Start with an Archangel

Chapter 967 War Bonds

"I very much agree with Duke Daliang's idea of ​​issuing war bonds."

Daliang's suggestion immediately attracted the support of Marquis Wilson.

Marquis Wilson has a criminal record, and he can continue to be used for serious crimes such as the assassination of Howard, which shows that his economic ability is indispensable to Shangjiang City. Wilson also learned the lesson caused by his own greed, and after regaining control of Shangjiang's finances, he distanced himself from political struggles.

Precisely because he was separated from the Shangjiang struggle, he could focus all his energy on developing Shangjiang's economic strength, and the results were obvious. At least Marquis Stanley's ability alone cannot make the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce prosperous. Shangjiang City has also caught on to the expansion of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, using the opened trade routes to carry out independent trade on the Yangtze River, filling its treasury. It's full.

The current business atmosphere in Shangjiang has the indelible contribution of Marquis Wilson.

Wilson, who has been in charge of Shangjiang's money bag recently, is really tight. He is asking for money for one project after another. Although the coffers are still abundant now, he has to prepare for a rainy day, that is, he must tighten his pockets to survive this recession, and also Funds need to be set aside for investment after the economy recovers.

Wilson is really pinching pennies.

But if war bonds are issued, objective funds can be raised quickly. We have money to build whatever we want, and we even have enough funds for business expansion.

Therefore, Wilson first supported the issuance of war bonds. He said: "The sudden outbreak of the plane war plunged the entire main world into chaos, the order collapsed, and the original business system also suffered an extremely serious impact.

The Land Merchants Association and the Maritime Merchants Association will be affected by the plane war and lose control over the entire main plane trading market.

I think we can take advantage of this war bond issuance to form our own business association.

The stable Shangjiang River is a safe haven for the entire main plane. Our war bond issuance target cannot only focus on the nobles, civilians and adventurers of this city, but should also include the nobles of other city-states.

They can exchange their own funds for our bonds.

In this way, their wealth will not be affected by the war. Not only do we have extremely sufficient funds, we can also closely connect these nobles with us through these bonds, and together we can establish a new business order in the main world led by Shangjiang. "

After listening to Wilson's words, Da Liang couldn't help but admire in his heart. The Chancellor of the Finance is indeed the Chancellor of the Finance. No wonder Howard can continue to retain Wilson regardless of the past grudges. Sure enough, he has two brushes and his exit is extraordinary.

The Land Merchants Association and the Maritime Merchants Association are the two major business associations in the main plane of the Hero World. Their main responsibilities are to regulate the prices and quotas of goods, prevent malicious dumping and unfair trade practices, and prevent any trade that is not carried out through the business association. They are all smuggling.

Moreover, the military strength possessed by the Land Merchants Association and the Maritime Merchants Association also enables their business rules to be enforced.

The expansion of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has actually touched the interests of the two major business associations. At the same time, Shangjiang City has indulged in smuggling and even smuggled itself, which has aroused strong concern from the two major business associations. However, because of the military power possessed by Shangjiang and Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the two major chambers of commerce have not used force. Instead, they first chose to put pressure on Shangjiang through diplomacy.

But King Howard disappeared, and the two major business associations approached Marquis Wilson. Marquis Wilson excused himself from the matter, and as a result, the matter was dragged on.

Now that Joyce has ascended the throne, the two major business associations have come to visit Shangjiang again, demanding that Shangjiang stop the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's unfair expansion and crack down on smuggling. Joyce refused them all...

The relationship between Shangjiang and the two major business associations suddenly reached a freezing point. If it were other cities, a war would have broken out. However, Shangjiang has joined the Five Color Flag Alliance and is still one of the main alliances. Therefore, the two major business associations can only impose economic and political sanctions on Shangjiang.

But before the two major business associations could take any punitive measures against Shangjiang, a plane war broke out.

Now the entire main plane is at war, and the two major business associations are all in big trouble. Wilson, who has a vicious economic vision, will of course take the opportunity to stab the knife quickly and establish a third business association when the main world trade enters a reshuffle.

Wilson's appetite is very big. Even Joyce, who doesn't know much about economics, knows what establishing his own business association can bring to Shangjiang?

But... this is also a direct break with the Mainland Business Association and the Maritime Business Association. The trade war will only become more intense, and there may even be a direct military conflict.

If Shangjiang suffers a setback in the trade war, it will have a huge impact.

Joyce did not make an immediate decision, but asked Xiang Daliang: "What does Duke Daliang think of Marquis Wilson's proposal?"

Daliang replied: “I agree with Marquis Wilson.

In fact, our current business practices in Shangjiang have touched upon the core interests of the two major business associations. The conflict is destined to break out, and it will focus on the trade battle.

Sooner or later there will be a trade war...

Instead of waiting for the two major business associations to recover from the war and cause trouble for us. It is better for us to take the initiative and establish a business order led by us during the chaotic period of the war, weaken the strength of the two major business associations, and seize the advantage in future trade wars.

Even if the money of the nobles caught in the war is not given to us, sooner or later it will be looted by the good camp and the evil camp. The more money these two camps have, the greater the harm to us...

And our issuance of war bonds will return their money to them. I think even if we pay less interest, these nobles are willing to put their money with us. The more money we have, the stronger we become. Those nobles who have spent all their money to buy our bonds, if they want to keep their money from wasting, they can only support us in all aspects.

Whether it is trade or military. "

Joyce nodded: "We have understood your thoughts. Now I declare...

In the name of the Shangjiang royal family, war bonds were issued to the entire main plane. The War Bond Issuance Department was established, with Marquis Wilson as Minister responsible for the issuance of War Bonds and Duke Daliang as Deputy Minister responsible for the supervision of War Bonds. "

Now that the financial aspect has been resolved, there is nothing important for Shangjiang now.

After once again emphasizing that Shangjiang must maintain unity and stability, Joyce announced the end of the meeting.

After leaving the palace, Da Liang told Boss Jin about the upcoming issuance of war bonds in Shangjiang and asked how many war bonds were appropriate to buy.

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