Start with an Archangel

Chapter 997 Level 50

When Daliang and Shu Xiao were discussing how to strengthen the "Martial Arts Era" group, Yijian Guanghan's private message came over.

"Mr. Liang, the copy of 'Capture Will' has been completed. As expected, this is an ultrabook... Now we are the only ones in the entire game who can clear the ultrabook.

My brothers and I are going to upload the clearance video to the official website of Eye of Insight for review. If nothing else happens, I will be ranked first in the world in the dungeon strategy rankings. "

As a member of the dungeon strategy team, Daliang didn't want to expose too many things about himself to the public. He replied: "Remove my name...'Capturing Will' is indeed a very difficult dungeon. The president of the Cyan Alliance Wizards Guild personally participated in the operation to capture Will.

I guess the nightmare level copy is Will's true strength.

Hmm... Actually, we can't defeat the difficult level dungeon. Will's strength is too strong. If I hadn't surpassed Will in terms of attributes this time, there would be nothing I could do against him. "

"Okay, I'll erase your name." Yi Jian Guanghan operated on the dungeon clearance interface and said: "This time playing the dungeon with Mr. Liang was really eye-opening. It turns out that after reaching a certain level of strength, the game You can still play like this. It seems that only when we reach Mr. Liang’s level can we consider the difficult level of ‘Capturing Will’.”

Now that Yijian Guanghan has joined the Judgment Legion, Daliang doesn't mind imparting some of his game experience. He said: "I also read the post about Feishaozushi... Yes, as the player's level and skills increase, spell casting, The blurring of the physics profession is definitely a major trend.

When fighting, players will no longer be fixed on a single duty. Melee physical professions must be proficient in at least one series of magic. If you like to adventure alone, I suggest you major in water magic enhancement assistance. Most of the ice magic derived from water magic has a freezing deceleration effect.

If you have a fixed team, such as ‘Martial Era’ and ‘Myth’. Especially when doing camp missions in 'Myth', this kind of combat behind enemy lines requires you to have a very high movement speed. I recommend you to master the air magic. The air-bending magic in air magic can reduce the damage caused by long-range weapons to you; the later flying magic can make you fly.

Electric magic derived from air magic can increase your long-range attack methods.

Especially the door to another dimension in air magic... If you want to go higher in the game in the future, all advanced players must master a kind of space magic. The Gate of Different Dimensions should be the most practical space magic among many space magics, but because it is a fifth-level magic, it consumes a relatively large amount of mana.

The magic power of the melee profession is not high. Being proficient in air magic can speed up the time of casting spells and reduce the cost of casting spells. "

Here, Daliang made an important knowledge point.

Among the high-level NPC heroes that Daliang came into contact with, many heroes were proficient in space-based skills and spells, and the 16th-level heroes could open space doors at will.

Regardless of the skill of these heroes opening doors, it means that space magic is something that a high-level hero must master.

Moreover, from the fact that all four magic series have space magic and can all derive space skills, we can see the importance of this skill.

There is the gate of time and space in the earth magic; there is teleportation in the water magic; there is the door to another dimension in the air magic; and there is the flow of light and shadow in the fire magic.

It's just that the levels of these magics are very high, and most players haven't had access to them yet, so they haven't attracted enough attention.

What Daliang said to Yijian Guanghan this time will undoubtedly help him avoid many detours in his future explorations. You must know that skill books in the heroic world are very rare. Once you make a mistake, it is very difficult to turn back to the right path.

Moreover, Daliang focuses on the air magic, hoping that he can become an excellent team battle commander instead of a lone ranger.

These things are very simple principles for Daliang, but they are very precious experiences for Yijian Guanghan. He has always been very hesitant in choosing skills. He has been learning a little bit here and there about magic, but he has never decided which department he should specialize in. This time, with Daliang's guidance, Yijian Guanghan directly shared his skill panel and asked Daliang to give him some advice.

Da Liang was not polite and directly gave his own opinions on the direction of Yijian Guanghan's skill refinement based on his characteristics and his knowledge of the game.

During this period, Yijian Guanghan also completed the handover of the task of "Capturing Will" in Yongye City.

A massive amount of experience was instantly injected into Daliang's experience bar. The bonus for being the first to clear the level and the mission reward shared by Yi Jian Guanghan filled up the last part of Daliang's experience bar.

A gorgeous brilliance burst out of the body...

[Congratulations on becoming the first player to reach level 50. Your journey as a hero will officially begin... During the calculation of the hero's main mission, please answer the following questions. 】

[Which of your main skills do you hope to be promoted to "Master Level"? 】

Ever since he obtained the Flame Commandery, Daliang has been paying attention to where there are master-level fire magic skill books. However, in a game where high-level skill books are very scarce, master-level skill books are simply unheard of, let alone unseen.

After seeing the prompts given by the system after reaching level 50, Daliang finally understood.

Just like the ship design he studied, external forces could only enable him to become a senior ship designer. If you want to become a master of ship design, you must break through yourself and complete the design of a battleship alone.

As a result, there is no possibility for other skills to be promoted to master through external force, and they can only take the path of self-breakthrough.

Daliang didn't hesitate at all when it came to the system's inquiries.

Choose - Advanced Fire Magic!

The leader of the flames has the attribute of fire magic skill +1. Having learned master-level fire magic is equivalent to mastering law-level fire magic. Although it is said to be a pseudo-law level, it can still compete with level 16 heroes.

[Do you think you are inclined toward good or evil? 】

There is no neutral option!

However, Daliang felt that he was doing well in the evil camp, so he chose - evil!

[Please give your own explanation of divine power...]

Based on the current progress of the game, you can guess that the late stage of the plane war will be the arrival of god-level heroes, and the heroic world will enter the era of theocracy. The purpose of this question...should be to test which god the player is suitable to work under.

This is not an easy answer... because I don’t know what God will be like in the future at all now?

Moreover, I am currently in charge of the project to open the divine plane, and I will definitely have to mix with the gods I summoned or created by then!

How to answer?

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