Start with an Archangel

Chapter 966 Financial giants

The official statement is very obvious. We confiscated your money and let you play games for nothing. Why should we compensate for the losses?

The claims were fruitless, and the players had no choice but to resist.

Either they continue to invest money to expand their strength in order to maintain the results of the game; or they cut off their flesh and blood to save their lives and protect the basic family business.

In the first few hours of the war, it seemed as if the end was coming. The dividends that players obtained from large-scale game development in the past were instantly lost. Players who borrowed money to invest in the game industry found themselves in debt and unable to repay it.

The credit crisis is on the verge of breaking out.

And just when players in the entire game world were being hit by the plane war, the slightly calm Shangjiang became unique.

Although Shangjiang was also in a tense atmosphere of preparations for war, no war broke out. Shangjiang City relies on its strong military strength to maintain the stability of the city-state. At the same time, the direct military support of the Five-Color Flag Alliance also makes other planes unwilling to risk war with the Five-Color Flag Alliance to subvert Shangjiang's regime.

It’s true: dark clouds threaten to destroy the city, and the scenery here is unique.

The stability of Shangjiang City naturally reminds players that when the new king of Shangjiang ascended the throne not long ago, he announced that Shangjiang would join a five-color flag alliance. Naturally, he thought of Daliang, a player with a prominent position in Shangjiang City.

Many people have seen that the economic crisis is about to hit the player level. Those with some connections want to hear Daliang's views on this war. Is there any way to transfer their assets to Shangjiang to reduce losses in the war?

However, Daliang refused all external communication requests and discussed the next step of capital operation with Boss Jin alone.

The plane war broke out and swept across the main world. Boss Jin was definitely one of the happiest people...

To be honest, he has always adhered to a conservative financial policy at Yingshi Virtual Bank. Looking at the declining performance every day, it is impossible not to be timid or afraid.

After all, he doesn't know what the future of the game is, and all judgments come from Daliang. His ability to do this and dare to make such a big bet is due to his trust in Daliang's sense of game.

Now... the war is coming, and the main world has not escaped. Everything is as expected. Both sides of the plane war have chosen the main world as the battlefield. The good days of the players are over.

The good days of Boss Jin have just begun. The stock of Yingshi Virtual Bank has been continuously green and turned red from the moment the plane war broke out...

Now everyone who knows something about virtual finance knows that Yingshi Virtual Bank has money. While all players in financial institutions are eager to release some money, Yingshi Virtual Bank continues to hoard gold coins.

In the future... almost all player financial institutions will face debt crises one after another. The investments they have released will not be recovered, but they will have to face a run on their depositors.

And Yingshi Virtual Bank, which has abundant funds, will decide who lives and who dies.

Within a few hours, Boss Jin received countless calls and promises. Thinking about what he can have in the future, Boss Jin, who is used to big storms, is a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, he first thought of Daliang, and after telling Daliang something about his development direction of Yingshi Virtual Bank. Boss Jin said to Daliang: "I have just made a decision. Yingshi Virtual Bank will focus its investment during the entire plane war on Shangjiang City. Not only will players in Shangjiang have priority in obtaining financial support from Yingshi Virtual Bank, we will also Focus on investing in Shangjiang City and Five Color Flag Alliance.

I will give you 100 million gold coins in working capital, an interest-free, unsecured loan line of 1 billion gold coins, and a low-interest loan line of 2 billion gold coins.

How you use this money is up to you, I won't ask. "

Boss Jin spent this huge amount of money, but did not propose to intervene with the Shangjiang ruling class. Everything is run by Daliang, which is to show that he fully supports Daliang and allows him to use the money to improve his status in Shangjiang and the Five Color Flag Alliance.

The higher Daliang stands in the game, the more stable Yingshi Virtual Bank becomes.

This money is really a timely help for Daliang and Shangjiang City.

The plane war will definitely have a great impact on Shangjiang. Now that the main world is in chaos and trade routes are blocked, the flow of funds to Shangjiang will be interrupted.

However, after the fiercest fighting has passed, a new order will be established. Although there will definitely be wars in the future, it will not be like this chaos, and business activities will gradually recover.

But during this period, Shangjiang City could only live off its own treasury.

However, the construction of Shangjiang City itself requires money, and it also has to support the Five Color Flag Alliance and the war with Hell and Despair City, which is very stressful.

At the meeting, Joyce was already persuading Marquis Stanley to donate some money to help everyone tide over the difficulties.

Asking Marquis Stanley to donate a large sum of money made this old lich really feel uncomfortable.

Daliang said at the meeting: "Your Majesty, Marquis Stanley's money is all earned by him with hard work. Therefore, I feel that even if Shangjiang is short of money again, the nobles cannot be allowed to donate for free. Moreover, the war is still going on. For a long time, we can’t just rely on donations if we don’t have money, this is not a long-term solution.”

Marquis Stanley praised: "Brother Daliang is right, money must not be donated."

At this time, Daliang said again: "But during this special period, Shangjiang is indeed short of money. If there is no money to expand the army and build defenses, then Shangjiang may be captured. No matter how much money we have at that time, it will not matter My own.

Am I right, Lord Stanley? "

Marquis Stanley nodded and said: "Brother Daliang is right, the city is no longer ours, and the money is certainly no longer ours."

Daliang continued: "Therefore, the funds that are lacking during this period still need to be crowdfunded, but instead of asking everyone to donate for free, we will issue bonds to raise funds in the name of the Shangjiang royal family.

After this period, when Shangjiang's funds become abundant, everyone can use the bonds to get their money back, and they can also get an extra amount of interest. This is good for all of us...

Marquis Stanley, what do you think of my method? "

Marquis Stanley clapped his hands and said: "Brother Daliang said it well, it is definitely a good thing to get interest."

The rich man agreed, and Daliang turned to Joyce and said: "Your Majesty... I think this war bond can be issued for a long time. And it is not only for the nobles of Shangjiang, but also for civilians and adventurers.

Now the whole world is at war, and only our Shangjiang City is stable. As a neutral party, we can do business with both the good camp and the evil camp in the future, and business will only become more prosperous.

The funds raised by these war bonds can not only be used for military development in Shangjiang, but also for investment in business. The return will be far greater than the interest we pay. "

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