Start with an Archangel

Chapter 955 Black Pearl Strengthening Idea

Nicole and her team are busy in the crystal wall channel laboratory on the plane of God.

They have all entered the passage and seen the God's plane crystal wall inside. They can naturally see the relationship between the God's plane crystal wall and the obelisk tower.

Just as Daliang said, the crystal wall of the God Plane and the obelisk tower have the same origin. If you can break them, you can open the God Plane.

Now all the alchemists are having a heated discussion around a large blackboard, on which is drawn the structural diagram of the Black Pearl, as well as various magic arrays and alchemical equipment.

The Black Pearl has returned to its battleship form and is fixed with a bracket in the middle of the laboratory.

This laboratory, which was originally used to assemble magic arrays for angel equipment, has a relatively open space, and is now very suitable for being transformed into the dry dock of the Black Pearl. At this time, Black Pearl used water magic to project its own projection, floating in the air and watching the discussion of the masters.

I had to fly because I was too short.

This also allowed Black Pearl to be the first to see Da Liang walking into the laboratory with Julian and Juliet.

Black Pearl flew next to Daliang. The strong murderous intention exuded by Juliet made her a little scared. She hid next to Daliang and then said: "Captain, instructor Nicole and the others are discussing how to increase the strength of my defensive shield. If If you have something urgent, I will notify Master Nicole immediately.”

"Don't bother the masters..." Daliang said to Juliet again: "Master Nicole and the others are discussing things related to becoming a god. You can wait until they finish discussing your matters. And... I think you need to learn to control your murderous intention. In this laboratory... there are really not many people you can win now..."

Juliet curled her lips, with disdain on her face, but she could feel that the alchemists in this laboratory were really strong, and they all started as level 15 heroes.

I can probably win...

Apart from his employer, there is... the little girl next to him.

Juliet took advantage of Da Liang to move forward and gave Black Pearl a fierce blow, which frightened Black Pearl and quickly eliminated her own projection.

Then the magic eye on the Black Pearl opened and stared at Juliet motionless.

Julian patted Juliet on the head: "Don't scare Black Pearl, she is very fierce. Follow her quickly, my lord has already gone far."

After teaching Juliet a lesson, Julian quickly caught up with Liang.

And Juliet also tasted the bitter pill of scaring Black Pearl. Every step she took, the evil eye stared at her, but here she couldn't teach Black Pearl a lesson, so she could only endure being stared at all the time.

Daliang stood behind the alchemists and listened to them discuss the modification of the Black Pearl.

Listening to their opinions, fantastic ideas were put forward one by one, and then many alchemists debated together, either passing their feasibility or deciding that it could not be realized.

Daliang stood there and listened carefully. Although he couldn't understand many things the alchemists said, he felt extremely satisfied just watching them discuss.

This is definitely the top research team in the entire game.

Purple Dragon's talent in magic is unparalleled, but they are too lazy and have no research funds.

Now Daliang has a complete flow of funds in his hands, which can ensure the laboratory's most sufficient funds and resource needs, and the crystal wall of the God Plane has also inspired all the passion of these purple dragons.

Talent, hard work and money collided here and burst out with violent sparks. Da Liang could not imagine what sensational things this group of alchemists could do when they gathered together.

After a long discussion, Nicole's team reached a preliminary consensus on the transformation of the Black Pearl.

Strengthening the defensive cover is a must, but the Black Pearl is already equipped with an advanced magic-forbidden device optimized by Nicole. It is difficult to improve the defense capability without increasing the size. To increase the volume, the hull will be enlarged, which will increase the impact surface of the Black Pearl, which is equivalent to useless work.

Faced with this situation, Princess Zi Ling came up with a proposal, which was to add another defensive alchemy equipment to the Black Pearl.

Magic Mirror is a defensive skill among the Purple Dragon racial specialties. It can reflect back the magic released by the enemy against itself.

Zi Ling's idea was to seal the magic mirror on the alchemy equipment through alchemy, and then install it on the hull of the Black Pearl. In this way, part of the sacred energy attack can be reflected back to reduce the pressure on the defensive shield.

It's just that it's very difficult to seal the purple dragon's special magic in the alchemy equipment, but Nicole's alchemist team still passed the feasibility plan.

It’s a complete transformation of Black Pearl’s golden dragon ship’s head.

First, collect dragon blood and dragon scales from the Purple Dragon tribe. After refining, use alchemical methods to transform it into a Purple Dragon Ship Statue while retaining the performance of the Golden Dragon Ship Statue, so that it can release the Purple Dragon's racial specialty skill - magic. mirror.

In this way, the problem of defense can be improved.

As for whether the black pearl can achieve the defensive ability to resist the attack of sacred energy in the channel, it still needs to build the purple dragon bow statue.

The other is to increase the storage space of black pearls, which is used to carry rare resources that need to be consumed and materials used to study the crystal walls of the divine plane.

This involves spatial skills.

There are also many devices used to attack and detect the crystal walls of the God Plane...

After many things, a list was placed in front of Daliang by Nicole.

“We can prepare some of the above materials ourselves, but most still need to be purchased.

Get the above things together as soon as possible, don’t delay the progress of the research..."

As the owner of Nicole's Alchemy Laboratory, Daliang certainly knew that it was his duty to provide research materials. But...why is there so much material on it that I have never heard of?

What about the essence of the moon, the wood of the broken army, the accent of dawn...


We can only try our best to find it. If we can buy it, buy it. If we can’t buy it, we will give the players a task to find it.

Da Liang put away the list, then introduced Juliet to Nicole, and said that he wanted to use the undead summoning circle to test Juliet's strength.

After assigning the research project to the team, Nicole said to Daliang: "The initial repair of the Undead Summoning Array has been completed, and the damaged parts have been repaired. I also want to see the effect of the array so that I can make adjustments in the next stage.

However, since the teleportation magic circle inside the big tomb has not yet been laid, we can only let a few magic nodes operate to summon undead monsters and reach our designated location. "

"It's enough to have a few magic nodes running..."

Anyway, Da Liang didn't expect Juliet to be able to resist the tide of undead summoned by the operation of the entire undead magic circle on her own. But at this time, Daliang thought of something, and he said to Nicole: "I captured an ancient tree of wisdom with space capabilities in the magical realm, which can open a portal within a radius of ten kilometers.

The main body of the Bone Burial Tomb is only ten kilometers long. If we transplant this ancient tree of wisdom here, can we solve the problem of transmission and speed up the transportation of materials. "

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