"Jingle bells!"

"Hey, Wenlong."

"Tianqi, I just received news that Lei Rong appeared in the Lei family's villa, I estimate that the Lei family may have to take some action."

When Zhang Tianqi heard Wen Long's words, he said lightly:

"There will be an end to my affair with Lei Rong, Wen Long, send me the address where Lei Rong is in a while."

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Tianqi muttered:

"Now that I have the ability to stealth, even if I am careless, I will not have any handle left, it's time to act, Lei Rong, wait for me!"

There is a villa of the same style next to the Lei family's villa, and few people in Samsung City know that this villa is also the Lei family's.

In the villa, Lei Rong was smoking, his face was full of unwillingness, and Chen Hongli on the side said softly:

"Brother A Rong, don't be sad, we can go to other cities to live, where no one knows us, how good."


"Stinky bitch, since I got on you, Lao Tzu's bad luck has not broken, you are a broom star, damn it, a hole of obscure water!"

Chen Hongli covered her face, looking aggrieved, but did not dare to complain in the slightest.

At this moment, a strange scene suddenly happened, and I saw the ashtray on the table in front of Lei Rong suddenly floated up, and without warning, all the cigarette butts and ashes inside were poured on Lei Rong's head.

This strange scene made the two scream, and Chen Hongli kept retreating as if she had seen a ghost.

And Lei Rong patted the cigarette ash on his head while constantly looking around.

"Who? Who the hell is doing the ghost? Give me out!

At this time, a dinner knife on the dining table not far away flew up out of thin air and flew directly towards Chen Hongli.

Such a scene completely stimulated Chen Hongli, her eyes were full of panic, and finally she fainted straight.

Lei Rong turned around and prepared to flee the villa, at this moment, the dinner knife changed direction, wiped Lei Rong's face and flew out, sticking to the wall.

At this time, Zhang Tianqi's figure slowly appeared, which frightened Lei Rong.

"You... How are you... It's not that you're not dead... You're dead...... Are you a ghost? That's impossible...... I didn't hurt you, you let me go...!

Facing the stammering Lei Rong, Zhang Tianqi slowly walked to the other party and said lightly:

"Lei Rong, do you remember the scene on the seaside, I almost drowned in the sea, and almost really fed the fish."

"Yes... Sorry, I was wrong, you let me go, as long as you let me go, I give you money, lots and lots of money!

Zhang Tianqi leaned his head forward and said with a smile:

"Lei Rong, I think it's better for you to leave this world, you say?"

As the words fell, a dagger as thin as a cicada wing appeared in Zhang Tianqi's hand, and slowly stabbed into Lei Rong's heart.

"Whaa Nibbling...... Don't kill... I!

"Come, relax, take a deep breath, and you'll be fine in a moment!"

Lei Rong clearly felt that his heart was pierced, and that helplessness and fear made Lei Rong's eyes widen and he couldn't die!

Everything was unaware of until Chen Hongli woke up and found that Lei Rong was dead, and she was afraid and called the police.

However, no clues were detected at the scene, and no one was photographed around the villa entering it.

At this moment, Chen Hongli naturally became the number one suspect, because before and after the surveillance video of the villa, only Lei Rong and Chen Hongli entered the villa, and there was no one else.

But Chen Hongli's statement made everyone feel creepy.

What suddenly floated ashtray, the dinner knife that would fly by itself, all of this made Li Yanran feel that there was a big problem.

Even though Li Yanran believed what Chen Hongli said, but without any evidence, Chen Hongli was finally sent to a psychiatric hospital to determine whether she was mentally abnormal.

In the end, it was concluded that Chen Hongli was mentally normal, so in the end, Lei Rong's death could only be placed on his head.

Chen Hongli, who originally yearned for a better life, did not expect that she would become a murderer in the end.

At this moment, Chen Hongli shed tears of remorse, and she remembered Zhang Tianqi's meticulous care for her at that time and the emotion that loved her to the bone.

Every time she thought of the strange floating ashtray and the knife, Chen Hongli felt creepy.

It's a pity that everything can't go back!


Lei Yihong mobilized all the funds of the Lei family, busy wanting to finally fight for the Lei group and let the Lei family stand tall.

But at this time, the news of Lei Rong's death reached Lei Yihong's ears.


Lei Yihong's whole person took several steps backwards, and roared in disbelief:

"No, this is impossible, my son has left Sanxing City, he can't die, he can't die!"

"Chairman, you mourn, just now there was news from the police station, Lei Gongzi has indeed gone."

"Don't say it, me, get me out!"


The huge bookcase was directly moved to the ground by Lei Yihong, and the entire office was in a mess.

"Ahhh... Wen Long, it must have been done by Wen Long, I want my Lei family industry, and I want my Lei family to die, I want you not to die well. At

this moment, Lei Yihong, who no longer had any worries, no longer had the idea of keeping the Lei Group, because his Lei family was dead.

"Hey, Scarface, pick some loyal people, bring more guys, and wait for me near the Kain Hotel."

In a hidden factory in Samsung City, a round face with a burn mark on his face makes people look frightened.

Scarface put down the phone, and said with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes:

"It seems that the fish is going to die and the net is broken, since this is the case, let's play bigger."

"Mule, pick more than ten loyal brothers, bring the guys, grenades too, follow me!"

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