Start with an Archangel

Chapter 956 Testing Juliet

The ancient tree of space wisdom mentioned by Daliang was stolen from Palm Tree City, a magical land. It can open portals at will within ten kilometers, which will allow the defenders to have very high mobility during defensive battles.

Originally, when Daliang got this ancient tree of wisdom, he wanted to transplant it to the sky battleship. However, the Ancient Tree of Wisdom is too big to fit on the Assault, and there is technically no way for the Ancient Tree of Wisdom to survive on the battleship.

Now, the elf in Daliang's hands has transformed a space suitable for living creatures underground under the Boneyard.

The conditions are ripe for transplanting the ancient tree of wisdom into the burial ground.

Nicole didn't expect Daliang to have such a good thing. Her current work is very heavy. Not only is she responsible for the research on the crystal wall of the God Plane, but she is also responsible for researching the academic portable army project. In addition, she is in charge of the entire establishment of the Boneyard Magic Array and the repair of the Undead Summoning Array. If the portal can be opened at will within ten kilometers in the future, it will be very convenient for her to inspect the entire Bone Burial Ground project.

"Then transplant this ancient tree of wisdom as soon as possible. Now I suddenly have a new idea, and I need the ancient tree of wisdom to help me realize it."

Daliang quickly said: "I only have this ancient tree of wisdom...don't let me ruin it."

"I know, I know... I do things very appropriately. Let's go outside and see what kind of surprise the repaired undead summoning circle can bring to me."

I always feel very uneasy.

But Daliang could only quietly tell Minya and Black Pearl to hug Nicole's legs at critical moments and not to make her impulsive.

In this first test after the restoration of the Boneyard Undead Summoning Array, Daliang was very cautious.

A complete undead summoning circle is not as simple as summoning skeletons and zombies. Think about the forbidden spell-level undead magic encountered in the elemental plane. When the power of this undead summoning circle is fully activated, it will have that effect.

On the upper level of the Boneyard Tomb, in an open area, Da Liang evacuated all the skeleton workers here.

When some magic nodes of the undead summoning array are activated, the teleportation magic array covering the nodes will transfer all the summoned undead monsters here to test Juliet's combat effectiveness and relieve her stress.

The frost dragon Astro led more than twenty frost dragons and ghost dragons from the Boneyard to take off. Sophia led the vampire sword guards to cooperate with these undead dragons to control the sky.

The heavily armored Trample Copper led his cavalry and surrounded the open land. The heavily armored tramplers and knights aimed their shields and guns at the center, and the dark cavalry formed a dense charging queue behind them. As the Battle of Snowfield was about to come to a perfect end, a small number of Wolf Cavalry also appeared in the Red Bronze Cavalry.

Da Liang unfolded his fallen angel wings and flew in the air, with Julian, Juliet and Nicole stopping around him.

After all the defensive forces were in place, Daliang took out the undead cane.

This staff once belonged to Quentin, the maker of the Undead Summoning Circle. One of its functions is to activate and control this large magic circle.

Use the Undead Cane to find the Undead Summoning Array option. After clicking to use it, an operation diagram for the Undead Summoning Array appears in front of Da Liang.

Choose to activate the Undead Summoning Array...

The ground shook instantly, the air pressure in the entire bone burial ground suddenly increased, the breath of death gathered, and the breath exhaled by the creatures condensed into white mist in front of them.

The eerie roar echoed back and forth throughout the Bone Burial Ground.

Such an atmosphere made Daliang, who was used to dealing with the undead, feel scared.

Looking at Julian who was guarding him, Daliang regrouped his mind and selected a magic node on the undead summoning array diagram where the teleportation array had been laid.

The surroundings suddenly fell into silence, and the whistling stopped at this moment.

Then after waiting for a while, a large number of undead monsters instantly appeared in the open space surrounded by the copper cavalry.

The agile skeleton warrior, the heavily armored black warrior, the multi-headed and multi-legged suture monster, the death witch who drives monsters...

There are also huge carrion bears, skeletal mammoths, carrion blood bats, zombie mutalisks...

These summoned undead monsters attack all creatures they encounter except those protected by the undead staff. There were less than a hundred undead monsters who arrived in the first batch. They roared and attacked the Black Fire Army on the ground and in the sky, and new undead monsters were constantly being refreshed behind them.

It's a bit much...

Da Liang adjusted the monster spawning speed of this magic node, and then said to Juliet next to him: "Let me have some appetizers first, and let me see your killing speed. If it is not enough, I will give you more food."

From the moment she regained her strength until now, Juliet has been controlling her murderous heart. Now, although these mindless undead monsters are not the targets she wants to kill, she can't control them so much.

Juliet showed her two swords, her figure entered the subspace, and then a wave of waves passed through the air, and she appeared among the monsters.

Purple light swept across, and the undead monsters that were charging fiercely just now became a little weak in an instant.

Then comes Juliet’s killing moment.

To be honest, this was the first time that Daliang saw clearly how Juliet fought. In the past, the environment in which Juliet fought was complicated. Often, before Daliang knew what was happening, Juliet had already killed people and came back.

Now from a high position and on the chosen battlefield, Juliet's fighting style can naturally be seen clearly.

The characteristic of Juliet's battle is "fast".

Her heroic specialty is the Wind and Lightning, and one of the Hell Angel's racial specialties is rapidity. The frequency of dual-wielding sword attacks is already high. The three characteristics combined allow Juliet to maximize her "speed".

In the killing field, Juliet's figure is blurred. She always keeps moving at high speed. With the help of momentum and killing skills, she can move away with one blow without slowing down. Not to mention these undead monsters without intelligence, ordinary high-level heroes would probably be killed by repeated raids without even seeing Juliet clearly.

The undead in the field were knocked down as if they were being cut down. The first batch of undead that came out were all killed, and the newly spawned monsters also fell into the dilemma of being killed as soon as they came out.

In order to test Juliet's limit, Da Liang began to adjust the monster spawning speed of the undead summoning circle.

The number of undead monsters that appeared increased, but Juliet, who had completed her warm-up, still maintained an efficient killing speed. Until a magic node was fully loaded with monsters, Juliet could still basically control the situation on the field, except for a few flying monsters that slipped through the net and attacked Blackfire. The air force led by the enemy and the monsters on the ground could not touch the peripheral red copper cavalry.

Suddenly I found that I had two more alliance leaders, how excited I was!

Thanks to fkingbitch leader for giving rewards every day regardless of rain or shine, thanks to Yijianguang Cambrian Dao Era leader for surprises, and thanks to the first leader for his cute stuff.

Thanks to every current book friend who accompanies Archangel.

I will try my best to add more updates in the next few days to thank all my friends for their support.

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