You promise never to terminate the contract?"

"Always, I promise!"

"Then..." Julian stretched out his hand: "Give me my sword."

Daliang took out the angel sword that Julian had entrusted to her for safekeeping and put it in her hand.

After Julian took the sword, he stepped forward and hugged Da Liang. Then the long sword penetrated Da Liang's back, penetrating the two of them, and then stabbed out of Julian's back.

Julian lay on Daliang's shoulder and read: "I...Julian, I am willing to be Daliang's guardian angel in this life. No matter the difficulties, comfort, or future, I will never leave Daliang." , love what he loves, be loyal to what he is loyal to.

Draw your sword for him and fold your wings for him.

Guard him...until he withers away..."

Julian recited his angel guardian oath in this most advanced guardian ceremony, which is the most demanding contract mode. Once the guardianship ceremony is completed, Julian will be Daliang's guardian angel, and the contract cannot be terminated under any circumstances.

Da Liang listened to the oath that Julian read in his ear, and looked at the dialog box in front of him whether to accept Julian's choice as his guardian angel... he was a little confused.

[Each character can only be protected by one angel, please choose carefully! 】

Nothing to think about.

Daliang chose to accept...

The angel sword that connected the two people disappeared at the moment the contract was established, and the wounds of Daliang and Julian also recovered in an instant.

Julian let go of Daliang and took a step back, then revealed the back of his hand, which had a pattern composed of angel wings and a shield. Da Liang also quickly looked at the back of his hand. On it was a pattern composed of angel wings and a sword.

Looking at the two patterns, Julian smiled: "Sir, you can never abandon me again."

Daliang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about what had just happened, he still felt a little happy in his heart: "I didn't intend to abandon you in the first place, it was you who was too worried, but you scared me instead. seems that you have subdued Juliet. Let's go to the prophet immediately and solve her problem completely! "

The 15th-level Holy Angel is on the same level as the 15th-level Hell's Angel, so Juliet is no longer Julian's opponent, and the time she can appear is once again limited to one hour a day.

However, if she is not separated and the evil continues to encroach, her energy will still increase and threaten Julian again.

Saying goodbye to Metatron, Liang quickly returned to the Boneyard Tomb with Julian.

The prophet has arrived, and Nicole has found the best energy.

Since this divine plane crystal wall channel is opened by weapons produced by angels, the channel is connected to the divine plane crystal wall that emits sacred energy. As a prop to open the divine plane crystal wall channel, the Angel Alliance was affected and became Artifact.

As a kind of divine power, extremely good energy is still very abundant in the channel.

However, the extremely good energy is very dangerous. If you are not careful and are affected by the extremely good energy, you will become a puppet controlled by divine power. Therefore, after Nicole collected the extremely good energy in the channel, she sealed it in a special transparent container.

The extremely good energy emits dazzling white light like a small sun in this container.

The prophet has also completed preparations to separate Julian and Juliet. He borrowed a fully functional laboratory from Nicole. Jenny stayed here as an assistant while everyone else was kicked out.

After Da Liang brought Julian in, the prophet pointed to a disc with a diameter of one meter in the middle of the laboratory and said to Julian: "You stand on it..."

Julian obeyed and stood on the disk.

Jenny handed a cup of green-glow potion to Julian, and the prophet asked from the side: "Is Juliet in stable condition now?"

"She is tired from beating..."

The prophet nodded: "Tell her what we are doing. If she makes trouble during the entire separation process, I will completely eliminate her."

"...She already knows."

"Well, drink this potion now. It will greatly enhance the evil energy in a short period of time, so that Juliet will not disappear when we are separated. When the time comes, Juliet will be in a state of controlling this body, and you must control her."

Julian glanced at Da Liang and drank the potion in one gulp: "For my oath, I will definitely be able to control Juliet."

Soon the effect of the medicine began to take effect, and a strong evil aura emanated from Julian's body. Her body began to tremble, her expression was painful, and she tried her best to suppress the evil energy that was about to explode.

But Julian didn't suppress it for too long, and Juliet seized control of her body in an instant.

She has long purple hair, a black skirt, white stockings, and holds a pair of black and white swords. After Juliet came out, she laughed wildly: "Hahahahahaha...I finally came out..."

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