Start with an Archangel

Chapter 988 Searching for News

Anthony was finally convinced, and while he was adjusting his emotions, Daliang temporarily stayed in Yongye City, and then took Anthony to the Cathedral of the City of Sighs.

During this period, Da Liang decided to find the whereabouts of the Evernight Cathedral.

The Cathedral of Eternal Night contains the obelisk of the Kingdom of Death. Since the end of the war in Eternal Night City, the Cathedral of Eternal Night was handed over to the angels and has disappeared.

Although the obelisk can be moved, Daliang judged that the obelisk should still be inside the Cathedral of Evernight. Because only Cloud City, the Fallen Angels and the Five-Color Flag Alliance know the real role of the obelisk, no one is a fool who goes around saying that the obelisk is a key prop to start the era of theocracy. Therefore, Yunzhong City is not afraid of the undead looking for the obelisk, so it will not casually move the obelisk out of the Cathedral of Evernight.

The Cathedral of Eternal Night itself is a solid aerial fortress. The obelisk cannot be taken out of the Kingdom of Death, but it would be safer to put it inside the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

Da Liang did not inquire about the Evernight Cathedral at the Wizards Guild, and he also wanted to eliminate any possibility of revealing the role of the obelisk. So Daliang, as a player, asked around in Yongye City.

There must be traces of such a large air fortress flying away, especially when there were so many players participating in the battle of Eternal Night City. Maybe some of them were busy tracking Eternal Night Cathedral.

Evernight City is in the process of recovery. When the plane war broke out, the Wizards Guild immediately seized the opportunity to raid several large cities in the main world. After plundering, they not only snatched funds to repair the cities, but also snatched many supplies and placed them in the market of Yongye City. cheap marketing.

The profits have attracted businessmen who are not afraid of death, and many players also come to Yongye City to hunt for gold to see if they can pick up one or two pieces of top-quality equipment.

Daliang wore a black smock that hid his identity. After walking around Yongye City without asking anything, he ran to the market and rented a large stall, displaying nothing but a big sign.

"A lot of money is spent to find the location of the Eternal Night Cathedral: take a look at it if you pass by, take a photo and post it on your WeChat Moments, maybe you will earn the money...

The sponsor is not here. If you have any information, leave a message directly under the booth information. I will reply if you find any useful information. "

After the stall was set up, Daliang bought a group of skeleton soldiers from the stall next to him and placed them behind the stall to guard. Then he took a group of personal guards to a nearby leveling point to kill monsters and upgrade them.

In the hero world, whether it is an NPC hero or a player, the upgrade experience after level 30 increases dramatically, making it difficult to upgrade. At level 40, it is basically a watershed between elite players and ordinary players. With their skills and equipment, elite players can basically have the combat effectiveness of ordinary level 13 heroes and level 14 heroes, and they are the backbone of all major legions.

A very small number of top players, such as members of the camp confrontation team, can reach the combat power of elite level 14 creatures.

It can be seen from this that there is still a big gap between the power of players and the power of NPCs, but this gap is constantly decreasing. However, when the game enters the era of theocracy, this gap will be widened again.

Level 50 players...

It hasn't appeared yet.

Daliang's current level is level 49. A final sanction from Despair City pushed Daliang's experience bar to the full bar. Of course it looks full, but if you haven't reached level 50, it means it's still a little bit behind.

This little bit made Daliang feel very uncomfortable. He had been feeling uncomfortable for the past few days, and he had been thinking about how to make up for this little bit of experience.

Now, while waiting for Anthony and the news from Eternal Night Cathedral, Daliang decided to take advantage of this free time to brush up his experience and level up.

None of the inexperienced guards allowed them to follow them, including Julian and Juliet...

Juliet kills monsters at a very fast speed, but her experience ratio is also very fierce. She can gain 90% of the 10% of experience. Moreover, monster spawning must be combined with dungeons and tasks to gain more experience. Here, if you take a monster-killing task, Juliet suddenly kills all the monsters. Wouldn’t Da Liang be killed? The important thing is that the dungeons with high experience are all adventure-type dungeons, and adventure-type dungeons only allow players to enter and cannot summon subordinate heroes and soldiers.

So Daliang handed over all his personal guards to Julian and asked her to lead the team to find a place to level up. And he himself used the game forum to find adventure copies around Yongye.

Especially for the pioneering dungeons that have not yet been cleared, the experience of clearing these dungeons for the first time is very high.

Soon a copy caught Da Liang's attention.

"Capture Will"


Da Liang couldn't help but cursed when he saw the name of this dungeon. The battle where they captured Will actually generated an adventure dungeon.

The autonomous operating system of Hero World will generate copies of some more classic battles for more players to experience. The battle to capture Will was, of course, very classic.

Now Da Liang saw that it was a restored copy of that battle. The system did not allow players to bring heroes into this type of adventure copy to prevent situations like Will beating Will.

It’s just that Will is the proud subordinate of the Sad Lord of Sighing City, and his strength has reached the peak of level 15. At the beginning, Lucas, who was at level 16, took action personally to capture Will. At this stage, players basically have no possibility of clearing this dungeon.

However, since it is a dungeon, it must be divided into difficulty levels. The real Will is probably at nightmare level, with difficulty level and normal level above.

For the ordinary-level "Capture Will", Daliang looked at the map he had saved and the layout of the guards inside, and felt that he could still defeat it.

However, this copy requires 6-10 people.

If it's not a single-player dungeon, you can't do it alone. You need to find teammates... Daliang really doesn't have many friends in Yongye City.

Let's first take a look at the description of this copy by the person who posted the copy strategy post on the forum.

The person who posted the "Capture Will" dungeon guide post is named Yijian Guanghan. Since entering the dungeon of "Capturing Will" requires completing some complex pre-missions, players who do not want to do the task can join a team of players who have already received the task and share the task and transfer it directly into the dungeon.

In Yijian Guanghan's strategy post, he gave a brief description of the Soul-Eating Tomb where Will was hiding.

"According to the mission prompts, Will is on the third floor of the Soul-Eating Tomb.

There are several difficulties in this mission: First, the Soul-Eating Tomb is a maze. Since we are in the land reclamation period, we do not have a topographic map of the Soul-Eating Tomb, so we can only search slowly. So far, we have only found the entrance to the first and second floors.

Second, the monsters in the Soul-eating Labyrinth are very powerful. They are the elite of the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs. Every tomb is guarded by heroes.

Third, the mission has a time limit. From the time you enter the dungeon, reinforcements from Sigh City will arrive two hours later, triggering an attack by all monsters in the dungeon.


When the whole family goes on a trip, take your notebook with you and try to update it as much as possible.

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