Start with an Archangel

Chapter 960 Do you want to be a mistress?

Thinking of the evil prison of the Black Fire Territory, Daliang couldn't help but think of the nightmare unicorn Hayate who was guarding the prison and preparing to block Juliet.

Now that Juliet is separated from Julian, there is no need to worry about her getting mad and sneaking into the evil prison one day. Although the blast has always been harmless, it is still a big hidden danger. It can be seen from the explosion of the other four prisons that the evil prison is not as strong as imagined.

What if one day Hayate knew that Juliet would never go to prison again, would he go crazy and cause sabotage?

If the submarine volcano erupts under the Black Fire Territory, it will be fun to watch.

But this meeting is not the time to discuss Hayate.

Palm Tree City is an eighth-level city. If the previous Blackfire leader had difficulty in defeating Palm Tree City. Now that Palm Tree City has lost its most important space system ancient tree of wisdom, facing the Black Fire Leader whose strength has soared, it is no longer a big trouble.

Monica, who received strong support, was very confident in capturing Palm Tree City, and even said: "After we capture Palm Tree City, can you let me be the lord of the city?"

"No..." Da Liang poured cold water on Monica, then turned to the dwarf Hans and said: "My original plan was to destroy Palm Tree City after capturing it, and then continue to hold on to the Forward Fortress. But if If you can make Palm Tree City surrender, I will appoint you as the Lord of Palm Tree City and provide cover for the Black Fire Leader’s future military operations in the Magical Realm.”

Attacking Palm City does not mean capturing it. It is easy to capture a city, but it is very difficult to defend a city. If the undead army occupies Palm Tree City, even if Bauhinia City is temporarily unable to send troops to attack, the elven cities around Palm Tree City will continue to harass and even counterattack.

At that time, Daliang will have to defend Forward Fortress and Palm Tree City at the same time, and occupying a city will become a burden.

If Palm Tree City can be made to surrender voluntarily, this Elf City can become independent from the rule of Bauhinia City. If the city leader is replaced by one of his own, Palm Tree City will continue to confront the Fortress on the surface. Secretly, it can also prevent the elves from other cities from causing trouble in the Fortress and provide cover for the Black Fire Leader's actions in the magical realm.

In short, Daliang has no plan to directly let the Black Fire Territory occupy Palm Tree City. He will either destroy Palm Tree City and pull out the nails around him; or force Palm Tree City to surrender, and then steal and exchange pillars to obtain a pure elf territory.

Hans, who could become a city lord but only knew how to cheat and deceive, never thought that such a good thing could happen to him.

Hans's subjective initiative was completely aroused, and he said to Daliang: "Sir, I also want an army..."

Daliang asked: "What do you want an army for? Which army do you want?"

Hans said: "Sir... I know that you have recently gathered an army of elves. If you are willing to hand over this army to me... part of it is fine, I can make Palm Tree City surrender..."

The 100,000 elven troops that Daliang bought from Chongming City are still being reorganized in Shangjiang. Originally, Daliang planned to distribute this elven army to the Judgment Leader to relieve Shu Xiao's pressure on troops. This time Hans wanted part of the elf army, and Da Liang roughly guessed what Hans was planning to do...

So Da Liang said to Hans: "The elf army can give you part of it, 50,000 troops... Sidney organized a fleet to transport these troops and supplies to the Black Fire Territory, and then transferred them to the Magic Forest to hand them over to Hans."

Sidney is responsible for the maritime affairs of the Blackfire Territory. He not only protects the Blackfire Territory and controls the sea area, but also transports supplies to Snowfield City. The robbery at sea is about to begin. Now he also needs to transport all the 50,000 elven troops and logistical supplies to the Blackfire Territory. collar.

It’s a really heavy task…

However, Sidney did not complain at all and happily accepted the troop transport mission.

Monica was very unhappy when she spent all her efforts to attack Palm Tree City, but had to be picked by others. "Sir, this is not fair... I have been fighting against Palm Tree City at Fortress, and now attacking Palm Tree City is my main attack," she said. But you let someone else be the city lord?

I'm not convinced! "

Monica is the dark witch of the dark elves, with a natural desire for power. Although she learned to obey orders after joining the Black Fire Territory, this time Daliang wanted to give her credit to others, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Monica didn't hide her grievances and expressed her dissatisfaction directly to Daliang.

Daliang said: "It's just a palm tree city, an eighth-level city... Monica, don't you think it's too unfair to rule an eighth-level elf city?

Don't you want to rule a higher city and become a... matron? "

Monica stood up and said happily: "Sir! Are you formally proposing to me? Don't worry... After I become the mistress, I will help you manage all your properties, territories and troops."


The beauty who can be pushed at any time, Daliang Ren has not pushed her away until now, and even took the initiative to terminate the engagement, just because he is afraid that Monica's nature will explode if she is not restrained.

"Calm down,'s not what you think. Please calm down first."

At this time, Monica's momentum has risen, and she no longer looks at other Blackfire Leader heroes. She is already ready to exercise her right to perform the duties of a mistress.

However, Daliang's words immediately made Monica's face turn ugly, and she complained: "Didn't you ask me to be the mistress?"

Daliang said helplessly: "The city I am talking about is not my Black Fire Territory, and the mistress I am talking about is not the mistress you imagined. You don't need to think too much, I will tell you directly...

I am preparing to attack Songjiang City, a tenth-level underground city.

Palm Tree City is for you to train your troops...

After the battle in Palm Tree City is over, you and your army will merge with Kuka's army, and you will command the attack on Songjiang City.

After capturing Songjiang City, you will become the master of this tenth-level dungeon and the mistress of the black elves! "

Monica's expression had solidified at this time, and she said blankly: "Sir, are you telling the truth? Can I really fight back to Songjiang City and seize the position of mistress from Abigail?"

"Of course... Abigail has now become a major hidden danger in Shangjiang City. Duke Joshua and I decided to take a preemptive strike to bring Songjiang City back out of control before this hidden danger breaks out.

You are qualified to compete for the Songjiang Black Elf Mistress. As long as we have no other excuse to attack Songjiang, recommending you to defeat Abigail and snatch the mistress becomes a feasible plan.


Although I know you will agree to accept the entire mission, I still have to ask...

Abigail is your mother, and if this task makes you uncomfortable, I will think of other options.

Now you can answer me, are you willing to command the army I gave you to attack Matsue City and take the position of the mistress away from Abigail? "

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