Start with an Archangel

Chapter 979 Initial Cooperation

Daliang looked at the sad monarch and tried to stay calm.

The showdown... was not a temporary decision made by Daliang in a hot head, but a mature strategy after considering various pros and cons.

The suspicion of the Sad Lord has affected Daliang's development in the kingdom of death. Although he bears the title of mentor of death, he is still an alien to the undead. If the Sad Lord insists on suppressing his once-reliant minister, Daliang's achievements in the kingdom of death will be limited to the foggy area.

Even in the future, the Sad Monarch will take back the jurisdiction of the Death God Research Institute and completely marginalize Da Liang.

Da Liang still has a big game to play in the kingdom of death, and of course he cannot let the Sad Lord burn bridges like this. It happened that the Five-Colored Flag Alliance got off to a good start in Despair City, so Daliang felt somewhat confident in revealing his identity as a wizard guild to the Sad Lord.

If the Sad Lord is really affected by his emotions and directly turns his face, then the foggy area of ​​​​Daliang will naturally not be saved, but the mercenary army he sent to the main world will definitely lose contact.

An important funding channel is cut off, and we must always be prepared for attacks by the Five Color Flag Alliance. A war between the two fronts is definitely a taboo for military strategists.

The consequences are certainly not what the Sad King wants to see.

Now Daliang proposes cooperation...

The Sad Lord slowly took back his power and asked Daliang: "Will was captured by the Cyan Alliance. Is it your report..."

Daliang said: "To be precise, I directly participated in the arrest of Will. But I also convinced President Lucas not to kill Will, because the president also hopes to end the civil war in the Kingdom of Death as soon as possible. When the Wizards Guild When there is no longer a conflict of faith with the New Unsullied Holy See, the hatred can be resolved, at least President Lucas expressed his willingness to reconcile."

The Sad Lord leaned back and said in a negotiating manner: "Then let's put Will back first and then we can talk."

Da Liang replied: "Will... the Wizards Guild will definitely let go, but not now. And I am both the bishop of Sighing City and the elder of the Wizards Guild. I am not suitable to participate in this negotiation on behalf of the Wizards Guild or the City of Sighs. I only I want to be a bridge between you and promote the integration of the New Unsullied Holy See and the Wizards Guild.

Your Majesty, please believe me. I have no intention of being an enemy to you, otherwise I would not disclose my identity in front of you. If I wanted to do something detrimental to the City of Sighs, you wouldn't be able to sit here safely. The territory of Sighs is already filled with Cyan Alliance troops. "

Daliang's words made the sad monarch feel a little relieved. He really didn't want to believe that the deputy speaker of the City of Sighs whom he had single-handedly supported was from the Wizards Guild.

When the Sad Lord heard Daliang admit that he was the elder of the Wizards Guild, he really hoped that his reason would be overwhelmed by anger, and then he would vent his anger. But Daliang has indeed done nothing to harm the City of Sighs, except for taking Will away...

Even the current good situation in Sigh City was brought about by Daliang.

The Sad Lord said: "What does the Wizards Guild want?"

"The Wizards Guild hopes to have open activities in the Kingdom of Death, with its own direct jurisdiction, economic independence, and political independence..."

"What can I get?"

“Acquire all the research progress of becoming a god from the Wizards Guild, and gain the support of the Wizards Guild to unify the Kingdom of Death.

Monarch, by the attitude of the Monarch of Lament you can see how other dead monarchs will view our ultimate beliefs. Even if they know that the ultimate belief is right, they will try their best to obstruct us for the sake of power.

As for the wizards in the Wizards Guild, in addition to wanting to become gods, they still maintain awe of death. As long as you are willing to reconcile with the Wizard Guild, the entire Cyan Alliance will be converted into New Unsullied Cultists.

The ultimate belief allows the City of Sighs and the City of Evernight to join forces, and you will have the capital to unify the Kingdom of Death in a short time. "

Daliang's words made the Sad Lord extremely moved.

After witnessing the battle in Yongye City and fighting with the Cyan Alliance in the Yongye area for such a long time, the Sad Lord no longer had contempt for the Wizards Guild and began to regard them as enemies on the same level as himself, even worse than Sighing City. Be strong.

As Daliang said, there is no longer any conflict of faith between the New Unsullied Holy See and the Wizards Guild in the City of Sighs. The Wizards Guild’s political pursuit is not to unify the Kingdom of Death, but to have a territory of its own.

Now that the Cyan Alliance has captured most of the land in Yongye City, there is no core interest conflict with Sigh City and there is a basis for cooperation.

On the contrary, other dead monarchs have become the most fundamental enemies of the sad monarch.

Cooperate with the Wizards Guild?

The Sad Lord felt very uncomfortable, but this seemed to be a decision he had to make.

"Will the Blue Alliance betray Yunzhong City? Or are they capable of betraying Yunzhong City?"

The Sad Lord asked what he was most worried about. The Blue Alliance Army was established by Yunzhong City. If they could not get rid of Yunzhong City's control, all cooperation would be empty talk.

Daliang said: "I can't make any guarantees yet... and only if you, the monarch, are willing to reconcile with the Cyan Coalition, will the Cyan Coalition consider getting rid of Yunzhong City. Otherwise, with seven dead monarchs in front of you, the Cyan Coalition must rely on the support of Yunzhong City. Only with support can we gain a foothold in the kingdom of death.

As long as the monarch is willing to talk, how to get rid of Cloud City is something that President Lucas needs to consider. "

The Sad Lord thought for a moment and said to Daliang: "You can go to Yongye to reply to Lucas... I am willing to establish a preliminary dialogue relationship with the Wizards Guild. I allow the Wizards Guild to set up a liaison office in the Cathedral of the City of Sighs. I Argu will be appointed as my representative, and the Wizards Guild will also send a wizard who can represent Lucas.

Then I will add you to form the first meeting group of Sighing City and Wizards Guild. "

Daliang immediately said: "Yes, monarch! You and Lucas are both rare undead people with far-sightedness in the Kingdom of Death. Your cooperation can make the Kingdom of Death rise again."

"Go ahead and do this... No one in the Kingdom of Death can restrict you. I'm glad you are not an undead, otherwise I will kill you no matter what the consequences will be."

Da Liang bid farewell to the sad monarch and walked out of the Cathedral of the City of Sighs. He was wearing a bishop's robe, holding a scepter, and a crown. His appearance was covered by a deep hood, and the aura of life he exuded was incompatible with the temple of death. But the Holy See priests and Holy See knights along the way saluted him one after another, praising this proposer and disseminator of the ultimate faith.

At this time, an angry roar came from the cathedral: "Sorrow, you heretic! You have tarnished your faith, and you will definitely be punished by the God of Death..."

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