Start with an Archangel

Chapter 973 Buck sieges the city

Buck, the Pain Demon King, is a demon among the demons. Brutality is the characteristic of demons. They like to beat their subordinates with long whips and let them attack with the most ferocious firepower.

Unlike ordinary demons who sometimes consider losses, evil demons are more extreme. They only have goals in their eyes, and the losses they have to pay to achieve their goals are not something they will consider. The demon's method of driving his subordinates to launch suicide attacks can often produce unexpected effects when the battle reaches a stalemate.

Buck adheres to the devil's war style. His long whip can make his men lose their fear of death, and then they rush into the mills of Despair City in waves.

But this time Buck's opponent was Howard. Faced with a strict defensive system, elite troops and flexible command, Buck's army could not achieve much by just being desperate. He just sent troops one after another into the city in vain. The sound of killings and explosions was loud. Although the fighting was fierce, the battle line remained motionless.

However, Buck failed to see clearly the gap in command ability between himself and the defenders. His war thinking was "If a hundred thousand hell troops cannot conquer a city, send two hundred thousand to attack it...and so on, no matter how strong the enemy is, he will eventually Will be defeated by the onslaught."

It has been more than ten days since the attack on Despair City, and the war in Hell's Furnace City has been going on for more than ten days. During this period, the plane war broke out. Facing the City of Despair that still could not be captured, Buck was extremely anxious at this time. Facing Satan... Lucifer's victory or defeat is unknown. After the war in Hell's Furnace City, he will have to face Cloud City.

Hell is very dangerous. Even as a 16th-level hero who understands the laws, Buck does not dare to easily leave the protection of his army and go to the battlefield in person.

We can only continue to send more troops into Despair City. He believed that as long as he kept filling the city with troops, he could recapture the City of Despair even if he paved a road with corpses.

However, at this time, the pace of follow-up army reinforcements actually slowed down, resulting in fewer troops entering the city and the associated offensive weakened.

"What the hell happened!"

Buck placed his royal banner on a hill outside Despair City, surrounded by elite demon legions to protect him. When Buck realized that the number of troops he could mobilize was reduced, he swung his whip in anger and asked the demon lords who were summoned around him: "Where are your troops?"

The crackling sound of whips struck the souls of the demon lords, and they hurriedly crawled to the ground, telling the story that the army they had supported was being attacked by an unknown enemy.

"The enemy specifically looks for troops with no more than a thousand troops to attack. They move very quickly. By the time we received the warning and provided support, the enemy troops had already ended the battle and left the battlefield.

Now, in order to ensure the safety of the supporting troops, we require them to complete their assembly before marching to Despair City. Since we need to maintain a marching formation to take care of the low-speed troops, the support is slower. "

Buck continued to rage: "This is not the reason for your slow action! Have the enemies who sneak attacked your army been found?"

"This...King Buck, the enemy is a fully flying hero unit, led by several level 15 heroes. Moreover, the enemy's reconnaissance ability is very strong. They have seen through several ambushes we set up. For this reason, we have also lost many ambushes. force.

Concentrating the army now is a last resort. "


Buck flicked his whip: "Incompetent, idiot! You can't attack the City of Despair, and you can't deal with a harassing enemy. Relying on you, I can't take back my city. Gather all your troops at the city gate, my king I must personally lead the army to attack the city!"

Although Buck was angry at the incompetence of his men, he also knew that the role of this small enemy force outside the city was to harass him so that he could not maintain the intensity of his attack on Despair City. Now mobilizing a large army to pursue and suppress this partial division will only fall into the trap of the defenders of Despair City, giving them a chance to breathe and rearrange the city defense.

Buck believed that Despair City's use of this partial division ambushed outside the city meant that the defenders could no longer withstand their own attacks and were trying to divert their attention. The direction of the attack cannot be diverted at this time. After all, the army outside the city is a small force. It is not too late to attack the City of Despair and deal with them.

Therefore, Buck decided to lead all the military forces in his hands, advance directly to the central castle of Despair City from the front, and kill the commander of the defenders to end the battle.

Buck led his elite demon army to take off collectively, and all the hell troops on the periphery of Despair City concentrated on the city gate area. The fighting in other places in the city quickly weakened, and the frontal fighting became more and more intense.

The demon baby controls the war equipment. No special aiming is required. As long as the crossbow arrows and ammunition are loaded and fired, they can always hit something.

The horned demons nimbly shuttle through every corner of the battlefield. They have strong bodies and excellent defense. They are also good at jumping and can cross various obstacles to attack the enemy's rear team.

Cerberus is the main frontal attack force of Hell's army, especially the advanced three-headed Cerberus. The three heads attacking at the same time are most suitable for large-scale team battles.

The Enchantress is the only long-range unit of the Hell Army.

Hell horses are the main cavalry of the Hell army. They spread fear when charging and reduce the enemy's fighting will.

The Abyss Demon is a high-level unit in the basic army of the demons. It is also the only unit that can fly in the basic army of Hell. It is responsible for guarding its own airspace.

Demons and archdemon are the ultimate creatures of hell, and the demon leader is a 15th-level creature after the archdemon has advanced.

The Hell Army advocates offense, and each unit has more offensive capabilities than defensive capabilities. Among them, the Horned Demon, Hell Dog, and Hell Horse are all good at breaking through from the ground.

Buck led his elite demon army into the City of Despair from the air, and the clear and loud sound of whips echoed throughout the City of Despair.

The final showdown began... Buck swung a whip towards the defense area of ​​a magic tower below. The wind pressure brought by the tip of the whip crushed all the buildings along the way, and the defensive cover released by the magic tower was easily crushed like an eggshell. Crushed, then split in half down the middle.

A road with a width of ten meters was opened in the defensive area blocking Buck's army, and Hell's army surged forward amidst the sound of whips.

At this time, Daliang was unleashing a shower of meteors and fire on an army of hell, and other heroes blocked the demons who tried to interrupt Daliang's spellcasting. The sudden violent explosions in the direction of Despair City, as well as the turbulent magical energy above, made him realize that Buck might have attacked the city himself.

Da Liang quickly called off the ambush and rode the gale towards the higher sky. Julian and Juliet took a break to cover other personnel from the battlefield.

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