Start with an Archangel

Chapter 976 The Battle of Despair City Ends

Buck's Heartbiter:

Attack +10%, knowledge +10%, the attack produces a mind-shocking effect, and has a high chance of triggering the master-level pain.

[Since you have Ergus' Gaze, Misuka's Induction, Beelzebub's Listening, and Buck's Heart-Eating at the same time, the combined effect is triggered. 】

[Evil power: 4/7, the mixed formation of evil camp troops in your army is not affected by morale penalties, and the morale is not less than 0; the favorability of evil creatures is +1; you can get 100 magic girls (eighth-level hell creatures) every day; The attack power against creatures of the good camp is increased by 9% (maximum 20%)]

Organizing the arrest of Buck, the Pain Demon King, Daliang obtained another Demon King's badge.

So far, Daliang has collected four of the seven badges of evil power. Not only has his attributes been improved, but he can also recruit 100 magic girls every day.

Speaking of Magic Girl, Daliang couldn't help but think of the Half-Moon Cat.

The half-moon cat's race is the Demon Queen of Hell, and this race that is good at charming is simply tailor-made for her. However, Daliang felt that he couldn't bear the half-moon cat's charm.

It's too much for both the mind and the body.

Anyone who has seen a half-moon cat will know what the Demon Queen of Hell looks like, and Angela, the Jealous Demon King, is also the 16th-level hero advanced by the Demon Queen, and she is equally charming.

It's really unbearable.

Daliang couldn't wait to recruit today's Mo Ji.

Magic Girl (8th level hell creature)

Attack: 10

Defense: 10

Kill: 60-130

HP: 320

Creature Specialties: Archer, immune to domination magic, charm

The Enchantress is the only long-range unit of the Hell Tribe, and all attributes are excellent. The magical girls they upgraded to strengthened one side and added the skill of charm.

Charm can control enemy soldiers, and the heroic Mo Ji can manipulate men at her fingertips.

The Black Fire Leader is the cemetery leader of the undead, and the undead are even more miserable than the Hell Clan. The only long-range unit of the undead is the ninth-level Corpse Witch, and the Black Fire Leader has not yet been upgraded to a ninth-level leader that can recruit corpse witches. Therefore, long-range attack power has always been the weakness of the Black Fire Leader, so that the Black Fire Leader has always relied on the advancement of the skeleton army to make up for the lack of long-range firepower.

The addition of Mo Ji can very well make up for the weakness of the Black Fire Leader, and Mo Ji can charm the enemy's soldiers, thus strengthening herself and weakening the enemy in vain on the battlefield.

After leaving this team of magic girls under Sophia's care, Daliang began to participate in the meeting after the war in Despair City.

Most of the central castle collapsed when Buck was sealed. In fact, there are still not a few intact buildings in the entire City of Despair. Flames filled the air, magma flowed across the sky, and the tide of magic caused muffled thunder to ring out from time to time in the sky. The defenders of Despair City have reoccupied the city wall defense line. Outside are the remaining troops of Buck. The loss of their commander left these troops unsure of where to go.

Howard sat at the head of the long conference table. Although the hall had lost a wall and the ground was covered with rubble, none of this affected his excitement at all.

The demon armor has been shattered by Buck, and Howard wears human clothes to show his kingly aura.

This battle was too exciting and too dangerous...but the impact was enough to alarm all the planes.

Howard enjoyed this kind of war very much, something he couldn't experience in Shangjiang.

Yew, Holy Bella, Red Baker, Bartlett, and Daliang sat on both sides of the conference table. The stone ball that sealed Buck was placed at the other end of the conference table.

As the official owner of Despair City, Howard said: "Satan is very well-informed. We just captured Buck here and he already knew about it, and new orders were sent through Angela.

Satan asked me to lead the army back to Hell's Furnace City to join the battle and hand Buck over. "

Daliang said: "The sealing of the Pain Demon King Buck is a big event for the entire world. This matter will definitely be known to other planes. There will definitely be many people who want Buck, such as Cloud City, Lucifer...

Buck cannot be handed over, so where do we put him? "

Holy Bella said: "You can't let him go to the river. If someone wants to kidnap Buck, we can't stop him at all."

Red Baker also stated that the Crystal Dragon was incapable of guarding Buck.

The leader of Yew Tree was just about to say that the Magic Forest could keep Buck in custody, but at this time Daliang said: "We have opened the passage to the crystal wall of the God's plane, which is a space with rich sacred energy. I think if Buck is taken into custody, If you put it in there, he will never be able to get out."

The God Plane Crystal Wall has been found, which is definitely the biggest good news for the Five Color Flags Alliance, and the sacred energy restrains the evil energy, so it is most suitable to imprison the Hell Lord King.

At this time, the leader of the Yishu tribe also disagreed with Daliang, and everyone agreed to hand Buck over to Daliang for imprisonment.

Buck's problem is solved, then it is how to respond to Satan's dispatch.

You definitely can’t go to Hell’s Furnace City. If they go, not only will the city of despair be lost, but the military power will also be lost. Howard also expected this army to be self-reliant.

But how should we respond to Satan?

Just say directly that I will not return to Hell's Furnace City and that I will be independent... This is definitely not the best answer. If you want to grab territory in hell, although the Satan flag is a bit old, it is definitely better than the five-color flag.

Daliang thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty can directly tell Satan that in order to capture Buck, you used your status as the former Shangjiang King to invite the Yew Clan, the Red Baker Clan and the Holy Bella from the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Anyway, I can’t hide this matter, so I just tell it like it is.

As a price, you need to pay a large amount of gold coins and rare resources as the military expenses of the Five Color Flag Alliance. Now that you don't have these things in hand, you can only plunder Buck's subordinate demon city.

Otherwise, the three level 16 heroes and the Five Color Flag Alliance will be angered.

If Satan wants you to go back, ask him to transport this military money to Despair City.

Of course... no matter whether Satan is willing to pay this military expense, he can't transport it here. After all, hell is so chaotic that the three hell lord kings can't personally escort...

As for...Buck?

Just say that you were taken away by the Five Color Flag Alliance. Whoever catches it will of course belong to whoever catches it. "

Howard thought for a moment and agreed with Daliang's method. Whether Satan believed it or not, he could not publicly advocate for Howard's expulsion as long as Howard did not blatantly disobey his orders.

A commander who uses less to defeat more and captures the Demon King of Pain. What Satan doesn't want is what people want.

The meeting ended quickly, and so did the Battle of Despair City.

Howard sent his own troops to recruit the remaining soldiers outside the city and opened roads to various demonic territories. Zilong built a large teleportation array in Despair City that connected to Shangjiang. Shangjiang began to fully support the reconstruction of Despair City. Various materials were continuously shipped, and the first military expenditure-one billion gold coins was directly stuffed into Despair. The city's treasury.

The City of Despair has officially planted the flag of Satan.

At this time, Da Liang had returned to the City of Sighs in the Kingdom of Death, and Macaulay, who received the news of his return, immediately visited the church in the foggy area.

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