Start with an Archangel

Chapter 996 Martial Arts Era

"Do I have to join the Judgment Legion?" Yijian Guanghan asked.

Daliang said: "This is not a necessary condition... You can form your own team, or join a legion or a guild. As long as you are able to perform camp tasks without holding back other priests, you can join the 'Myth'."

Yijian Guanghan's eyes trembled.

It was obviously too late to form a team on my own, but joining other legions and guilds... might as well join the world's top Judgment Legion, there was no choice at all.

"It seems that if you want to join the 'Myth', you must join the 'Judgment Legion'!"

Seeing Yijian Guanghan's hesitation, Daliang stepped up to introduce the benefits of joining the Judgment Legion: "Now that the plane war has broken out, the situation will change in a complicated way. When the level rises slowly and the player's strength is getting closer, the information will be obtained Ability will determine who can maintain the leading position in the future battle rankings.

Intelligence can keep you one step ahead, and a support team can help you complete tasks efficiently.

Like this copy...

As you may have guessed, I participated in the actual battle to capture Will. And you can only open up the dungeons generated by my plot missions. Even if you clear the dungeon, the rewards will be much less than mine.

My achievements are because I have the support of the Judgment Legion and the College Alliance. Tens of thousands of players solve trivial yet important tasks and provide me with funds and resources. The global intelligence network keeps me informed of the latest happenings in the entire game.

This way, I can focus most of my time on the tasks I need to complete.

War is not like a dungeon. If the dungeon cannot be defeated once, you can sum up your experience and fight again. Opportunities on the battlefield are fleeting. Whoever has the most timely intelligence and whose auxiliary team is the most effective will gain more in this plane war. many.

In peacetime, you can occupy a place in the rankings based on your own strength, but as the war period extends, can you still maintain your current ranking in the combat power rankings?

Should you let others fight the dungeon generated by your plot mission, or should you continue to conquer the dungeon generated by other people's plot mission?

I guess it's an easy choice, right? "

When Daliang planned to recruit Yi Jian Guanghan, he slowly showed his familiarity with this dungeon and demonstrated his ability to surpass advanced players.

All this was seen in Yi Jian Guanghan's eyes. Although he didn't say anything, he was extremely shocked in his heart.

The gap is really too big.

And even now, when he is about to clear the entire dungeon, Yijian Guanghan still doesn't feel the joyful feeling he had after clearing the level before.

The source of everything is...this is what is left over from other people's play. Naturally, there is no sense of accomplishment in giving and receiving.

It is estimated that Yi Jian Guanghan will have a lingering shadow when he conquers new dungeons in the future.

And what Daliang said is right. In peacetime, it is suitable to fight steadily, and strength is directly proportional to effort. But during war, more emphasis is placed on seizing opportunities, whether they can seize them when they come, whether the intelligence is accurate and timely, and whether the team is efficient and strong.

These are not things that Yijian Guanghan possesses.

If he continues on his current path, exploring and playing dungeons, he will definitely be overtaken by those upstarts from the war.

Now Da Liang has opened two doors for Yi Jian Guang Han: Judgment Legion and Myth.

As soon as you walk in, you can join the highest plot of the game, and there will be a mature and professional team to serve you.

Yijian Guanghan is confident that with these resources, it will not be a problem to break into the top 100 with his own abilities...

"Okay!" Yijian Guanghan finally convinced himself: "I can join the Judgment Legion, and can I name my team?"

"Of course." Yijian Guanghan's willingness to join the Judgment Legion made Daliang very happy: "I will establish your combat group now, with an independent command system directly under the legion commander.

Commander Yijian Guanghan, what are you going to name your own battle group? "

Yi Jian Guanghan said: "Martial Arts Era!"

"The Era of Martial Arts..." Daliang repeated it, remembering what was being done in the big tomb of the Bone Burial Ground, and said, "I believe we can join hands to open a new era."

Daliang used his authority to establish a separate combat group named "Martial Arts Era" among the subordinate establishments of the Judgment Legion, and then recruited Yi Jian Guanghan and appointed him as the leader of the "Martial Arts Era" group.

"I have handed over the management authority of the 'Martial Arts Era' to you..." After some operations on the command panel of the Judgment Legion, Daliang said: "About joining the 'Mythology'... the commander of the 'Mythology' Chang'e will contact you."

Yijian Guanghan had entered the legion channel and looked at the permissions he had obtained. After hearing Daliang talking about joining the Shinhwa, he asked: "Who is Chang'e? What responsibilities do you have in the Shinhwa?"

Daliang smiled and said: "In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the camp confrontation teams all use code names. It is also an unwritten rule not to inquire about each other's identities. So... in the future, even if you know who is behind the code name, don't do it casually Exposed.”

Yijian Guanghan nodded: "I understand."

"Will is inside. He has entered a state that can be sealed. You can go inside and arrest him to end this dungeon."

Yi Jian Guanghan responded and walked towards the hole made by Daliang.

At this time, Daliang contacted Shu Xiao: "I have recruited a new priest for 'Mythology', please step forward to accept it."

"A new guy is here? Isn't he awesome?"

"It's just Yi Jian Guanghan. Haven't you wanted to recruit him into the 'Myth' for a long time?"

Shu Xiao replied: "But didn't you say... that he doesn't have his own team and can't do camp tasks alone?"

Daliang said: "If he joins our Judgment Legion, won't he have his own team? I just played a dungeon with Yijian Guanghan. His awareness and strength are great. The key is that he has a flexible mind and a good character. .

I have been thinking about forming a high-level battle group during this period, and this time I fell in love with Yi Jian Guanghan and his dungeon strategy team.

If you go to the legion channel, you can see the organization I gave them, called ‘Martial Arts Era’. Later, tell Sister Man and ask her to prepare the contracts for these people, and then organize them to visit our Legion Building.

Now that the base camp plane is seizing the resources of the main world, the credit crisis will trigger all conflicts among players, and major legions and guilds are actively involved in the war.

Reduced resources and interests will shatter the peace maintained by the player group, and we will experience more battles in the future.

Soon... we are about to fight with other top legions in a plane war with real swords and guns. "

Shu Xiao was very happy: "Are we going to fight again?"

Da Liang withdrew from the copy for unknown reasons. He appeared on the wasteland outside Yongye City, looked at the gray sky, and murmured: "There is going to be a war..."

Thanks to the dual leaders of the Yijianguang Cambrian Dao Era.

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