Start with an Archangel

Chapter 991 Inspection

Daliang knew that Yi Jian Guanghan's last words were to him, telling him to obey the command and not run around. In this case, the team can still reach the second level of the Soul-Eating Tomb. If Daliang insists on acting like a big boss and goes his own way, then there will be nothing to say...

It doesn't matter where we go... We have done our best to be benevolent and righteous, and there will be nothing easy to do with each other in the future.

Yi Jian Guanghan's words made Daliang, who was originally planning to lead the way, decide not to take the lead. Anyway, they would definitely disagree if he was asked to command, and Daliang couldn't clearly say, "This copy of yours is what I left from my play. I will take you to a shortcut directly." Kill Will.”

Let’s take a look at Yijian Guanghan’s performance first.

Anyway, the purpose of Da Liang's dungeon was not only for experience, but also to examine Yijian Guanghan's ideas.

So Daliang planned to enter the "Capture Will" dungeon this time... and listened to Yijian Guanghan first.

Daliang said: "Captain Yijian, don't worry, after entering the dungeon, I will definitely obey the command."

With Daliang's statement, Yijian Guanghan thought that this copy should be easier.

"Okay, let's enter the cemetery now. Attention all team members, move forward in assault formation. Mr. Liang, we will first attack the three undead heroes at the entrance of the first floor. You first cooperate with our support staff to clean up the mobs and get familiar with us. rhythm."

"OK, I understand?"

Da Liang casually took out a staff and waved it in his hand. The bright colors almost blinded his teammates, and they all vomited: "Mr. Liang is really awesome, this staff must be the best, right?"

"Hahaha, it's just so-so. It just adds intelligence, knowledge, and some extra attributes and skills. I don't usually use them..."

Yijian Guanghan smiled awkwardly: "Let's start taking action!"

Following Yi Jian Guanghan's order, the entire dungeon raiding team immediately started moving.

The undead monsters outside the tomb did not put up any decent resistance, and were rushed to the entrance of the Soul-Eating Tomb by this top dungeon strategy team.

Then Yi Jian Guanghan took the lead and rushed into the underground layer after his teammates cast multiple status magics on him. Other team members rushed in one after another, and Daliang was the last one to enter the Soul-Eating Tomb.

After revisiting Daliang's old place and reaching the underground level, he saw that the team members had been divided into groups to attack the three undead heroes.

The three Holy See knights were restrained two-on-one, and the other three players used their fastest speed to clean up the undead monsters in the tomb.

Since it is a dungeon, the monsters inside are very low in intelligence. The sound produced by the battle in the tomb can only attract nearby monsters, but not alarm all the undead in the entire tomb.

Moreover, the strength of the dungeon monster is really much weaker than the real Soul-Eating Tomb that Daliang has experienced.

But even the weakened monsters caused a lot of trouble to Yi Jian Guanghan and the others. They could beat them, but it would take a lot of time.

Especially the three knights of the Holy See, although they have lost their intelligence, they retain their fighting skills. It's not the kind of monster that can be killed as long as the tank is deployed and other personnel only provide support and output. Dealing with such a small boss with advanced combat skills will test the coordination of a team and the level of commanders.

Da Liang used ordinary magic and three other spell-casting professional players to quickly clean up the ordinary monsters in the tomb. At the same time, he observed whether the various abilities displayed by Yi Jian Guanghan were in line with the evaluation of him by the Eye of Insight.

Knights are heavy-armored professions with very high defense. However, after the players' specialties and skill levels are formed, they will begin to tend to their own characteristics in terms of equipment matching.

For example, Shu Xiao is a human knight, and he used to run around wearing heavy armor. But after developing into the air, they began to wear lightweight light armor.

Yijian Guanghan is developed in the direction of a heavily armored knight, with high defense and high attack, but is lacking in agility. Therefore, in addition to learning magic that can speed up himself, Yi Jian Guanghan also learned the skill of summoning magic pets.

This time Yi Jian Guanghan entered the tomb and summoned an armored war bear for himself. Two meters tall at the shoulders, with black fur and dark brown steel armor.

Then Yi Jian Guanghan rode on the back of the war bear and galloped back and forth in the small tomb to implement tactical control of the field.

Tactics and combat awareness are in line with the standards of a top player.

When Daliang was inspecting Yijian Guanghan, Yijian Guanghan was also observing Daliang.

Daliang has been famous since the beginning of the game, and then appeared on national channels and world channels a series of times, making him an iconic figure that can represent the Chinese gaming area.

Due to Daliang's outstanding performance in the game, Insight Eye did not even include him in the evaluation rankings of various rankings, but listed him separately.

However, in Yi Jian Guanghan's eyes, Daliang's current performance does not seem to be as strong as rumored...

Of course, the equipment, levels, and combat skills are also top-notch. It's just that Yijian Guanghan's expectations for this benchmark in China's gaming area were a little too high, so he was a little disappointed when he saw it this time.

But it’s right to think about it... The reason why Daliang is famous is because of his commanding ability in various wars.

A good commander is not necessarily a good warrior.

This is probably the case for Da Liang.

After thinking about it, I will look at Daliang, and his individual combat power is still very good. With accurate positioning and accurate casting, he is enough to be the main output in his own team.

Soon after the mobs in the tomb were cleared, three spellcasting professions blocked the three passages to block the monsters that came over after hearing the sound of fighting.

Da Liang joined the siege of the three Holy See knights.

Then, Yi Jian Guanghan immediately felt the ferocious damage of Da Liang's spell.

Just when the mobs were being cleared, four professional spellcasting players were flying with spells, and various range magics overlapped. Yijian Guanghan didn't notice the power of Da Liang's spell attack, but he still felt that the mobs were being cleared much faster than before.

This time Da Liang started to attack the boss, and the terrifying spell attack effect was revealed.

too strong!

Daliang took over a Holy See knight from Yi Jian Guanghan. He could fight one alone without any assistance.

Only then did the team members understand that what Daliang just said, "Be able to deal damage, be able to assist, and be able to resist when necessary" was not a joke, this guy can really do it.

The defense brought by high defense spells allows Da Liang to easily withstand the attacks of the Holy See Knights; high magic enhances the effect of healing spells and can greatly increase the reduced blood volume.

Then there is the control of magic that can easily confuse the boss-level Holy See Knight, followed by a series of magic attacks. When necessary, Daliang can also use magic-shaped weapons to fight and kill.

He is obviously a human priest, but he behaves like a warrior.

This situation reminded Yijian Guanghan of the future career prediction post he posted not long ago.

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