Start with an Archangel

Chapter 987 Persuading Anthony

When Lucas had just revealed that Da Liang was the bishop of the Mist District of the City of Sighs, Anthony's first reaction was to attack violently. But when he thought that this was Eternal Night City, the core of the Wizards Guild, and that Lucas was present, he immediately forcibly calmed down.

Then a series of titles left Anthony with only one thought.

"President Lucas, have you been overworked recently?"

Seeing Anthony acting like he's sick, Lucas knew that Daliang's identity was really hard for people to accept. He had no choice but to say to Daliang: "It seems that you are the only one who can prove yourself..."

Daliang also knows that his identity is really weird for Anthony, and all the spies of the Wizards Guild in the City of Sighs are controlled by Daliang. The Wizards Guild knows very little about the changes in the City of Sighs, even the name Eviscerate. Focusing on. So Da Liang took off the fat black smock on his body, and then put it on one by one: the bishop's robe, the bishop's scepter and the speaker's crown, and finally put on the badge representing the mentor of death on his chest.

A bishop of the Immaculate Holy See stood majestically in the headquarters of the Wizards Guild.

After a while, Anthony reset his broken chin rest, and then asked blankly: "When you rescued me in the City of Sighs, you said that the City of Sighs branch had placed spies inside the Vulgar Holy See... "

Daliang said: "That spy was actually me. At that time, I had just served as the external pope of the Holy See in the Mist District, and began to resume the activities of the City of Sighs branch. As a result, you aggressively asked us to organize the cyan coalition in the City of Sighs, so I had to put myself The church was blown up. But I didn’t expect you to be captured by the Sad Lord...

You also know what happened next. At the same time, because I don't trust you, I hide something. "

"What about capturing the Greedy Demon Lord Misuka?"

"I was the deputy envoy from the City of Sighs to Yongye City, and I used a little strategy to lure Misuka out."

Many mysteries in Anthony's mind were solved because of the disclosure of Daliang's identity. But it was still hard for him to believe that the series of prominent titles in the Unsullied Holy See actually belonged to a wizard elder from the Wizards Guild.

"This is really... this must be a legend." Anthony couldn't help but admire, and since Daliang has such a prominent position in the City of Sighs, and now it is made public, does it mean... "We are going to attack the City of Sighs? To be honest. After the battle in Eternal Night City, the Cyan Alliance Army has not yet recovered its strength. However...if Elder Eviscerate is there to act as an internal support, it is still possible to capture the City of Sighs."

Lucas shook his head and said to Anthony: "The purpose of Elder Eviscerate revealing his identity to you is not to attack the City of Sighs, but... Anthony, do you think this war we launched will bring prosperity or destruction to the undead? "

Anthony had long since passed the urge to start a war. Now that the plane war broke out, the cyan coalition forces with the label of Cloud City behind them inevitably aroused resistance from the undead. The undead are an evil race, but the cyan coalition belongs to the good camp, and their position is very embarrassing.

But without the support of Yunzhong City, it would be impossible for the Cyan Alliance to block the counterattack of the Death Monarchs.

The same problem that troubled Lucas also troubled Anthony.

He said: "I don't know what we are doing will bring about the undead. At first we just wanted to create a land for wizards to move openly. But now...

We have no choice but to fight this war, no matter what the Kingdom of Death will look like in the future. "

Lucas said: "If there was a way to stop the war now, but it required you to give up something important, what would you do?"

"Stop the war?" Anthony asked.

"Yes, stop the war and quickly restore unity to the kingdom of death. All the undead will join hands to fight against the good camp."

Anthony pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know what you mean by these words, but...if the civil war can really be stopped, even if I sacrifice my soul fire, I would be willing..."

When Lucas saw that the fire was almost done, he handed over the next steps to Daliang.

Daliang said: "Elder Anthony... As the elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild and the deputy speaker of the Sighing City, I am now officially informing you... President Lucas wants to have peace talks with the Sad Lord. The Sad Lord has also agreed to the peace talks and sent Speaker Yargu of the City of Sighs serves as his representative.

President Lucas wants to entrust you to go to the City of Sighs on behalf of the Wizards Guild. I, Argu, and you will complete the first formal negotiation between the Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See at the Cathedral of the City of Sighs. "

"No, no, no!" Anthony refused on the spot: "It is absolutely impossible to negotiate peace with the Holy See. If we negotiate, what's the point of fighting this war? What's the point of us having so many wizards die?"

Da Liang said at this time: "The Eternal Night City War allowed the Death Lord to see clearly the strength of the Wizards Guild, and for the first time put the Wizards Guild on an equal footing with the Unsullied Holy See. After the Eternal Night City War, wizards are no longer in hiding. The underground things really come to the world stage. This is the meaning of this war!

But... there is no point in continuing to fight this war.

The division of ideas will only make the civil war in the Kingdom of Death continue forever, and there will be no winner in it. Yunzhong City will not let the war in the Kingdom of Death determine the winner or unify.

Elder Anthony, the ultimate belief has been established in the City of Sighs. It has no impulse to the wizards' ideas, it is all about becoming a god. At the same time, the basis of the ultimate belief is the Immortal Doctrine, which can be accepted by all Immortal believers.

This is a belief that can unify the thoughts of the Kingdom of Death. As long as Eternal Night City and City of Sighs join forces, they can quickly promote the ultimate belief in the Kingdom of Death. Then all the contradictions in the Kingdom of Death will be resolved, and the civil war will subside.

It was precisely after seeing this that the president came up with the idea of ​​​​peace talks with the Sad Lord. You are his most trusted elder, and he hopes that you can go to the City of Sighs on his behalf.

And what the president wants you to give up... is hatred. "

Letting go of hatred is easy to say, but how difficult it is to let go!

After listening to what Lucas and Daliang said, Anthony certainly knew what was the most correct choice, to downplay hatred and unify the kingdom of death under the ultimate belief.

But... Anthony let out a long sigh and said: "I can go to the City of Sighs to discuss with Argu on behalf of the Wizards Guild, but I must be given a few days.

I need to adjust my emotions. I will stand in the interests of the Wizards Guild instead of being affected by my personal hatred. "

"It's great that you agree. Please think about it carefully."

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