Start with an Archangel

Chapter 972 Peripheral Ambush

The troops that Daliang brought to Despair City include Julian, Juliet, Night, Wind, Sophia and his personal guards, all of whom are finished heroes. Among them, there are three at level 15 and one at level 14. Sophia's strength reaches level 14, and the strength of the sword guards of the Guards are all above level 13. They are a powerful small fighting group wherever they are placed.

The issuance of war bonds in Shangjiang City delayed Daliang's opportunity to enter Despair City. Now all roads into the city are occupied by Buck's army. Moreover, the City of Despair has banned space teleportation, and even using the artifact Angel Alliance cannot open the portal into the interior of Despair City.

The helpless Da Liang could only lead his own battle group to provide Howard with certain support in his own way from the outskirts of Despair City.

Daliang, who knew his strength, did not rush directly into Despair City, but carried out attacks on the periphery of Despair City.

Buck's army focused all its energy on attacking the City of Despair, and the defenses on the outside were very sparse. And as the losses in Despair City increased, under Buck's order, the entire periphery of Despair City was surrounded by hell troops supported from various demon territories.

Before these armies entered the order of Buck's demon army, their organization was very chaotic. They belonged to hundreds of demon territories and were divided into several support batches. Basically no one knew anyone when they met, and they had no contact with each other.

This gave Da Liang the opportunity to attack them.

The all-flying units allow Da Liang's army to move very quickly. The invisible night is responsible for conducting reconnaissance of the encountered demon armies and selecting targets that can be quickly eliminated.

After determining the target to attack, Daliang rode the unlucky unicorn Gale and stood in front of the path of the demon army.

In the state of commanding the flames, he is covered in full-body armor with red flames and rides a Unicorn of Doom that is also covered in red flame horse armor. The majestic body, sitting astride a tall and strong horse, just standing there gives people the feeling of being overwhelmed by the top of the mountain.

Daliang wears the "Gaze of Ergos" on his body. The pressure from the third hell lord king is even more impactful to the hell race. The demon baby ducked down in fear, the nightmare beast pawed its front hooves uneasily, and the demons who were about to charge immediately stopped in the air. The hell army, which originally planned to teach the blockers a lesson, became hesitant at this moment.

The demon leader who led this hell army walked to the front of the team and shouted to Daliang: "This is the army of King Buck, the Demon King of Pain. Please get out of the way immediately."

Daliang took out his Hellboy badge and replied: "I am the Hellboy conferred by King Satan. In the name of King Satan, I ask you to return to your own territory immediately. Otherwise...I will eliminate you..."

Da Liang thought that by raising the banner of Satan, he would definitely scare the shit out of this hell army. He even bowed down and handed over the command of the army. As a result, the hero of the other side said: "Satan... is a very ancient hell lord king. He and the other two outdated hell lord kings have been imprisoned by Yunzhong City for ten thousand years. How much power does he have left?

If he wants to rule Hell again, he should first capture Hell's Furnace City.

You are the Baron of Satan, our King Buck’s army, and today we are going to hold your head and offer a gift to King Buck.

attack! "

It seems that Satan has really passed away, and the new demon does not recognize this king at all. Hell respects strength, and the only thing he can do now is to drag the older generation of demons to capture Hell's Furnace City as soon as possible.

Before this, the name Satan was not very useful in hell.

Now that Daliang's army has completed its deployment, facing the charging hell army of more than a thousand, Daliang held a scorching gun and drove the wind, facing the hell army.

The gust of wind made fire with its four hooves, and it jumped into the air. After occupying the high position, Da Liang threw the scorching gun in his hand at the enemy's demon commander, then took out the Angel Alliance, summoned the light shield to ride the wind and swooped down at the hell army on the ground.

The battle started, and the blood-sucking sword guards who were ambushing around them took off, and first released a round of status magic at the unprepared Hell army. Then when the hell army's military mages came into contact with the magic state, the vampire sword guards immediately used attack magic to perform magic strikes on the enemy spell-casting units.

There are more than a dozen demons and big demons in this hell army. They are the 13th and 14th level ultimate creatures of hell, and have the strength to compete with angels. When their own army was suppressed by magic, they immediately flew towards the vampire sword guards.

At this time, Julian, Juliet, and Yezi appeared at the same time, and together with Daliang in Lieyan's command state, four level 15 heroes completed the encirclement of this hell army.

Using the scorching spear to contain the enemy commander, Daliang relied on his super defense to rush into the hell army formation.

First, there was a "Dragon Power Impact", and the low-level soldiers within the attack range fell to the ground directly under the dragon's power. Other soldiers were also distracted by the dragon's power impact.

Immediately following "enslavement", several hell soldiers were controlled by Da Liang.

Then Daliang used another dragon magic "bloodline stimulation" to put the enslaved creatures into a violent state.

The dragon magic developed by Princess Zi Ling is simply a powerful weapon to deal with ordinary armies. A set of dragon combination magic is released. Those who are damned dead will be either controlled or confused if they are not dead, and then let the controlled madness attack and be confused. of.

Relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, Daliang resisted the attack and changed places to release the dragon magic several times. Half of the hell army was eliminated, and the rest still had to resist the attacks of the mad soldiers.

If he releases his magic a few more times, this army will be completely destroyed.

However, the leader of this hell army wanted to stop Da Liang, but was beaten by Julian and was unable to escape.

The ground army perished like snow, and the demons in the air did not open up the situation. Ye Zhi cooperated with Sophia and led the blood-sucking sword guards to entangle every demon, and then Juliet carried out the final beheading.

Hell's Angels have 50% extra damage to demons. Under Juliet's high-speed attack frequency, a powerful demon cannot last long under her sword before falling to death.

A small versus many annihilation battle was carried out in an orderly manner. When Da Liang wiped out all the ground troops of this hell army, Juliet in the air also killed the last demon.

The remaining demon leader only had the strength of level 15, but faced the siege of four heroes who were also level 15, he was finally pierced through the chest by the scorching spear thrown by Da Liang, and was stabbed into a hedgehog by several swords.

The battle is over.

Collecting the loot that exploded, Daliang immediately led his team to move. When the reinforcements from Buck's army arrived here, in addition to seeing corpses everywhere, there were only abandoned violent monsters.

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