Start with an Archangel

Chapter 958 All Heroes Meeting

Da Liang took back the Angel Alliance, leaving the Bronze Cavalry to clean up the killing field where Juliet and the Arbitration Angel were tested, and he took Julian and Juliet back to the Great Tomb.

Juliet, who possesses extremely good energy, with the help of Nicole, completed the elimination of evil energy from Stark, Thor, Banner, and Natasha.

Daliang has gained four very talented archangels, but if they are to be truly effective, it will take a period of training.

The Black Fire Leader now has a combat-type 16th-level Arbitration Angel, and has deep cooperation with the 16th-level hero Nicole. Possessing the artifact Angel Alliance, they also found the crystal wall of the God Plane and organized a team of alchemists to begin research on the final stage of becoming a god.

Recently, the war on the large river basin of Snowfield City was completed and an important resource-producing area was harvested.

The Blackfire Territory will usher in a new era.

Facing the imminent dimensional war, Daliang believed that it was necessary to summon his subordinates to discuss the plans and strategies for the next stage of the Black Fire Territory.

So Daliang held the first meeting of all heroes of the Black Fire Territory in the Boneyard Tomb.

In the partially built palace on the third floor of the Great Tomb, as Daliang's summons was issued, all the important heroes under his command gathered together.

Daliang sat on his "throne".

Sophia stood behind him, and the guards she led were responsible for the defense of the entire palace. Julian and Juliet stood on both sides of Da Liang, and the heroes stood under the throne.

Level 15 hero

Shadow Dragon Demon: Night; Crystal Dragon: Thousand Miles

Class 15 heroes

Vampire: Minia; Ogre: Kuka; Dark Witch: Monica; Frost Dragon: Astro; Crusader: Sidney;

Level 14 hero

Frost Dragon: Thunderstorm, Hurricane, Howl; Destruction Knight: Jones, Turner, Edge, Isa; Archangel: Stark, Thor, Banner, Natasha

Class 14 heroes

Dwarf: Hans; Thief: Polly: Wolf Cavalry: Simon; Magic Mage; Vincent; Sky Battleship: Black Pearl; Heavy Trampler: Red Copper...

Seeing all the heroes in the audience, Daliang recalled the time when he had just obtained the Black Fire Territory, and in order to develop himself and Julian, he and Julian flew across the sea to the land.

I guess at that time, I never imagined that I could gather such a powerful team of heroes.

After sighing with emotion, Daliang asked Kuka: "The battle in the snowfield should be over. You are in full command of this war. Tell us about the results and our gains."

Lead the army alone and fight across thousands of miles. Daliang's trust allowed Kuka, who held military power, to exert his military talents without any scruples, thus understanding master-level tactics and becoming a 15th-level commander-in-chief hero.

When Kuka came to the Bone Burial Ground, the undead army that had opened up the river was gradually returning to the snowfield city, preparing to spend the long winter in the snowfield.

Facing Daliang's first question, Kuka stood up and said, "Sir, we have invested a total of 150,000 troops in this snowfield river war.

Since we had to end the war before winter came, I adopted the tactics of assault regardless of losses.

By the end of the war, we had lost nearly 50,000 troops, mostly skeleton soldiers. Most of the battle losses occurred in the early stages of the war. After Crystal Dragon Qianli joined the war, my losses in the attack dropped a lot.

At present, we have eliminated the main force of the river orc tribe and occupied all their strongholds. The blue-eared Snow Wolf tribe was responsible for the extermination of the remnants of the orc forces during the winter.

When winter is over, we can expand our occupied area by relying on the reserves of river transportation supplies and strongholds.

In the orc tribe we directly occupied, there were 20 big-eared monster camps, 15 wolf huts, 10 orc towers, 5 ogre fortresses, and three orc taverns. You can recruit 200 big-eared monsters, 120 wolf cavalry, 60 orc ax throwers and 20 ogres every day.

The resource mining areas around the orc tribe are also under our control. The daily output of rare resources is: 3 units of crystal, 3.5 units of gems, 2.7 units of sulfur, and 3.6 units of mercury.

The output of other resources is still under statistics. "

The Xueyuan River War resulted in the loss of nearly 50,000 troops. Daliang was quite distressed to hear this. However, the environment of the snowfield determines how long a war can be launched. Once the battle does not end before winter comes, the orc tribe will have the entire winter to deploy defenses and increase their troops. If we fight again next year, the losses will only be greater, and Snowfield City will not be able to use the river to transport supplies during this period.

Therefore this loss is necessary.

And Kuka also said that most of the dead were skeleton soldiers...

The current daily output of skeleton soldiers in the Black Fire Territory has exceeded a thousand, and the skeleton soldier resources in the player trading market are also very abundant. The lost troops can be replenished with a little money and a little time. In terms of comparative results, this loss can be considered a waste of money.

The biggest result of this war that took place in the snowfield was to open up the river connecting Snowfield City and the ocean. In the future, materials mined in the snowfield can be transported out, and materials used to maintain the city can be transported in. The entire snowfield has become a black fire. The largest source of resources for subordinates.

The occupation of the orc tribe not only allows the Black Fire Territory to rely on these strongholds to complete control of the entire river, but also adds an orc army to the Black Fire Territory's military sequence through the recruitment buildings inside.

Compared with the undead, which are useless even in winter, the cold-resistant and hard-working orcs are more suitable for guarding the snowfield city. Moreover, Kuka and his officer corps are all orcs, and commanding the orc army is definitely more comfortable than commanding the undead.

So after thinking about the development direction of Snowfield City, Daliang said to Kuka: "I appoint you as the city lord of Snowfield City and allow you to form an orc army to protect Snowfield.

Affected by the snowfield environment, the size of this orc army is first controlled between 50,000 and 100,000. Sidney's fleet will provide you with supplies to maintain the operation of the city and the maintenance of the army.

Your task is to ensure the supply of raw materials for the construction of the entire Black Fire Territory, especially to do your best to increase the production of rare resources. In the future, we will consume a lot of rare resources.

In order to ensure the mining capacity of Snowfield, I will keep the number of skeleton laborers in Snowfield City at no less than 100,000, and I will replenish whatever is lost. "

The appointment of a city lord made Kuka ecstatic...

In the world of heroes, why is territory so valuable? That's because once you acquire the territory, you can build the territory building. You can build the building wherever you want, as long as no one minds or you can defend it.

Except for a small number of functional buildings that have quantity restrictions on territorial buildings, most of them have no quantity restrictions. Therefore, some legions without territory will purchase some basic building facilities from the lord for their legion garrison. After these basic buildings reach a certain scale, , the system will generate civilian NPCs and default to towns.

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