Start with an Archangel

Chapter 990 Entering the Dungeon

Daliang threw a series of fireballs at a group of haters and replied: "I am currently at a monster spawn point in the north of Yongye City. Do you need me to meet you somewhere?"

"No need. As long as you are a member of my team within the Yongye area, you can share the mission and be transferred to the starting point of the instance. You join the team, and we will arrive at Yongye soon..."

As Yijian Guanghan ended the call, a friend request and a team invitation appeared in Da Liang's message bar.

Choose to agree, and then Da Liang appears in the team headed by Yijian Guanghan.

At this time, the team had already formed ten people. When Da Liang appeared, there was an immediate exclamation on the team channel.

"Holy shit, it's indeed Big Brother Daliang. I thought Yi Jian was teasing us?"

"Duke Da Liang... Oh my God, I've actually teamed up with the big brother Duke, and I'll be able to see the Duke himself soon. I... I'm going to be so happy."

"It's really Mr. Liang! One sword can do it. If we find such a powerful output, we can enter the third floor this time."

"Wait for me, wait for me, we will arrive at Yongye soon..."

At this time, Yijian Guanghan appeared on the team channel: "Thanks to Mr. Liang for taking a fancy to the copy we found, brothers will accompany Mr. Liang to the Soul-Eating Tomb. It's not yet the Eternal Night, let's talk about it Talk about how to distribute the copy harvest...

Mr. Liang, a group of us often play together, and whoever needs the equipment gets it. This is your first time playing a dungeon with us. Please give us your opinion on how to divide the equipment. "

Daliang said: "I don't want all the equipment in the entire dungeon. If we can catch Will in the end, I want the final reward..."

After everyone heard Daliang's distribution plan, they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Some were surprised, while others thought Daliang was overestimating his capabilities.

There are only three ways to become stronger by playing games: Liver, Krypton, Europe...

For players like Yijian Guanghan to reach this level in the heroic world, they must have all three. Because of this, these players are very conceited.

This is the top dungeon strategy team in the game, but they have repeatedly encountered obstacles in the "Capture Will" dungeon, and the entire land development progress has not even reached one-third. They just said that having Daliang join them can take them to the third floor. In fact, it was just a polite compliment. Their real intention was to bring Daliang in for fun. No matter where they go, it is considered a relationship with the top boss in the game. , to broaden the way in the game.

As for where you can go?

It is estimated that even their best results may not be achieved.

After all, if a well-coordinated team rashly adds an unfamiliar player, there will definitely be mistakes, big and small. What's even more frightening is that Daliang refused to obey orders based on his identity, which ultimately led to the early demise of the team.

But when Daliang proposed the distribution plan, he bluntly stated that he wanted the final reward of the copy.

Is this really awesome, or is it just ignorance and fearlessness?

The chat channel was a little quiet for a while, and it was difficult to answer the next words...

In the end, Yi Jian Guanghan said: "Okay... Just do as Mr. Liang said. All the equipment produced by the last boss monster in the dungeon belongs to Mr. Liang. The rest we will divide according to the previous rules..."

There are many boss-level monsters in the copy of "Capture Will". Yi Jian Guanghan said that all the output of the last boss should be given to Da Liang, which not only gave a step so that the team and Da Liang would not be too embarrassed, but also gave a A relatively reasonable distribution plan took care of Daliang's face.

Everyone agreed to Yijian Guanghan's proposal.

Then all the people who brushed the dungeon this time arrived, Yi Jian Guanghan shared his mission, and everyone in the team received a teleportation selection box.

"Yijian Guanghan invites you to enter the 'Capturing Will' plot instance. Do you accept it?"

After seeing the selection box, Da Liang confirmed "Yes".

[After the battle of Yongye City, the Sighing City and the Cyan Allied Forces competed on the land of Yongye. Will, the commander-in-chief of the City of Sighs army, caused great losses to the cyan coalition forces, and plunged the cyan coalition forces into the quagmire of war that could have successfully occupied Eternal Night.

But Will exposed his headquarters to the cyan coalition's intelligence network.

According to reliable intelligence, Will is hiding on the third floor of this soul-eating tomb. An elite group of Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs is stationed here to protect Will's safety.

In order to complete the occupation of Yongye as soon as possible and disrupt the deployment of Sigh City, the cyan coalition decided to arrest Will.

You are the wizards who accepted this mission, and you shoulder the important task of getting the cyan coalition out of crisis.

The undead are mortal, only witchcraft is eternal...]

[Victory conditions: After Will's blood volume drops to one-tenth, use the sealing props to capture Will. 】

[Failure condition: All persons entering the instance die. 】

[Note: Two hours later, reinforcements from the City of Sighs will arrive at the Soul-Eating Tomb, which will trigger an attack from all the Soul-Eating Tomb guards. 】

Da Liang quickly read the mission description of the dungeon, and at the same time, the players around him were teleported one by one.

Then a human knight wearing heavy armor and a barrel-shaped helmet walked up to Da Liang. He took off his helmet and stretched out a hand, introducing himself: "Mr. Liang, I am Yi Jian Guanghan, a human knight. .The team’s MT and command…”

Daliang reached out and held Yi Jian Guanghan together: "Hello, I am Daliang, a human priest. I can do both output and support. I can support you when necessary."

Ha ha ha ha……

Daliang's humor brought everyone closer together.

After getting to know each other, Yijian Guanghan introduced the other members and specialties of this dungeon team to Daliang.

As expected by Daliang, there is no one who can play the game to this level. Regardless of level, skills and equipment, they are far beyond ordinary elite players.

And everyone knows that talking less and interfering less with the captain's command are necessary conditions for maintaining team unity and combat effectiveness.

Therefore, although everyone was very active on the team channel just now, after entering the dungeon, they immediately remained silent, basically listening to Yijian Guanghan's arrangements before officially entering the dungeon.

Yijian Guanghan was not too polite to Daliang. After introducing the team members, he pointed to the entrance to the tomb in the cemetery in the distance and said: "After we rush into the tomb, the countdown to the arrival of reinforcements from the City of Sighs will officially begin.

Below the entrance is a large tomb, which contains three Holy See knights and about a hundred undead monsters. We have gone through this dungeon more than a dozen times, and it is relatively easy to deal with this level. It just takes some time to kill the three mini-bosses.

Then we have to fight towards the second-floor mausoleum. We have found the correct path, but there are many monsters on the road, including elite monsters. It is very time-consuming and tests our cooperation.


At this time, Yijian Guanghan glanced at Da Liang, and then said with a hint: "If everyone obeys the command and everything goes smoothly, we can still reach the second level."

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