Start with an Archangel

Chapter 984: Sell whatever you need

What makes Daliang worried is...

How far can the dwarven independence movement go? If the thunder is loud but the raindrops are small, and the elves take care of the anticlimactic situation in a few moments, then the Five-Color Flag Alliance will lose both its wife and its troops by supporting the dwarves, which is not worth the loss.

Moreover, Da Liang had seen the composition of the new dwarf army. The ground troops of Yisei, even the fire dragon and magma dragon were running on the ground. Facing the elven army with Pegasus knights, green dragons, and golden dragons, the dwarves simply lost the sky. Also, dwarves have short legs and their mobility is far inferior to that of elves.

Basically, the war between dwarves and elves is one side thinking about how to attack, and the other side thinking about how to defend.

Daliang is really not optimistic about the dwarves' independence this time. Without strong foreign aid, their best outcome is to cling to a place that the elves don't value and linger on.

Can the Five Color Flag Alliance be able to provide this foreign aid?

And what benefits can helping the dwarves bring to the Five-Color Flag Alliance? Fighting against a base camp is not in line with the current position of the Five Color Flag Alliance. If there are not enough benefits, Da Liang will not be able to convince himself, let alone the other four main alliances.

But covert support can still be provided, such as...

Daliang thought about the strength of supporting the dwarves, and then said to Hans: "Right now, we don't have the strength to openly support the dwarves' independence movement, and Palm Tree City is still subordinate to Bauhinia City.

But... you can also try to contact some former friends.

I am willing to make a deal with them. I can provide them with everything they need, including griffins. Of course, the price will definitely go up. After all, we are transporting across planes and we also have to bear a lot of risks. "

The dwarves lacked air power, so Da Liang provided it for them.

Griffins are fifth-level soldiers among the human race, and their output is pretty good. In the player's trading market, in addition to the relatively high price of the royal griffon that can be ridden, the price of ordinary griffins is about 1.5 times the recruitment price. Even if the price of griffons increases due to the plane war, it will never exceed twice the recruitment price.

Now that the Pegasus Knights in the hands of the independent dwarves will gradually leave their army, the dwarves must be very eager to have air units to fill the gap left by the Pegasus Knights.

Although a small number of griffons are not enough to fight against the elves' Pegasus knights, they are more powerful as a containment force in the air than letting the elves' Pegasus knights fly above their heads.

As long as the gryphons are available, the dwarves won't have to worry about them not wanting them.

The recruitment price of griffins is 40 gold/each. If you purchase them from the player market and add the cost of transporting them to the magical realm... it will cost about 80 gold.

After Daliang made a calculation in his mind, he said to Hans: "The price of the gryphon is 120 gold each. The price of other products is negotiable."

120 gold is the recruitment price for ninth-level soldiers, but the arms business cannot be calculated based on cost, but based on supply and demand. Now in the entire plane war, the good camp has an absolute advantage, and the elves are the backbone race in the good camp. Who would dare to sell arms to the dwarves at this time, especially the flying griffons.

In other words, I see that you dwarves have pitiful short legs and are willing to do this business.

So... if a gryphon is not sold for 200 gold coins, it is already the friendly price.

Daliang is willing to do business with the Dwarf Independence Army, and Hans is of course very happy. Griffins are indeed an aerial unit that is in short supply in the dwarf independent army. At the same time, money is what they fight for. Since the dwarves are seeking independence, merchants naturally dare not do business with the dwarves for fear of the elves' revenge. The dwarves have very strong manufacturing capabilities, but they cannot sell the things they create, so they have no money to expand their army and fight the elves.

Everything made by dwarves is of high quality, especially soldier ordnance. For the same standard soldier ordnance, the ordnance made by dwarves has several more attribute points than those made by other races.

I can't accept this.

Especially the weapons produced by Black Iron City.

Black Iron City is built inside a volcano. The crater is the entrance to Black Iron City. The entire city is built on the inner wall of the volcano. The magma lake at the bottom is a natural furnace. Therefore, Black Iron City's weapons manufacturing industry is very developed. Accepting orders and manufacturing soldiers' ordnance on a large scale is also the main source of income for Black Iron City.

In the soldier arms market, weapons produced by dwarves command a premium of ten to twenty percent. As long as the weapons bear the Black Iron City label, the price premium will be 50% without bargaining.

A set of sophisticated and durable weapons and equipment is equivalent to one or two more soldiers on the battlefield. It affects the attribution of victory and is not measurable by price. Therefore, no one will dislike the weapons of their own army being better than others.

Daliang was willing to do business with the Dwarf Independent Army because he actually saw the business opportunities in the weapons trade.

Now... we are all at war. As long as we have good weapons in our hands, we will not worry about lack of sales.

Daliang smiled happily in his heart, and Hans was also happy that he could contribute to the independence of the dwarves. He promised Daliang: "Sir, I will go to Black Iron City to find my former friends now. I am willing to do business with the dwarves at this time. I'm afraid you are the only one who can..."

Da Liang waved his hand and said: "Go, go. Put on Randall and go together. After the deal is negotiated, commercial transportation is still needed. Find a safe trading point that will not be discovered by the elves, and find a secret transportation line."

"Yes, sir."

Hans went to Black Iron City with Randall, and Daliang browsed the construction interface of Palm Tree City.

Due to the independent movement of the dwarves, Palm City, which was still subordinate to the elves, began to be rejected by the dwarves. The dwarf hills where dwarves are recruited have seen a countdown to stop recruiting, and the dwarf army in the original Palm Tree City is also gradually decreasing. After leaving Palm Tree City, these dwarves slowly dispersed into the forest and headed for independent dwarf cities.

However, the dwarves purchased from Chongming City did not leave. The creatures in the main world and the creatures in the base camp have different values. The racial changes in the base camp will not affect the racial changes in the main world.

As for urban development…

Since Daliang's strategy is to make Palm Tree City out of sight of Bauhinia City, he does not plan to go to Bauhinia City to do territorial tasks to develop Palm Tree City for the time being. Moreover, with a Black Fire Territory, a Judgment Territory, and a large tomb, Daliang really does not have the ability to fully develop Palm Tree City.

Development here is on hold for now…

The independence of the dwarves will definitely trigger racial changes in the elves to fill the holes left by the dwarves. Da Liang decided to wait until the elves complete the racial changes to see which side of the elves or dwarves can complement the Black Fire Leader, and then decide the future development direction of Palm Tree City.

Now that the strategy in the magical realm is suspended, Da Liang needs to go to the Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death to discuss with Lucas the reconciliation with the Sad Lord.

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