Start with an Archangel

Chapter 978 Don’t talk about control, talk about cooperation

After Macaulay left, Da Liang received a summons from the Sad Monarch.

The establishment of the Five Color Flag Alliance really shocked the whole world. The alliance of the three major 15th-level dragon clans made the Five Color Flag Alliance's high-end combat power shine brilliantly.

Moreover, in the recent military operation of the Five Color Flag Alliance, they captured the 16th-level Pain Demon King Buck, truly showing off their muscles to all directions.

Da Liangming's identity was the Duke of Shangjiang City, one of the main alliances of the Five Color Flag Alliance, so he naturally attracted a lot of attention. Even the sad monarch who deliberately alienated Daliang and reduced his influence in the City of Sighs had to summon him.

In recent times, the sad monarch has been very uncomfortable.

Will was captured by the cyan coalition forces, which made him feel like he had lost an arm. Although Goethe replaced Will to reorganize the war in the Evernight area, the loss of the opportunity and Goethe's own ability made the gains in the Evernight battlefield far greater than Not what the sad monarch imagined. The cyan coalition occupied three-quarters of Yongye's territory, and Sigh City only gained a quarter, which can be regarded as establishing a strategic buffer zone with the cyan coalition.

Deliberately keeping Daliang away from the political core of the City of Sighs caused the Sad Lord to lose another arm.

Without the cooperation of Da Liang and himself, the Sad Monarch found that his Immaculate Holy See had become a stagnant water again. The newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine and ultimate faith have been enthusiastically welcomed by the priests. Facing death has become the entire motivation for all Protestant priests. They are even more keen to persuade believers to make sacrifices, and then use the funds raised for research into becoming gods.

It seems that the plane war initiated by the good camp has nothing to do with them, and some bishops of the Unsullied Church are very happy about the outbreak of the war, because they can plunder cities in the main plane, grab more gold coins, and then use Yu Chengshen’s research.

After infusing the decaying undead with enthusiasm, their actions remain foolish.

This is the value of the undead. Death is not terrible. As long as there are living beings, the undead will not perish. There is nothing better to pass the time and energy than to believe in death.

But the Sad King is ambitious, but he has to face the city in a mess.

Especially when facing the roar of the Mourning Lord.

When Lord Aiyin discovered that Sigh City had completely converted to the ultimate faith, he felt very unhappy. As a hero of the monarch's level, it is not difficult to accept the ultimate belief. After all, they have stayed in the law for too long. When the door to becoming a god opens, they will naturally jump in involuntarily.

However, the newly compiled Immortal Doctrine actually proposed that the Pope is the only leader of the Immaculate Holy See, which the Monarch of Mourning could not accept.

The sad monarch has declared himself to be the pope, but where will all the dead monarchs be? Even if Aiyin, the first monarch, drops in the ranking because of losing Yong Ye, he is still a monarch with his own Holy See. Now it's okay, you become the pope, and we will be directly demoted one level to become the younger brother. How can the Monarch of Wailing, who has always been the boss among the bosses, bear it!


The Monarch of Lament directly put a big hat on the Monarch of Melancholy, and asked the Monarch of Melancholy to immediately ban the ultimate belief in the City of Sighs and restore the original Immaculate Doctrine.

Fortunately, the Sad Lord did not explicitly say that he wanted to be the Pope, but still respected Ai Yin as the first monarch, so Ai Yin stayed in the City of Sighs. But daily reprimanding melancholy has become a compulsory course when I lament and feel bored.

Being exhausted has become a true portrayal of a sad monarch, but Evisceration can take away his worries... I want to use it but dare not use it...

This time the Five-Color Flag Alliance arrested Buck, and the Sad Monarch finally couldn't help but summoned Daliang to ask about the situation.

Although Daliang was very busy during this period with the establishment of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, the opening of the crystal wall passage in the God's Plane, and the battle in Despair City, he could also feel the Sad Lord's alienation from him.'s time to kill the donkey.

Daliang has completed the dissemination of the new Wumu doctrine for the Sad Lord, and has shown his strength and stated that he will not wear the same pants as the Sad Lord.

Of course, the Melancholy Monarch must be wary of the Death Mentor he canonized and reduce his influence in the New Unsullied Holy See.

When meeting the Sad Lord this time, Daliang adopted an equal attitude to the Sad Lord. After meeting, the two people just sat facing each other, and the room was quiet.

After a long time, a long sigh broke the silence.

The Sad Lord said with emotion: "You are no longer the Pope of the Mist Zone that I first met."

Daliang replied: "You are not the monarch I first met. At that time, you were confused in faith, and now you are lost in power. The road to the top is not so easy, because the farther you go, the more you will find , those who benefit from you start to have their own ideas.

The choice you make determines how far you can go. "

These words of Daliang were usually not heard by the Sad Lord, and no one dared to say them to him, but this time the Sad Lord listened quietly, and then after thinking about it, he said: "Does your thought conflict with my way? ?”

Daliang replied: "No for the time being. I am now the Duke of Shangjiang City, and my interests and those of Shangjiang are one. I am the bishop and deputy speaker of Sigh City, and my interests and those of Sigh City are also one.

The two cities have no fundamental conflict of interest, but are still cooperating with each other. I hope these two cities can continue to live in peace, instead of one party invading the other.

In short, the greater your power in the kingdom of death, the more beneficial it is to me. "

"But I can no longer control you. You should know what kind of status you will get when the ultimate belief is fully spread in the kingdom of death?"

Daliang smiled and said: "Since you can't control me... then let's not talk about control... let's talk about cooperation.

In fact, I have always had another identity in the kingdom of death...

Do you think you have wiped out the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild? But in fact, you did not completely wipe it out. It is still one of the seven branches of the Wizards Guild. And the reason why you haven’t discovered the existence of the City of Sighs branch is because...

Sitting in front of you is the elder of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild. "

The Sad Lord was startled after hearing this, and then smiled and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not joking……"

The atmosphere in the room instantly dropped to freezing point, and the majesty of the Sad Lord spread out violently, and the entire City of Sighs could feel the pressure coming down like a mountain.

The Sad Lord was on the verge of breaking out. He asked Daliang: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Daliang sat there, letting the sad monarch's aura wash away, and replied: "Of course I know what I am talking about? I just want to tell you that you have never controlled me from the beginning, and don't think about controlling me in the future. Moreover. …

Put away your anger! Then……

Let’s talk about cooperation. "

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