Start with an Archangel

Chapter 971 Attack and Defense of Despair City

The financial war breaks out at the player level and NPC level.

One is to accumulate a lot of experience. Yingshi Virtual Bank relied on its forbearance and savings in the previous period, and when the credit crisis formed, it relied on sufficient gold coins to sweep the financial market. One after another, the originally strong competitors were eliminated. Yingshi Virtual Bank established its monopoly and gradually gained control over the pricing power of gold coins.

The other moisturizes things silently. Shangjiang began the establishment of his financial empire by discovering bonds, and the whole process was like a spring breeze bringing good news to the Lord's world. The nobles and businessmen in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's coverage circle flocked to exchange their gold coins for Shangjiang's war bonds, while other nobles and businessmen who had no way to directly purchase Shangjiang bonds could not wait until the listed war bond exchange outlets were opened. , he took all his family property to Shangjiang...

The players' eyes were sharp, but no one could stop Shang Jiang from doing this, including Shi Fei.

Before the war broke out, Shi Fei was the person who knew best what impact the plane war would have on the main world. Therefore, the Southern Lords Alliance of the Chinese Game Zone led by him established its own financial institution early and began to hoard funds. Because all Shi Fei contacted were the capital rich in the south, and they only served internal affairs. Therefore, although the gold coin reserves he hoarded are large, not many people know about it.

When Yingshi Virtual Bank began to collect funds, Shi Fei already knew that Boss Jin was aware that the plane war would affect the main world, and began to prepare for a blood feast after the war broke out.

Since Yingshi Virtual Bank targets grassroots players, its gold coin reserves far exceed those of the Southern Lords Cooperative, and gold coin exchange outlets have been opened. Therefore, in terms of financial harvesting, the Southern Lords Cooperative is no match for Yingshi Virtual Bank in the Chinese game area.

Shi Fei, who knew what Boss Jin would do, avoided China's financial market early and began to expand in Southeast Asia.

When the credit crisis broke out, the Chinese Gaming Zone Southern Lords Cooperative immediately established the Southeast Asian Bank and swept across Southeast Asia with gold coins, quickly acquiring local financial institutions that were on the verge of bankruptcy.

But Shi Fei never expected that Shangjiang would issue war bonds at this time...

Yingshi Virtual Bank also used the method of paying war bonds to acquire financial institutions in the China Game Zone. Those financial bosses could only hold the war bonds and watch helplessly as Boss Jin started the financial restructuring of the China Game Zone.

But Shi Fei's acquisitions and mergers in Southeast Asia are real money. Although he can establish his own financial system in Southeast Asia to transfuse blood for the Southern Lords Alliance, those Southeast Asian financial giants turned around and established after cutting off their flesh and getting Shi Fei's money. He established a new financial institution and began to compete with banks in Southeast Asia, which made Shi Fei far from a monopoly in Southeast Asia, but it could make Shi Fei's hegemony in Southeast Asia more stable.

In response to the thoughts of Southeast Asia's financial tycoons, Shi Fei called Ban Yue Mao: "Are we still unable to buy Shangjiang's war bonds?"

Ban Yue Mao said: "Shangjiang's war bonds are now only issued to NPC nobles and businessmen. Players cannot buy war bonds from official channels except through Yingshi Virtual Bank. And Yingshi Virtual Bank...

The price they sell war bonds is a premium of 15%. If we buy them... we will make a big loss.


If Daliang is willing to help, we may be able to buy the war bonds officially issued by Shangjiang. He is now the Duke of Shangjiang and has great power..."

Big bright...

This time it really jumped up.

But Shi Fei couldn't open his mouth to ask for enlightenment.

At this time, Banyue Mao said again: "Boss Fei, since the past has made you entangled and sad, why don't you let it go and cherish the present?"

Shi Fei held the coffee that Ban Yue Mao had brewed and sipped it slowly: "Obsession is something like this... If you want to let it go, it's not as easy as you say... As for the present...

Half Moon Cat, are your feelings for me out of respect or sincerity?

If it's admiration... the real me may not be as good as you think.

Regarding the Shangjiang war bonds, you don’t need to go to Da Liang. The future has become blurry, and I can also see how much my level really is. "

"Okay... listen to you. I also want to observe you carefully..."

When Boss Jin began to operate capital mergers, Daliang led an elite force from the Black Fire Leader to the Despair City in Hell.

The war in Despair City is the starting point of the entire plane war.

When the pain demon Buck attacked the City of Despair, Satan launched a war against the Hell Furnace City, and then the plane war broke out.

Therefore, when Daliang arrived at the outskirts of Despair City, he saw a tragic battle scene.

Buck, the Demon King of Pain, mobilized heavy troops in his territory and surrounded the City of Despair. Buck's army used magic to cool down the magma moat of Despair City, and then stormed Despair City from all directions.

Howard personally directed this city defense battle. He used the magic tower of the city defense to offset the attacker's spell attacks and maintain the integrity of the entire city defense system. Then he blocked and consumed the army of the Demon King of Pain for the first time in the city wall defense battle.

The army of the Demon King of Pain, which was preparing to attack the City of Despair in one go, suffered a bloody blow during the siege. The originally strong momentum began to decline after the siege was frustrated. Then, after holding on to the city wall for more than ten days, Howard voluntarily abandoned the damaged city wall defense circle and dragged the war into an arranged street battle.

Therefore, when Daliang arrived at Despair City after handling Shangjiang's affairs, what he saw was a scene of melee.

Shangjiang's financial support allowed Howard to build a solid defensive system in Despair City, letting Buck's army, which broke through the city wall and thought it was about to win, know that the offensive and defensive battle of the city wall was just an appetizer for the battle in Despair City.

There are series of defensive fortresses everywhere. With the magical defense support of the magic tower, countless ballistae and countless artillery pieces, the demon infants, the lowest unit of the defenders, can also repel the charge of the high-level demon army.

The defenders piled up all useless buildings to form a large area of ​​ruins, which not only deprived the attacking army of cover, but also affected their marching speed. The laid mines can easily blow up an army into the sky. In the sky are boulders and alchemy bombs flying high. Fire rain pours down and washes away, and magma spurts upward along the cracked ground.

When an army is thrown into a war, it is often hit by a sudden attack and loses most of it before it reaches its position.

Howard was sitting in the central castle, and his art of war command was fully displayed here. A demon garrison exerted more than ten times the combat effectiveness in his hands. Buck was only in vain to fill the army into Despair City, but it was difficult to get out. Decent results.

Buck continued to ask his subordinate demon lords to mobilize troops to the City of Despair. This was his city, and he would take it back no matter what the cost.

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