Start with an Archangel

Chapter 959 Two war plans

Snowfield City is a town that has reached the system default level. Although its basic buildings are from the Black Fire Territory and it is an undead city, it is still a city. Moreover, when Daliang expanded the new urban area of ​​Snowfield City, he intentionally used all basic buildings of the human race. From now on, Snowfield City will become a city dominated by the human race.

Then gradually reduce the number of undead buildings. When human workers can fully take over the extraction of resources in the snowfield, Da Liang will erase the traces of the undead from the snowfield. Humans and beasts are both kind-hearted creatures, so they can work together to develop the snowfield.

In other words, the future Snowfield City will definitely be a very grand city.

Being able to become the city lord of such a city was probably beyond the imagination of Kuka, who was wandering in the foggy area.

Kuka knelt on the ground on one knee: "Thank you for your trust in me, sir. I will definitely protect Snowfield City for you and make it the most important piece of the Black Fire Territory."

Daliang said: "Do it well... But the city master of Snowfield City is just one of your jobs. Your main job is to lead my army in battle. In a moment... I have a new war mission for you, and now...

Simon, tell me how the territory mission is going now? "

Simon is a big-eared monster and the first hero under Daliang to advance from an ordinary soldier to a hero. When the Blackfire Nation was still outnumbered, Simon became a brick in Daliang's hands, moving wherever it was needed. Therefore, Simon, who originally had poor qualifications, was forced to become a level 14-like hero.

Now Simon was appointed by Daliang as the captain of the fourth-level aerospace battleship "Assault", leading a black fire-led army to perform territorial tasks for Daliang.

Hearing the name of the highlight, Simon squeezed out from the thighs of many heroes.

Then Simon put on his captain's tricorn hat to make himself look taller, and then began to report his work to Daliang.

With the assistance of the Hell Garrison, Simon's army was able to carry out territorial missions very smoothly, and his Assault was also full of firepower, and when paired with the Vampire Sword Guards, it could easily gain air superiority.

Now Simon has completed almost all the territory tasks in the eighth-level territory, and only the last level-9 undead city needs to be attacked.

After completing this task, the Black Fire Territory can be promoted to the ninth level territory.

Simon said in embarrassment at this time: "The hell army that originally assisted us has now followed the army of the City of Sighs into the Eternal Night area. It is difficult to defeat a ninth-level city with my current military strength alone.

The lord also transferred the copper cavalry to the Bone Burial Ground, so they couldn't fight anymore. "

The Red Copper Cavalry was originally under Simon's command, but as a result, the crystal wall of the Divine Plane opened. In order to strengthen the defense of the Bone Burial Ground, Da Liang transferred the Red Copper Cavalry here.

Without Hell's friendly troops and an important mobile unit, Simon could only stay put.

Daliang also realized that he directly transferred the Red Bronze Cavalry from his subordinates without asking Simon, which was indeed very unethical.

Territory missions must be done, and the missions were done by Daliangfa. Of course he knew the strength of the ninth-level city. Even if he gave the copper cavalry to Simon, Simon still did not conquer the ninth-level city's military strength.

Fortunately, the war in Snowfield City is over. It would be a waste for Kuka's army to be placed in Snowfield.

So Da Liang ordered the general and said: "Kuka, this ninth-level city of the undead will be handed over to you. The crystal dragon Qianli will continue to be under your command. He has an advantage over the bone dragon. Simon's army will be temporarily organized under your command...

In addition, I will give you a support, ten frost dragons and copper cavalry, you choose one. "

Kuka said: "I choose ten giant frost dragons."

Among the existing army and the army mobilized by Da Liang, Kuka has the Crystal Dragon Qianli, an aerial battleship, and almost all the vampire sword guards. Of course, he wants the frost dragon to continue to increase his air superiority.

After Kuka made his choice, Daliang said to Astro: "Choose ten giant frost dragons, and you will personally lead the team to support Kuka."

The frost dragon's small form is like a hard-shelled mechanical dragon. After receiving Da Liang's order, he stated that he would obey Kuka's command.

The territory mission of the eighth-level territory has finally been fulfilled. After completing this upgrade, the Black Fire Territory will become the first territory to enter the ninth level and continue to lead the territory construction.


Da Liang suddenly said to Monica: "Attack Palm Tree City...can it be done according to the military strength of Forward Fortress?"

Monica didn't expect that Daliang would have the idea of ​​attacking Palm Tree City. She asked: "As long as you give me a certain amount of support, there will be no problem in conquering Palm Tree City. But...

Palm Tree City is a subordinate city of Bauhinia City, the main elf city. If we attack Palm Tree City, will it attract an attack from Bauhinia City? "

Daliang said: "The Black Fire Territory is about to complete the upgrade of the ninth-level territory, and the next stage of territory missions must be in the Magical Realm. If we want to launch operations in the Magical Realm, the Palm Tree City around us must be destroyed.

Now the Magic Realm is facing the trouble of dwarf independence. The war between elves and dwarves will definitely start. We will take this opportunity to capture Palm Tree City.

Bauhinia City doesn't have the energy to take care of this place. When they do, they won't be able to do anything to us.

The support of the Bronze Cavalry is given to you.

After all...what more support do you need? "

Monica has been confronting Palm Tree City at Fortress Fortress and knows this elf city well. Now that Daliang said he would attack Palm Tree City, she immediately began to estimate the amount of troops needed.

Then Monica said: "I need Juliet..."

Monica had seen the terrifying power of Juliet when she first fought Palm Tree City. Naturally, she thought of this killing star first when fighting Palm Tree City this time.

However, Daliang immediately refused: "Juliet and Julian have other tasks in hell... I will ask four destruction knights to support you and provide a battle status for the battlefield.

Vincent's magic mage is also given to you.

Plus... Hans! "

The dwarf Hans immediately replied: "My lord, what do you need me to do?"

Hans's specialty is to confuse people's minds. He has mastered advanced wisdom, advanced reconnaissance, intermediate eagle eye, intermediate luck, and intermediate diplomacy. He is an all-round espionage talent.

Used well it will definitely be worth an army.

After clicking on Hans, Da Liang said: "The city lord of Palm Tree City is a centaur. The independence of the dwarves will definitely have a great impact on Palm Tree City. You go to Palm Tree City first...

See what can be done. "

"Yes, sir."

At the same time, Jones, Turner, Feng and Isa, who had advanced to the Knights of Destruction, also took orders and expressed that they would obey Monica's command.

Destruction Knight (Level 14 Infernal Creature)

Attack: 35

Defense: 35

Kills: 550-550

HP: 3000

Characteristics of the unit: all-terrain movement (including water), 20% curse attack, 20% knowing strike, ignores fire.

Da Liang casually clicked on Jones' attributes and was shocked.

The four-dimensional attributes are actually higher than those of Archangel in all aspects. He should belong to the category of small 15th level. He is worthy of being a hero who was influenced by extremely evil energy and has the blessing of divine power.

Extremely evil energy is indeed a good thing, and the evil prison Ergus once stayed in seems to have the ability to transform extremely evil energy into something that can be absorbed.

It seems that the extremely evil energy of purgatory should continue to be collected.

I wonder if Ergus knows what treasure he has left behind?

I probably don't know.

Yunzhong City definitely doesn’t know either.

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