Start with an Archangel

Chapter 986 Evisceration

After Daliang expressed the Sad Lord’s proposal, while President Lucas was thinking about it, he added: “As a wizard, I also raised the needs of the Wizards Guild to the Sad Lord.

One is to recognize the wizarding guild's right to rule over the existing occupied land; the second is to allow the wizarding guild to have independent administrative power on its own land. "

These two points are the most fundamental needs of the Wizards Guild. Wizards have no idea of ​​ruling the kingdom of death. The intention of this uprising is to establish a territory of their own and conduct research on God in an upright manner.

Now...the land is there, and it's vast. The only difference is that it is recognized by the dead monarch and can legally own the existing occupied territory.

Independent administrative power can prevent the Wizards Guild from being controlled by the New Unsullied Holy See, and it must be fought for.

As long as these two requirements are met, bow to the sad monarch and call him "His Majesty the Pope"...

For the reckless Wizards Guild and the Blue Alliance, there seems to be nothing unacceptable.

While listening to Daliang's story, he thought about Lucas. After being quiet for a while, he said: "Although you did something risky, it was very correct. You brought the dawn of the end of the civil war to the Kingdom of Death.

As long as it is guaranteed that the Wizards Guild can openly operate in the Kingdom of Death and have its own land, I am willing to support the enlightened Sad Lord to become the pope who rules the Kingdom of Death.

The peace talks with the Sad Lord can be conducted in secret first. I will also win over supporters on a small scale within the Wizards Guild, and I will also find a way to get rid of the influence of Cloud City on the cyan coalition.

Would you like to be the wizard's guild's representative in negotiations with the Melancholy Lord? "

"I'm afraid not." Daliang rejected Lucas's assignment and said: "After knowing my identity, the Sad Lord retained all my status and interests in the City of Sighs.

Now that I am both a wizard and a bishop, I am not suited to be a negotiator for either party.

The Melancholy Lord allows representatives of the Wizards' Guild to reside in his cathedral, and appoints Argoul, Chancellor of the Unsullied Curia of the City of Sighs, to serve as his negotiator. As a person with dual identities, I will also join the negotiating team to coordinate the demands of both parties..."

Lucas nodded. Daliang's identity is indeed not suitable to represent the Wizards Guild. He said: "I will send an elder who can represent me to the City of Sighs as soon as possible. What do you think of Anthony?"

Daliang thought something was wrong: "Elder Anthony supported this war, and even vacated your command of the Wizards Guild when you opposed it. Moreover, Anthony was caught by the Sad Lord and suffered a lot of punishment.

Will his hatred of the sad monarch cloud his correct judgment? "

Lucas replied: "The Sorrowful Lord sent Speaker Argu, and I must also send an elder with the same status. In the Wizards Guild, only Elder Anthony is qualified to represent me.

As for your worries...

This war made Anthony see many things clearly, and his original impulse has long since cooled down... If Anthony cannot let go of his hatred for the Sad Lord, then... it will be very difficult for us to promote the reconciliation between the Wizards Guild and the Sad Lord. difficulty.

Or even fail.

And if we can convince Anthony that he is willing to go to the City of Sighs to negotiate as my representative, then with his help, we can win over more wizards to support our peace talks that will be beneficial to all the undead. "

Since Lucas trusted Anthony so much, Daliang said nothing more: "I hope you are right."

It is really difficult to resolve the hatred between the Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See. The City of Sighs is the one-stop shop for the Melancholy King, and the wizarding guild's organizational structure is too loose.

Elder Anthony rushed over immediately after receiving the news of Lucas' summons.

After seeing Daliang, Anthony was very happy...

After Anthony and Daliang greeted each other, Lucas asked Anthony: "Are you very curious about the identity of the elder of Sighing City?"

Anthony said: "Yes, I am really curious about the identity of the elder of Sigh City. What the Sigh City branch has done can be described as a miracle. But I also know that there must be a major reason why he concealed his identity, so I never dared Try to investigate him."

Lucas said to Daliang: "You can take off your hood."

Da Liang opened the hood that concealed his appearance and revealed his appearance in front of Anthony.

Then Lucas formally introduced Anthony: "When we were in the Ashes City Alliance, you should know that the elders of the City of Sighs branch have a very good relationship with Holy Bella. In fact, he was introduced by Holy Bella to join our Wizards Guild.

His name is Daliang, and as for his identity...

You should know about Jiangcheng in the main world? "

Anthony knew that the elder of the City of Sighs branch was a human being, but this was the first time he saw Daliang’s true appearance. After hearing Lucas’ inquiry, he said: “Shangjiang City? I turns out to be a city in the main world. The main city of the human race, Shangjiang City joined the newly established Five Color Flag Alliance some time ago and became known to the world.

Shangjiang City is not only one of the five main alliances of the Five Color Flag Alliance, but it is also a city personally guarded by the Supreme Angel, Lord Bella.

Not long ago, the Five Color Flag Alliance captured the Hell Lord King Buck, the Pain Demon King, in Hell. "

Lucas nodded: "You know it in detail... The Five-Color Flag Alliance is dominated by three 15th-level dragon clans and is very powerful. Shangjiang City, guarded by Holy Bella, is one of the main alliances of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and ours The elder of the Sigh City branch is the Duke of Shangjiang City, the Duke of Daliang."

Daliang's identity really shocked Anthony.

Duke is the title second only to the king. If it were a duke from another major city in the main world, Anthony might not take it seriously, but Shangjiang City was different.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance is second only to the base camp in strength. One of the main alliance's dukes has absolutely huge power in the Five-Color Flag Alliance.

Anthony said with enlightenment: "I see, no wonder the Duke of Daliang concealed his identity after joining our Wizards Guild. I think Shangjiang has already been planning an alliance with the three dragon clans. As one of the main alliance Dukes, he really shouldn't Openly joined a humble wizard guild.

Now that Duke Daliang has revealed his identity, does it mean that the Wizards Guild is about to cooperate with the Five Color Flag Alliance?

This is definitely very good news. "

Lucas said: "We do want to cooperate with a certain force, but it is not the Five Color Flag Alliance. Now let me introduce to you another identity of Duke Daliang!

Standing in front of you is...

The Bishop of the Mist District of the City of Sighs, the Vice-President of the Immaculate Holy See of the City of Sighs, the proposer and disseminator of the ultimate belief in the City of Sighs, the Master of Death - Eviscerate! "

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