Start with an Archangel

Chapter 992 Second Floor

In order to maintain his position as the number one player in the game, Shi Fei has always maintained a certain degree of exposure. Every experience post he publishes on the forum must be the most popular one for clicks and reposts.

In a heroic world where heroes emerge in large numbers, Shi Fei can maintain his current status. In addition to his own strong strength, it is this selfless shared experience. His various analysis posts and strategy posts have benefited players all over the world and are respected by players all over the world.

Recently, Shi Fei made a bold prediction about future careers in a prediction post based on changes in player strength at the current stage, his own experience, and data obtained from NPCs.

It is a player and hero. After their own strength reaches a certain level, the spell-casting profession will have powerful physical offensive and defensive capabilities, and the physical profession will also cast extremely powerful spells.

The boundaries of professions will gradually become blurred, and heroes will have various functions at the same time to adapt to combat in various situations.

As soon as Shi Fei's post came out, it immediately triggered heated discussions from all parties. Some supported Shi Fei's guess, while others believed that this was impossible, and that no matter how good a magician was, he could not become a powerful warrior.

What the future hero will become, Yijian Guanghan doesn't know yet. However, he used to do his best to enhance his physical offense and defense, but after reaching a certain stage, he had to enhance his ability on the magic side.

For example, he can now use magic to enhance his speed and summon magic mounts.

This seems to confirm Shi Fei's fable, but magic is just an auxiliary for Yi Jian Guanghan. He still follows the physical attack route and has never thought about using magic as his main attack method.

But now Da Liang has done it.

As a priest, he put on a body-protecting stone skin, a body-protecting aegis, a fire aegis, an ice armor... and then he could withstand the attack of a terrifying knight hero head-on. At the same time, you can use the Blazing Spear to exchange blood face to face with the opponent.

Not only Yi Jian Guang Han, but also other team members have never seen any player do this during battle.

Is Daliang still a human priest?

Of course, he just proved the speculation...

Physical classes and spellcasting classes can really blur the lines.

A door seems to be opening in front of all the players at this moment, and Daliang is undoubtedly a pioneer who has already started. His experience is the most valuable asset to these advanced players.

Yijian Guanghan was already thinking about how to learn from Daliang after this instance ended.

But... do the task first...

With the help of Daliang, a powerful mage, the dungeon guide team solved this small level at the entrance to the tomb faster this time.

In order to have a good relationship with Daliang, Yijian Guanghan decided to do his best to take the team further this time.

The team that completed the first small level of the "Capture Will" copy immediately walked into the depths of the mausoleum after a brief repair.

The first level of the dungeon is very familiar to Yijian Guanghan. The correct path has been found in previous dungeon guides, so naturally he will not waste time on some side roads.

With Daliang, a comprehensive and powerful mage, the team can clear monsters faster. After getting familiar with each other and cooperating well, the team can move faster.

It took one hour and thirty-five minutes to reach the entrance on the second floor below.

The best result achieved by Yijian Guanghan and the others was just reaching this point after running out of time for two hours.

This is a new record.

The team members were very happy to be able to enter the second level, but they were also regretful because the remaining twenty-five minutes seemed not to allow them to go further.

The monsters on the second level are definitely more powerful than those on the first level, and the path is also unknown, so everything needs to be explored slowly.

But no matter what, being able to enter the second level is a breakthrough in the dungeon strategy.

Yijian Guanghan stood at the entrance, gathered the people together and said: "We can get here only because of Mr. Liang's efforts. The rest of the time is earned by us. How far can we go on the second floor? Do your best, but you must kill a big boss for Mr. Liang."

Da Liang knew that Yi Jian Guanghan was thinking about the promise of the last boss, so he smiled and said: "Okay, let's kill a big boss!"

After replenishing his status, Yi Jian Guanghan, who had the strongest defense in the team, took the lead in entering the second floor.

Other team members enter one after another.

The second floor of the Soul-Eating Tomb has not changed much in structure. There are a large number of undead monsters stationed in the tomb of the same size. The three Holy See Knights are the bosses here.

Yi Jian Guanghan withstood the monster's first attack, and summoned a war bear to rush out of a landing place. After the other team members came down, they immediately attacked the monsters here.

Da Liang continued to perform at the first level. When there is protection, use magic attacks in a regular manner; when you lose protection, strengthen yourself physically and participate in close combat.

Facing the monsters with increased strength, Yijian Guanghan's team still maintained a very high level of professionalism. With the assistance of auxiliary support teammates, the high-defense personnel withstood the attacks of the three Holy See knights. The other personnel quickly cleared away the mobs and controlled the passage to prevent the undead monsters from interfering with the attack on the three bosses.

Twenty-five minutes passed very quickly. When the team had just cleared the fourth tomb, the countdown to the arrival of reinforcements from the City of Sighs ended, and a large undead army marched towards the Soul-Eating Tomb.

At this time, the team members are besieging the mini-boss in this level - a lich.

Yi Jian Guanghan said: "It will take about five minutes before the army of Sigh City enters the tomb and sounds the alarm. Let's kill this boss as soon as possible and retreat..."

When the team members accelerated the attack rhythm, Yi Jian Guanghan said to Daliang: "I'm really sorry, we can only go so far this time. After our strength can match that of Mr. Liang, we should be able to try to get through this Copy."

Daliang asked at this time: "After the reinforcements from Sighing City arrive, does it mean that our dungeon strategy has failed?"

Yijian Guanghan said: "Of course not... The condition for the failure of the dungeon is that all of us die, or we leave the dungeon voluntarily. It's just that after the Sighing City reinforcements enter the Soul-Eating Tomb, an alarm will be sounded, and then the entire defense team in the Soul-Eating Tomb will Troops and reinforcements will attack.

We simply could not withstand the attack of so many heroes and armies, and the final result was total annihilation and failure.

Although there is no loss in dying in the dungeon, it is psychologically uncomfortable, so we basically clean up the battlefield and exit after the Sighing City reinforcements arrive. "

After listening to Yi Jian Guanghan's words, Daliang smiled and said: "Since the arrival of Sigh City reinforcements is not a condition for failure, will you be willing to accompany me to fight all the way there this time?"

"Kill them all the way?" Yi Jian Guanghan thought about the scene where the monsters in the entire dungeon were besieging them, and asked, "Just us to kill them?"

Da Liang took out the Angel Alliance and knocked the still alive Lich down to the ground with a split-air slash, and then said: "Kill him like this!"

I originally wanted to write as much as possible while traveling, so I only announced it at the end of the chapter. As a result, I was as tired as a dog...and then I stopped working for two days.

Please understand.

Disclaimer: Archangel as a whole, including the ending, has been fully conceived and will not be eunuchs.

It’s just that at this stage, you have to consider the plot before and after, which is the most difficult time to write, so please don’t rush for updates, it’s very stressful.

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