Start with an Archangel

Chapter 981 Attacking Palm Tree City

Magical Land Palm Tree City Advance Fortress, Monica walked out of her castle.

Looking down from the position of the castle, we can see that the armies of all parties are already in place and arranged in a fan-shaped military formation along the slope of the hill.

At the front is naturally a thick sea of ​​skeleton soldiers, followed by a cluster of war equipment. Plaguecrawlers followed the war machines, and guarding the war machines on either side were bronze cavalry.

Magic mages and arsonists are arranged in the rear formation, while vampire sword guards and ghosts act as air superiority troops.

Monica looked at the four destruction knights following her and flicked the long whip in her hand.


go ahead!

The scorched earth that was originally baptized by the Doomsday Judgment has now been infected by the air of death and turned into a barren land. The army advanced, sending up billowing smoke and dust into the sky.

Palm Tree City had long since discovered the Fortress's massed troops. In fact, Monica had deliberately let Palm Tree City notice it. Her target is the tenth-level dungeon city Songjiang City. An eighth-level palm tree city is just an appetizer, and Monica also has to cooperate with the actions of the dwarf Hans...

The undead army approaching the fortress caused panic in Palm City.

Now that they have lost the ancient wisdom tree of the space system, they have repeatedly called for help from Bauhinia Flower City but have not received any response. Facing the overwhelming attacking army, Palm Tree City, guarded by two golden dragons and four green dragons, is obviously unable to resist.

In desperation, the city lord of Palm Tree City could only ask for help from the elven tribes and towns scattered in the forest, hoping that they could quickly send troops to rescue Palm Tree City.

At the same time, the entire Palm City sounded the horn of war. The defenders stood all over the city wall, and the ballistae and artillery took off their camouflage clothes. The magic towers are filled with magic power, and the magic eyes open and release various defensive magics.

The Pegasus knights completed their assembly and flew along the outer edge of the city in a squadron of one hundred people.

The golden dragon and the green dragon rose into the air and roared to warn the enemy not to get close.

Palm Tree City is preparing for war and has adopted a full defensive posture.

Monica followed the army on a silver pegasus. She did not urge the team to speed up, but kept the army's formation horizontally pushing forward to put pressure on Palm Tree City.

The pressure on Palm Tree City Lord Randall is really great.

The Plane War broke out, and the Magical Realm immediately participated in the plunder of the main world. The weakened Death Kingdom and the tacit understanding reached with the Cyan Alliance allowed the elves to appear in this war without much war pressure, and then when the elves enthusiastically participated When it came time to invade the main world, the dwarves began an independent movement.

One of the seven major cities in the Magical Realm, the Dwarf-controlled Black Iron City declared its independence and established an independent dwarf tribe based on rune technology. At the same time, the composition of the dwarf tribe's creatures from levels 1 to 14 was announced.

The independence of the dwarves is of course not allowed by the elves, but the dwarves are the second largest race in the magical realm, with a larger population than the elves. Therefore, after Black Iron City declared its independence, almost all dwarf cities in the entire Magical Realm declared their independence, and the Magical Realm immediately fell into civil war.

Bauhinia City is already very busy trying to suppress the independence of the dwarves in its territory. How can it still have the energy to deal with an undead invasion in a border city. Compared to the undead, the independence of the dwarves has touched upon the elves' rule over the magical realm. If the dwarves are allowed to develop, the elves will lose their absolute rule over the magical realm and fall into endless war with the dwarves.

Without the support of the main city, the entire magical realm is full of wars. Randall, the lord of Palm Tree City, does not know how many reinforcements he can find. Looking at the undead army filling the sky in the distance, Palm Tree City is really in danger this time.

However, at this time, a centaur patrol sent to find reinforcements reported that he encountered a marching elven army.

"City Lord, the leader of this army is a dwarf named Hans. He is leading his army to Hearthfire City, which has declared independence. After learning that we are being attacked by the undead, Lord Hans is willing to help us resist Attack of the undead.”

A group of reinforcements came, and Randall was very happy. He asked: "How many troops does Lord Hans have?"

"Lord Hans's army has fifty thousand men, including two golden dragons and four green dragons..."

"Great." After hearing the strength of the reinforcements, Randall was even more happy: "Where is Master Hans's army now?"

"City Lord, after Lord Hans learned that we were facing an attack from the undead, he immediately led his army over and is expected to arrive tonight."

"At night..." Randall looked at the approaching undead army: "Then we must hold on until Lord Hans' army arrives no matter what."

In the evening, Monica led her army to the city of Palm Tree.

The skeleton soldiers spread out and surrounded Palm Tree City on three sides, leaving Palm Tree City alone with its back to the wall in the direction of the advancing fortress.

Then the war equipment was concentrated on the front of Palm Tree City, the artillery moved forward, and the heavy catapult began to be assembled. Jinzhao No. 2 was unloaded from the baggage truck and placed behind the heavy catapult. The newly equipped intermediate-level magic-forbidden devices are scattered throughout the army to provide magic defense for the army; while the mobile intermediate-level magic amplification tower, after being infused with magic by the accompanying mage, begins to increase the beneficial status of one's own soldiers.

After a forward magic support point was established, the magic mage moved forward under the leadership of Vincent, preparing to provide remote and status magic support to the attacking army.

As night fell and darkness fell, Palm City lit bonfires on the city wall, illuminating the eerie line of skeleton soldiers below the city.

Arrows tied with oilcloth were piled in the corner.

Against skeleton soldiers, simple arrow shots can easily pass through the gaps in the skeleton and miss. The burning arrows can easily get stuck in the skeleton soldier's chest, causing the skeleton soldier to suffer continuous fire damage.

The artillery and ballistae on the turret have been loaded, and the mage releases the magic of "always on target" to every elf archer.

The war is approaching, but there is silence on the battlefield.

Monica had moved her command position behind the war equipment, looked at the night sky to confirm the time, and then Monica gave the order...


The army roared forward.

Monica did not press the entire army. She was good at defense, and even when attacking, she focused on defense.

The skeleton army in front separated into several passages, and the concentrated intermediate magic suppression devices and intermediate magic amplification devices were pushed out. Earth magic was released from the opened magic eyes one by one, and raised mounds of earth along the attack route.

These mounds could block long-range fire from the city walls, providing a defensive barrier for attacking armies.

The magic towers in Palm Tree City responded immediately. They used the "obstacle removal" magic to smooth out these mounds one by one.

The magical confrontation begins first.

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