Start with an Archangel

Chapter 975 Seal Buck

The forbidden curse - the final sanction, continues to wash away the city of despair.

Under the protection of the artifact, the defenders of Despair City, who were identified as friendly forces by Da Liang, were able to survive this extermination attack. However, the sacred energy that is in conflict with the hell creatures still makes the hell creatures feel very uncomfortable, and various attributes have also been weakened to a certain extent.

However, Buck's army was completely exposed to the final sanctions.

When the holy light in the sky disappeared and the red color returned to the earth, Buck's army was running low. Under the protection of the senior mages accompanying them, these armies survived the forbidden spell. Some also avoided the attack of divine energy because they hid in deep bunkers in time.

But they soon encountered a counterattack by the defenders of Despair City.

Howard seized the opportunity and immediately commanded his troops to encircle and suppress the enemy forces in the city. Even Buck's elite demon army is no longer so domineering and powerful after the blow of the final sanction. After being surrounded by the Demon Legion of Despair City led by Howard, Buck's most elite army could not even break through, let alone rescue Buck.

The Arbitration Angel returned to Daliang. After Daliang took back the Angel Alliance, the Arbitration Angel was divided into Julian and Juliet.

After the final sanctions were released, Daliang's two most trusted subordinates were in a bit of a sluggish state.

Daliang once used the Doomsday Blade to unleash the Doomsday Judgment.

I know that releasing forbidden spell-level magic is always accompanied by some sequelae...

When a forbidden spell-level magic is released, all the magic value of the releaser is cleared. The power of the forbidden spell is related to the magic value. After completing the casting of forbidden spell magic, the caster will enter a period of magic power depletion, and the upper limit of magic power will slowly recover from zero. The duration of the entire depletion period is related to the individual strength of the caster. After the last time Da Liang released the Doomsday Judgment, the entire magic depletion period lasted about twenty days.

Moreover, if the forbidden spell is released again during the magic power depletion period, the upper limit of magic power will be permanently reduced.

In short, the remarks about the final sanction in the League of Angels (forbidden spell-level skills, if you are too addicted to them, will be counterattacked by the forbidden spell), it is not a joke.

Now Julian and Juliet have entered a period of magic depletion due to the release of the forbidden spell, and their strength has naturally been greatly affected.

However, the final sanction released by level 16 heroes is also very effective.

Buck's army in the city has been almost wiped out, and the hell army outside the city has been frightened and stopped moving forward. The rest is up to Holy Bella, Red Baker and Yew to make the final arrest of Buck.

Red Baker used crystals to pave a crystal road extending in all directions in the sky of the battle area. With the impact of the battle, the crystal continued to collapse, and then returned to its original shape under the control of Red Baker.

The dragon head at the top of the crystal column continuously sprays the crystal ball, and then the crystal ball shoots out crystal swords. Countless crystal swords fly in the air, intertwining into a dense sword network.

And Red Baker melted himself into the crystal, reassembled his body around Buck at any time, and then dealt a heavy blow.

Holy Bella's combat skills tend to be offensive. Unless there is no way to avoid it, she rarely uses the light shield for defense. More often, she keeps her vision wide and uses her combat experience and body skills to dodge attacks. This defense method makes it easier for her to seize fleeting opportunities and quickly to launch the most appropriate attack method.

The law-level holy flame greatly improves the attack ability of Holy Bella. Even the irradiation of the holy flame is very lethal to evil creatures, not to mention that Buck was frequently hit hard by Holy Bella.

Buck tried his best to distance himself from Holy Bella and let his whip exert its power. But Holy Bella is like a gangrene attached to the bone, ensuring the most appropriate dodge distance and attack distance.

Law versus law, when absolute strength is brought closer. Holy Bella, who fought all the way to level 16, finally began to show her prowess to the world.

In the plan to capture Buck, Red Baker was responsible for limiting Buck's range of activities, while Holy Bella was responsible for entangling Buck head-on and killing and weakening him.

Yew is responsible for magical support and the final sealing of Buck.

The battle entered the final stage. More than ten magic circles condensed on the battlefield, and a purple dragon emerged from each circle. These purple dragons put the magic aperture in front of them, and combined with the yew trees to form a large-scale joint magic circle.

Purple magic energy linearly shoots out from the magic apertures, connects to each other, and then gathers towards the yew tree.

The magic circle in front of Yew became brighter and brighter as the energy gathered.

Howard's army has completed the annihilation of the enemy forces in the city and is reoccupying the city wall defenses. The arrest of Buck is coming to an end.

At this time, Buck had never been so embarrassed. Holy Bella's holy flames burned his body to a crisp, and Red Baker bit off one of his arms. Faced with a premeditated sneak attack by three level 16 heroes, Buck's final outcome was doomed after all his troops were wiped out.

After receiving the signal from the Yew Patriarch, Holy Bella and Red Baker immediately broke away from the battle with Buck and retreated as quickly as possible.

Yew's magic followed closely, and Buck, who was seriously injured, could no longer make any evasive movements.

The sealing magic hit Buck, and the purple light spread rapidly. Everything touched by the purple light gathered in Buck's direction.

The aerial crystal corridor created by Red Baker collapsed into pieces and was then attracted to fly towards the center. There were also stone chips on the ground and Hell soldiers who were too late to leave. Half of the central castle was also sucked away.

But no matter how much stuff is filled into the central light source, it cannot expand. It is like a never-ending black hole, crazily compressing everything it absorbs into its own ball.

I don't know how much I sucked, but the entire sealing magic finally stopped.

The purple light disappeared, and then a ball with a diameter of one meter fell from the sky.

The aura of the Pain Demon King disappeared from inside and outside the City of Despair, and the entire battlefield became quiet... A hell lord king was sealed, which was something that all the hell creatures participating in the battle did not expect.

At this point... Buck, the Pain Demon King, became the first level 16 hero to be sealed in this plane war. When the news reached Hell's Furnace City, the two sides who were fighting fiercely even brought the battle to a halt.

Lucifer lost a 16th-level warrior, and his morale dropped significantly.

Satan brought the comparison of level 16 heroes between the two sides to three versus four.

"Angela, your human subordinate did something that shocked the whole world. He caught the traitor Buck. Maybe I underestimated his ability.

Let Howard lead his army back to the battlefield of Hell's Forge, and I will make good use of him. Bring Buck with me, and I will seal the traitor within my throne, and I will personally guard him until the end of the world. "

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