Start with an Archangel

Chapter 983 Dwarf Independence Movement

Daliang spent a good day playing with Shu Xiao. After logging in to the game the next day, he learned that Palm Tree City had been occupied by Hans. Randall, the former lord of Palm City, surrendered and waited to swear allegiance to Daliang.

After obtaining a complete elf city, Daliang will have a third territory, and it is the territory of the elves.

An eighth-level elf realm.

Various opportunities and speculations allowed Daliang to seize the opportunity and take Palm City as his own. Therefore, after Daliang went online, he couldn't wait to go to Palm City and take over the city.

Palm Tree City is a relatively well-developed elf territory, with various basic buildings in place. At the same time, due to a strategic deception played by Monica and Hans, the internal damage of Palm Tree City was very small, and the defenses around the city wall only needed to be repaired once to return to the way it was before the war.

Palm Tree City can now recruit 400 centaurs, 300 dwarves, 200 elf archers and 80 Pegasus knights every day, and can upgrade these four arms.

At the same time, Randall's surrender also allowed Daliang to take over the army of the original Palm Tree City, with a strength of about 70,000. Two golden dragons and four green dragons also surrendered, which greatly increased the number of elven troops under Daliang.

Daliang accepted Randall's allegiance at the City Lord's Mansion in Palm Tree City.


Centaur Captain (Level 2 Elf)

Attack: 6

Defense: 3

Kill: 20-30

HP; 100

Racial specialty: Cavalry

Hero Unit: Level 51

Attack: 90

Defense: 70

Intelligence: 50

Knowledge: 50

Specialty: Centaur leader (good at commanding centaurs in combat, improving centaur's attack, defense, and speed attributes)

Hero skills: Master Pathfinding, Advanced Logistics,...

Skills: attack acceleration, swift impact...

In terms of attributes, Randall is a fighting hero, but he is not a good fighting hero. Their specialty is commanding centaurs, but the attributes of centaurs determine that no matter how they are strengthened, they are still expendable cannon fodder.

However, Randall actually possesses master-level pathfinding skills and advanced logistics, which made Daliang immediately determine Randall's usefulness.

Pathfinding: Reduce the impact of terrain on marching speed.

Logistics: Coordinate and manage army logistics to speed up the march of the army.

These two skills determine that Randall is a talent in logistics management, and the centaur is more powerful and faster under his command. If Randall is allowed to manage the logistics of the Blackfire Army and at the same time integrate all the centaurs into the logistics team, the logistics and transportation capabilities of the entire Blackfire Army will definitely be greatly improved.


Being a city lord... it's a pity.

After Daliang accepted Randall's allegiance, he immediately announced his appointment. From then on, the entire Blackfire Territory military logistics system would be under the unified command of Randall.

This is the end of the Battle of Palm Tree City.

Daliang has obtained a legal stronghold in the magical realm. As long as Palm Tree City does not publicly separate from Bauhinia City, no one will have the energy to manage this remote city after the dwarf independence movement ends.

Moreover, with the cover of Palm Tree City, the Black Fire Leader does not need to accumulate heavy troops in the forward fortress, and can devote its spare troops to the Songjiang City that is about to be attacked.

Monica has led her army to withdraw from the Fortress of Advance to the Kingdom of Death. After some repairs at the Bone Burial Ground, they will reach the Black Fire Territory through the plane teleportation array, then take a boat to land on the Shangjiang River, and finally slowly of diving into dungeons.

Once Kuka's troops are in place, the Songjiang War can officially begin.

In Palm Tree City, Daliang left Hans alone to talk.

The elves' castle is the most physically and mentally pleasing among the castles of all races. The outer walls of the castle are planted with thorns and vines, full of greenery and flowers in bloom.

Birds and small animals shuttle freely inside.

Even after experiencing war, the elven city can quickly return to peace and tranquility.

Da Liang stood by the window of the castle, watching a group of unicorns passing by on the grass in front, and then asked Hans: "What do you think of the independence movement of the dwarves...?"

Hans said: "Back to my lord... Dwarf independence has actually appeared in the magical realm a long time ago. Before I went to the foggy area of ​​​​the Kingdom of Death, I was a supporter of the dwarf independence movement and participated in a dwarf independence uprising.

It failed, and I went into exile in the Mist Zone.

The reason for the failure is also very simple. The dwarves do not have their own independent army system. Of course, the army relying on the elves cannot defeat the elves.

Now that Black Iron City has successfully established a dwarf military hierarchy, even if this independence movement fails, the dwarves will definitely break away from the elves.

As a new race, the dwarves may be someone to support. "

Daliang didn't care much about the past of his subordinates. He never asked about Kuka's past, so naturally he never asked why Hans ended up in the foggy area. This time Hans took the initiative to speak out, and the whole story was really unexpected.

"I thought you were driven to the Mist Zone because you deceived people too much. I didn't expect that you were also the pioneer of the dwarf independence movement."

The philistine of the past can no longer be seen in Hans. He shook his head and said: "In the past, I thought that to persuade the stubborn dwarves to become independent, it took a certain amount of brains and eloquence. Now it seems... a real army of dwarves That’s the most convincing one.”

The independent movement of the dwarves in the Magical Realm is a side plot in the context of the plane war. With the vigorous civil war in the Magical Realm, the hierarchical system established by the dwarves relying on rune technology is also known to the majority of players.

First level: dwarf guard; second level: dwarf shield guard; third level: harpooneer; fourth level fork hunter; fifth level: bear cavalry; sixth level: black bear cavalry; seventh level: gladiator; eighth level: madman-slayer; Level 9: Talisman Sacrifice; Level 10: Talisman Clan Leader; Level 11: Divine General; Level 12: Flame Divine General.

Level 13: Fire Dragon; Level 14: Magma Dragon.

Dwarves are good at forging. They always like to place settlements next to volcanoes, and then dig into the mountains to build their own smelting factories. Fire dragons and magma dragons are the ultimate creatures that live in the volcanoes of the magical realm. It is precisely because of the addition of these ultimate creatures that the dwarves have the ability to compete with the elves.

According to Hans's previous position, he certainly hopes that Daliang can promote the Five Color Flag Alliance to support this dwarf independence movement.

And Daliang also made supporting the dwarves an option in the Magic Realm strategy. Because the Kingdom of Death is currently facing too many problems. If the Blue Alliance decides to break away from the control of Yunzhong City, then the Magical Realm will definitely invade the Kingdom of Death without the intervention of Yunzhong City. The dwarves will become more and more powerful in the Magical Realm, and the elves will The interference in the kingdom of death will be lighter.

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