Start with an Archangel

Chapter 982 Hans enters the city

The entire land was constantly undulating in the confrontation of magic, and the Forward Fortress built a stable slope nearby.

The view of Palm City was blocked, and Monica took the opportunity to order the artillery to advance. Hundreds of artillery were mounted on the slope, and the Palm Tree City turret immediately turned its muzzle after discovering the undead artillery position.

The artillery fire from both sides started almost at the same time.

Boom boom boom...

The projectiles staggered and the battle officially began.

The assembled catapult was pushed to the back of the slope, and then the boulders and alchemical bombs were thrown towards Palm Tree City.

Magic shoots at each other, cannons rumble.

The skeleton soldiers began to charge, and some intermediate magic amplification devices provided magic cover for the skeleton soldiers, and they consciously built bunkers on the charging route of the skeleton soldiers. The artillery also cooperated with the firepower to suppress the wall in front of the skeleton soldiers.

Dense rockets shot out from the city walls of Palm Tree City, and the continuous fireballs shooting out in the dark night were truly beautiful. The skeleton soldiers shot by rockets were like running lanterns, illuminating their surrounding companions until they were burned to death on the road.

Seeing Monica here, she immediately ordered her mage group to use water magic to rain on the battlefield. The mages of Palm Tree City immediately used air magic to push away the approaching rain clouds.

Commanders on both sides used their wisdom to respond to changes on the battlefield. The troops of the advancing fortress advanced step by step, and the magic defense was spread forward along with the skeleton soldiers. Long-range firepower always maintained pressure on the entire city wall. The slowly advancing skeleton soldiers pushed the line of troops to the bottom of the city wall of Palm Tree City.

The skeleton soldiers attacked the city wall, and some Necromancer heroes took out space beacons and quickly deployed a space teleportation array under the city.

The plague crawlers that had been prepared at the other end of the teleportation array rushed out of the teleportation array as soon as the space teleportation structure was completed. They rushed upward quickly along the bone ladder set up by the skeleton soldiers.

The continuous self-destruction not only blew up the bones of the skeleton soldiers, but also knocked the defenders on the city wall into disarray and suffered heavy losses.

The gap in the city wall was breached, and the skeleton soldiers swarmed forward and continued to expand the occupation area along the city wall.

At this time, Monica ordered the entire army to attack!

The Knights of Destruction entered the battlefield, the battle skill "Soul Gathering Coffin" was activated, and the aura of death enveloped the entire Palm City.

The Bronze Cavalry advances.

The entire undead army swept towards Palm Tree City like a tide.

The Lord of Palm Tree City, Randall, constantly dispatched troops to fill the holes that were opened everywhere. The fierce battle caused rapid losses to his army. When the 12th-level magic mage and the 11th-level arsonist enveloped the entire city wall within their attack range, the 5th-level elven archers were completely suppressed.

Alchemy equipment and magic set up an upward runway under the city wall. The cavalry of the advancing fortress rushed to the top of the city, and the battle began to spread into the interior of Palm Tree City.

There are panicked civilians everywhere. The undead and the elves are mortal enemies. If the undead occupy this place, they will kill everything that breathes. Everyone fled towards the city gate that was not attacked by the undead, and at this time an elven army came out of the quiet jungle.

The giant dragon charged, the Pegasus knights maintained an orderly formation in the night sky, the dead wood warriors walked out of the forest, and the unicorn group exuded natural affinity.

Then a dwarf hero rode a unicorn to the bottom of the city gate and shouted: "I am Hans, leading my army to rescue Palm Tree City. Please put us in quickly, Lord Randall, the city lord." , I heard the sound of fighting, and my army will help you drive away the invading undead."

The news of the arrival of reinforcements made Randall grasp at straws. He did not have any doubts, and the undead entering the city did not allow him to doubt anything. Randall immediately ordered the city gate to be opened to let reinforcements in.

The arrival of reinforcements was cheered by the soldiers and civilians of Palm City.

The giant dragons roaring over the city wall and flying in gave Palm City the confidence to repel the undead.

After Hans entered Palm Tree City, he was immediately greeted by an elf hero: "Sir Hans, Lord Randall is directing the battle in his castle. We urgently hope that your army can join the battle as soon as possible."

Hans said: "My army is not familiar with the situation in Palm Tree City. I want to meet Lord Randall to discuss where my army should go.

My army will establish a line of defense in the city where there is no fighting yet, and rely on the magic tower to set up an offensive starting point.

Now... take me to see Lord Randall. "

Following Hans's order, the elven army he brought spread out along the streets of Palm City, marching towards the important facilities of Palm City.

As a reinforcement, Hans's approach of first standing firm and understanding the battle situation before intervening in the battle is understandable.

The elf hero did not have too many doubts, but led Hans towards the city lord's palace, with an elite team following Hans closely.

Then Hans met the owner of this elf city, Randall, in the main palace of Palm Tree City.

Randall was very happy to see Hans and said: "Master Hans, the elves abandoned us when Palm Tree City was facing destruction, and the dwarves sent reinforcements instead.

You are the brothers that the Centaurs can most rely on.

After we defeat this undead invasion together, I will declare Palm Tree City to break away from Redbud City and fully support the independence movement of the dwarf brothers. "

But Hans said at this time: "Lord Randall, if you really intend to support the independence of the dwarves, then why don't you hand over Palm Tree City to me now?"

Randall realized that Hans had bad intentions, but Hans's army had already entered the city. Palm Tree City was retreating steadily in the face of the undead's attacks. Where could they find the troops to drive Hans away?

He had no choice but to say: "Hans... I'm afraid now is not the time to discuss the ownership of Palm Tree City. The undead have already entered the city, and what we have to do now is to work together to drive the undead out. Then we will talk about the independence of Palm Tree City... …”

Hans showed his battle ax: "Repulse the undead, free up your army, and I won't be able to get Palm Tree City. Now my army is behind your army...

I can wait for the undead to wipe out your army before fighting the undead, and then Palm Tree City will be mine.

Or... you give me Palm Tree City now, and I can let you leave here safely. "

Facing the hostile Hans, Randall also took out his halberd. The guards in the city lord's palace and Hans's soldiers also displayed their weapons one after another. The two elven armies faced off. The Palm Tree City defenders in front lost their command and were almost collapsed by the undead.

The city lord's palace was extremely quiet, and the sounds of fighting outside were getting closer and closer.

Randall said: "This undead army is very powerful. If you face them alone... you will only be destroyed. If you join forces with me to resist the undead, I can build another city for you next to Palm Tree City."

"Randall, I'm afraid you haven't seen the situation clearly yet. From this moment on, this city is destined not to be yours. Are you willing to give me Palm Tree City and decide whether the undead will occupy this city or the elves will occupy it? This city. But no matter who owns it, it belongs to my lord's name."

Randall asked, "What do you mean."

Hans smiled and said: "The meaning is very obvious. I and the undead army that attacked Palm Tree City belong to the same lord. If you hand Palm Tree City over to me, Palm Tree City will be saved from a massacre."

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